

1. Maize(Zea mays..L);osmotic stress; xylem sap;alternative split-root; free amino acid; protein.


2. The correlation coefficient between plama ADH and urine-palsma osmotic pressure ratio was 0.86(P<0.05) in patients with DI.

DI组确诊后一周内平均尿血渗透压值与血浆抗利尿激素水平有密切相关性 (相关系数r=0 86 ,P <0 0 5 )。

3. The diagnosis of SIADH depends on hyponatremia,urine osmotic pressure is higher than blood osmetic pressure,and antidiuretic hormone(ADH) secretion and blood volume increase.


4. An osmotic agent is added to the composition for use in attracting salt-water aquatic animals.


5. In general the negative pressure potential of the xylem is equal to the water potential of the surrounding cells minus the osmotic potential that the solutes dissolved in the xylem sap creates.


6. For sandwiched osmotic tablet system (SOTs), since its two drug layers are attached to middle push layer from two sides, it dose not need side identification in the drilling process either.


7. The osmotic pressure of the aqueous extracts as also in the sequence of the treatment air-dried plant>clipped plant>whole plant, and increased with increasing concentration and treating time.


8. The mechanism of sperms tail curl assay experiment is identical with that of hypo osmotic swelling test,but the experiment conditions such as inonic concentration and osmotic are different.


9. Professor, Institute of Botany, Chinese Academy of Science. Molecular mechanism of plant response to osmotic stress.


10. Its vivid characteristics is that it has abundant educational content, various educational approach, osmotic educational method, acceptive educatee and dependent educational effect .


11. Frankincense is a kind of colophony, have intense osmotic reach slow nerve action.


12. Some factors had been tested about their effects on somatic embryogenesis in this research, such as genotype, developmental stage ,culture condition ,plant growth regulator and osmotic potential.


13. Osmotic dehydration of asparagus lettuce was studied by tracking down the rate of water loss and the rate of solid gain under different factor.


14. Bacteria are less easily destroyed by osmotic action than animal cells because their cell walls are constructed in a totally different way, which makes them very much less permeable.


15. Having the lower osmotic pressure of two fluids.


16. Somatic-cell embryo,transformed from somatic cell into structure similar to zygotic embryo [1-3], is largely effected by osmotic pressure.


17. Based on erythrocytes senile model in vivo, which developed by using antibody to induce acute homolysis of RBC, the authurs studied the change of osmotic fragility oferythrocytes.


18. Group 4 was freshly collected erythrocytes used as normal controls. ATP, 2, 3-DPG, morphology scores, MCV, osmotic fragility, and hemoglobin content of RBC in four groups were measured.


19. The microstructure and porosity of the deposited metal can be systematically manipulated by the use of osmotic pressure.


20. Temperature and vacuity rising can enhance osmotic flux visibly.


21. The monophasic models include secretion theory, electro-osmotic theory, osmotic theory and osmotic standing gradient theories.


22. Kaushal A M, Garg S. An update on osmotic drug delivery patents[J]. Pharma Tech,(2003) 27:88, 38.


23. All dose of allicin had effect on the increase of erythrocyte osmotic fragility and the decrease of erythrocyte membrane fluidity, but no significance was detected.


24. The activity of disaccharide enzyme in the epidermis of intestine is letdown, to affect the absorption of lactose and other disaccharide. The disaccharide increasing to raise the osmotic pressure,and cause water diarrhea.


25. The results showed that ultrasound field can enhance mass transfer during osmotic dehydration of carrot,water losses rates constant and solid g...


26. The monitoring project of Zhouning Hydropower station underground plant and water intake system including monitoring of the surrounding rock deformation,bolt stress,osmotic pressure and joint.


27. Constituting 60% of total plasma protein, and with low molecular weight, albumin contributes about 80% of the colloid osmotic pressure.


