

1. Bark The outermost tissue of the stem and roots in woody plants, on the outside of the phellogen (cork cambium).


2. ORDER BY guarantees a sorted result only for the outermost SELECT statement of a query.

ORDER BY只保证查询的最外面的SELECT语句的排序结果。

3. Many properties of an atom are determined by the outermost electrons.


4. The outermost layer of cuticle of an arthropod exoskeleton, composed mostly of wax.


5. The outermost layer of cuticle of an arthropod exoskeleton is composed mostly of wax.


6. Mandibular angle ramus outermost part of bony plates called bone plate, which is equivalent to masseter muscle attachment surface.


7. Now, however, researchers at Canada's National Research Council in Ottawa have produced a three-dimensional scan of the outermost electron orbital around a nitrogen molecule.


8. To carry out its role in sensing threat, the amygdala receives input from neurons in the outermost layer of the brain, the cortex, where much high-level processing takes place.


9. We are born on the outermost layer of the earth's surface, pass our life on this surface, and die here. Gravity is the most constant force affecting our lives.


10. From things hidden deep within the oceans,to things moving along the outermost reaches of skies.


11. ” They are referring to sunless self-tanners, which contain an ingredient (DHA) that oxidizes on the outermost layers of the skin, giving the look of a tan.


12. He fired and hit the outermost ring of the target.


13. Keywords gross energy of elecerons in the outermost shell orbitals;lanthanide;physico chemical property;correlativity;


14. Scope tells a function to use the outermost scope.


15. Pondering over the study on the outermost sphere system of the Earth


16. The accretion of these "planetesimals" is believed to take a few hundred thousand to about twenty million years, with the outermost taking the longest to form.


17. Of the 40 columns, the outermost on each side stand facing north and south respectively while the 38 in the middle all look to the east


18. The outermost wrapping shall be decontaminated by wet wiping in the decontamination unit.


19. The outermost electron is shielded from the nucleus


20. Protoderm The outermost layer of the apical meristem: the tissue that develops from the tunica initials of the apical meristem and gives rise to the epidermis and, in some plants, the root cap.


21. The index on the outermost table can be used to return rows in the order of the ORDER BY clause, eliminating the need for a sort.

可以用最外面的表上的索引,以ORDER BY子句的次序返回行,从而消除排序的需要。

22. We found Mr Yap's pouch outermost layer was unzipped.


23. So the procedure processing the logic has an outermost check that will decide whether the rest of the body will execute or the procedure returns with no action taken.


24. The spacecraft would then require only modest electrodynamic forces to visit each of the four largest moons of Jupiter, from the outermost (Callisto) to the innermost (Io).


25. Visible in spectacular detail, however, is Saturn's E ring, the ring created by the newly discovered ice-fountains of the moon Enceladus, and the outermost ring visible above.


26. The clouds will suddenly dissappear where the cloud plane intersects the outermost layer.


27. In all the discs, including nonpunctured control discs, protein gene product 9.5-immunoreactie fibers were only occasionally obsered in the outermost part of the anulus fibrosus.


28. "Their atoms have two electrons in the outermost shell, so they react readily, form numerous compounds, and are never found free in nature. "


29. In the outermost room were half a dozen exceptional people who had had, for a few years, some vague misgiving in them that things in general were going rather wrong.


30. On the outermost layer, we have some static background stuff, like stars.


31. "You shall make fifty loops on the edge of the curtain that is outermost in the first set, and fifty loops on the edge of the curtain that is outermost in the second set.


32. And he made fifty loops on the edge of the outermost curtain of the one set, and fifty loops on the edge of the other connecting curtain.


33. He made loops of blue on the edge of the outermost curtain of the first set.Likewise he made them on the edge of the outermost curtain of the second set.


34. Likewise you shall make loops on the edge of the outermost curtain in the second set.


35. The outermost region of the earth's atmosphere, consisting chiefly of ionized hydrogen.


36. The outermost region of the earth's atmosphere,consisting chiefly of ionized hydrogen.


37. The crust is the outermost concentric layer of the earth. It has an average thickness of thirty kilometers and is the thin, rocky veneer that constitutes the continents and the floors of the oceans.