28. Since infrared rays, due to their long waves, are less prone to scattering by corpuscles compared to ultraviolet rays or visible light waves, they exhibit efficient osmotic effects.


29. Consequently, the character that information productivity shows also extraordinary, it is had fictitious sex, diffusible, osmotic the most apparent feature that waits for information age.


30. Based on the study, the influence of mPEG modification on cell structure and function was observed, including osmotic fragility, hemolysis, AchE, cholesterol, ATP, 2,3-DPG, deformability and morphology.


31. The mechanical model of cell poking was built based on detailed osmotic characteristics analysis.


32. The external force, principal tension of cell wall and turgor of cell all decrease with increasing of the osmotic time.


33. Under osmotic stress,exogenous Spd treatment inhibited the decrease of NCC-Spd level in Yedan 13 and enhanced its tolerance to stress.


34. If the body's sodium content is too high, the blood sodium and water due to osmotic pressure changes, infiltrated into the tissue space in the formation of edema.


35. It has high-tech sex, osmotic, substantivity, fictitious sex, global characteristic.


36. Flax seeds were planted in germination bed with clear sand mixing with sucrose solution of-9.2bar osmotic concentration. According to germination per- centage may be appraised using capability of water to seeds under stress of water.


37. The three pathways of urine formation; Glomerular filtration and The influencing factors of glomerular filtration; Osmotic diuresis and glomerulotubular balance; Function and regulation of ADH.


38. Industrial efflucnt,sewage,dripping and osmotic liquid of all kinds of solid junk and life rubbish are chief factors to pollute water.


39. The main process improvements were two-stage filtration, total filtrate recyling, application of filtration aids, solvent recovery with osmotic membrane,room temperature dewaxing, etc.


40. The main process improvements were two-stage filtration, total filtrate recyling, application of filtration aids, solvent recovery with osmotic membrane, room temperature dewaxing, etc.


41. We measured and analyzed the electrophoretic mobility,osmotic fragility,membrane fluidity,fourier-transform infrared(FT-IR) spectrometer and viscoelastic properties of pDCs,imDCs and mDCs by microrheogical methods.


42. Be urgent! Does osmotic dermatitis cause eczema how is infection to return a responsibility?


43. There is a logical gap in our derivation of the osmotic pressure.


44. Water intoxication - sudden intake of large amount of free water by excessive drinking causes acute hyponatremia, i.e., sudden decrease of Na concentration in the serum. The osmotic pressure ...


45. The dimethachlon-resistant mutants had a weaker capacity of producing sclerotia and were more sensitive to osmotic pressure than their parents and carbendazim resistant isolates.


46. Standard form of pitzer model, extended pitzer model, clegg-pitzer model and BET model parameters for the binary system Mn(NO3)2-H2O were obtained by fitting experimental osmotic coefficient at 298.15 K.


47. The isolation of protoplast,being the first step in protoplast technique,was restricted by several factors such as the resource materials,enzyme combination and osmotic condition.


48. It is deduced that the change of osmotic fragility may be related to the changes of the membrane structure and the geometric shapes (the ratios of surface areas tovolumes) of RBCs during their aging.


49. Abstract: Objective:To investigate the changes in plasma colloidal osmotic pressures and blood rheology during hemodflution with 4% Gelofusine.

摘 要: 目的:观察胶体溶液血定安在扩容时血浆胶体渗透浓度及血液流变学的变化。

50. Abstract Proline is thought to be a compatible osmolyte which can help plants and bacteria to tolerate osmotic stress.

摘要 脯氨酸被认为是植物和细菌内的一种相容渗透剂,有助于植物和细菌抵御渗透胁迫。

51. Reviewed the advances in the research of drought resistance in Sorghum on the recent studies of the morphologic resistance, osmotic tolerance and photosynthesis.


52. Squash (Cucurbita pepo L.) seedlings were exposed to different low temperature-light regimes to investigate the responses of osmotic adjustment.


53. The physiological responses and their correlations of Populus hopeiensis leaves during PEG osmotic stress were investigated in this paper.


54. Membrane ultrafiltration of macromolecular solutions is usually analyzed with the gel polarization model, the osmotic pressure model, and the resistance-in-series model.


55. Osmotic psychological education is a gradual and unnoticeable but effective way to promote the students' psychological health.


56. Osmotic distillation is a novel concentration technique that combines the distillation with osmosis.


57. The results from pot experiment showed that the drought tolerance mechanism of osmotic regulation and antioxidation was all found in sorghum and maize seedlings.


58. The physiological effects of chive plug seedlings subjected to water stress, roots activity, photosynthetic pigments, osmotic adjustment and reactive oxygen were studied in this experiment.


59. Proline is thought to be a compatible osmolyte which can help plants and bacteria to tolerate osmotic stress.


60. The Advances in the effects of NaCl stress on photosynthesis in plant were reviewed including photosynthetic organs, photosynthetic process, antioxidative system and contents of osmotic regulation.


61. This article reviews the research progress on drought resistance of H. ammodendron including morphology, photosynthesis, water content, protective enzymes and osmotic regulation.


62. Methods The pig skin was treated with negative pressure by a self-made device to remove the blistered epidermis,then dermal cells were removed by ion detergent with osmotic pressure gradient effects.


63. Methods:The release rate of ambroxol HCl osmotic pump controlled release tablets in various mediums was observed.


64. Methods Blood samples were obtained from ANP rats for hemorrheologic examination and erythrocyte osmotic fragility test.


65. Methods The number of nocturia, the nocturia output, the osmotic pressure of nocturia and the nocturia excretion of Na+ .


66. The formation of landscape design proposal is a complex ideation, many of designing steps which are overlapped, osmotic, undistinguishable may carry out at the same time.


67. The maximum temperature that a cell can tolerate depends on the health of the cell, the initial osmotic stress and the stress that occurs in the growth phase.


68. Somebody disapproves of applied hormone, think vein block is blood stream suffocate suffocate, vein presses heighten, make blood-vessel osmotic increase, disable with hormone.


69. A comparative study on surface structure and osmotic fragility and microviscosity of erythrocyte membrane of aged rat and blood stagnancy model rat has been made and reportcd in this paper.


70. Finally, the effect of osmotic stress on fermentability was also discussed.


71. Using osmotic method in testing the soil-water characteristic curve of the granite residual soil,the paper introduces the steps of the experiment in detail,and points out the matters need attention.


72. Different materials have different osmotic pressure.The reverse osmosis method to adopt larger osmotic pressures is used to obtain the purpose to separate, extract, purify and condense.


73. After the sauna body will emit a lot of sweat, temporarily reduce the weight, in fact, osmotic pressure and obesity by the results, just from a body of water.


74. The atmospheric pollutant are mainly gram-positive coccus and bacillus.The dominant part is occupied by Penicillium for Martin's fungi and high osmotic pressure-resistant fungi.


75. The crystal osmotic pressures of serum were analyzed at the peak of serum sodium change.


76. Pharmacokinetics of an Implanted Osmotic Pump Delivering Sufentanil for the Treatment of Chronic Pain Fisher DM, et al.


77. The osmotic solute in plantresistance to adverse conditions and progress in relative genic engineering.


78. Plamcell adaPtS to the sait stress through accumulation of osmotic solthes and ionhomeostasis modulation by compartmentalizing Na+ in vacuo1e or activating theeffiux systeIn of Na+.

植物细胞为适应胁迫环境,一方面积累可溶性有机物质; 另一方面,尤其是盐生植物则通过Na~+排除或者区隔化、并调整K~+/Na~+比率的机制来消除Na~+的毒害。

79. Osmotic Regulation of the Plants Under Salt Stress


80. Plants need to have special mechanisms for adjusting internal osmotic conditions and changing of osmotic pressure in the root environment.