38. outermost sphere system of earth


39. the outermost districts of the city


40. the outermost solid layer of a planet or moon


41. The outermost region of a planet's atmosphere.


42. The outermost layer of the fruit wall.


43. Exodermis An outermost layer of thickened or suberized cortical cells that sometimes replaces the epidermal layer in the older parts of roots if the epidermal cells have died.


44. The outermost of the three primary germ layers of an embryo, from which the epidermis, nervous tissue, and, in vertebrates, sense organs develop.


45. The outermost of the three primary germ layers of an embryo,from which the epidermis,nervous tissue,and,in vertebrates,sense organs develop.


46. The outermost layer of cells covering the leaves and young parts of a plant.


47. The outermost layer of Earth's atmosphere, lying above the thermosphere and extending thousands of kilometers into space, from which molecules having sufficient velocity can escape Earth's gravitation.


48. The outermost layer of Earth's atmosphere,lying above the thermosphere and extending thousands of kilometers into space,from which molecules having sufficient velocity can escape Earth's gravitation.


49. outermost cage


50. the outermost atmospheric layer


51. the outermost atmospheric layer.


52. Air in the atmosphere's outermost layer is very thin, but air molecules still create drag that slows down satellites, requiring engineers to periodically boost them back into their proper orbits.


53. the outermost region of the sun's atmosphere; visible during a solar eclipse.


54. The Sun's outermost layer begins about 10,000 miles above the visible surface and goes outward for millions of miles.


55. The outermost layer of a spore in some algae and fungi.


56. The outermost reaches of the universe are moving away from us at a speed near the speed of light.


57. The Court, from that exclusive inner circle to its outermost rotten ring of intrigue, corruption, and dissimulation, was all gone together.


58. A lunar-based radio telescope would be able to detect long wavelengths that cannot be sensed on Earth because they are absorbed by the outermost layers of the planet's atmosphere.


59. Like the image on the obverse side, the newly discovered image is also the result of discoloration of only the outermost fibers of the fabric, and its features are aligned precisely with the features in the image on the obverse side.


60. When nesting transactions, this same statement rolls back all inner transactions to the outermost BEGIN TRANSACTION statement.

嵌套事务时,该语句将所有内层事务回滚到最外面的BEGIN TRANSACTION语句。

61. A curtain is drawn aside to reveal only the outermost golden casket.


62. parallel outermost strategy


63. When the Democrats took back Congress at the 2006 mid-terms, they increased their vote everywhere from centre to exurb; but the movement was most pronounced in the outermost communities.


64. A variable must be defined in or before the outermost scope in which the variable will be used.


65. Must be the name from the outermost BEGIN TRANSACTION statement.


66. The outermost layer of skin can replace a laver to celebrate birthday department or package of meal? ?


67. We also noticed that in some individuals the space between the growth lines suddenly became very small toward the outermost surface of the bone.


68. We hear the voices of McCandless and the driver;the tires leave straight parallel snow tracks on the frame's outermost left.


69. We also need to be make sure that the outermost layer is large enough, so that the cloud box never intersects it.


70. We leave it as an exercise to the reader to rewrite the outermost for loop in a more elegant fashion.


71. dhe scout with shoulder-straps shouted on the outermost route as a routine.


72. The scout with shoulder-straps shouted on the outermost route as a routine.


73. So when maidenhood has wandered into the moil of the city, when it is brought within the circle of the "rounder" and the roue, even though it be at the outermost rim, they can come forth and use their alluring arts.


74. Write the outermost summary-level use cases covering all of the above.


75. Before radiotherapy the circular surface structure of the hair shafts in the patients were shown, the cells of the outermost layer were in imbricative and parallel arrangements.


76. The outermost end of a gaff.


77. New Horizons'trailblazing journey to the solar system's outermost frontier took it past the orbit of Mars today at 6 a. M. EDT, 78 days after the spacecraft launched.


78. New Horizons' trailblazing journey to the solar system's outermost frontier took it past the orbit of Mars today at 6 a.m. EDT , 78 days after the spacecraft launched.


79. By the close of his life he was spending his diminishing energies defending not only the world of spiritualism but also the outermost fraudulent fringes of supernatural belief.


80. Last is the exosphere, which is the outermost layer of the atmosphere.

