

1. (of literature)elaborate in style;overwritten


2. - *NO will be disallow a permission setting unless it is overwritten by a YES.

+ * 否: 禁用某个权限, 除非被"是"覆盖.

3. The profile "%1" will be overwritten with the current settings. Are you sure?


4. System fields in ABAP programs can only be overwritten in a few cases to control system behavior.


5. RSoP polls the computer and the resultant policy that is displayed indicates a misapplied or overwritten policy setting and the policy setting's precedence.


6. "Firstly the tool must support upgrading software delivered earlier such that customer modifications are not overwritten.


7. A term applied to a circuit, device, or procedure that prevents data from being accidentally overwritten


8. A cache management technique in which data from a write operation to cache is copied into main memory only when the data in cache must be overwritten.


9. A moment later, the pattern is gone, muddied and overwritten by noise.


10. Any changes that you have made to the coordinate frame using the manipulators are overwritten.


11. You can also apply a WHERE clause only to specific columns, resulting in data being overwritten unless particular fields have been updated since they were last queried. The DataAdapter.


12. As a result, the folk tradition had been overwritten and demonized, and literature had been influenced and easily rewritten by politial factors.


13. Most of his stories are overwritten.


14. The shocking truth is that even after being overwritten several times with junk, data can still be recovered!


15. Using Super Flexible File Synchronizer, you will have a chance of retrieving overwritten files if you select the appropriate options.


16. Some have good work in them, but it tends to be overwritten, boring and elitist, not a reflection of the general mood in the public.


17. Determines whether the content of this partition should be overwritten with random data before setting up the encryption.


18. It appends the data to the file; otherwise data in the file is overwritten.


19. True, it appends the data to the file; otherwise data in the file is overwritten.


20. Pages in the roll forward set are overwritten with any more recent ones from the differential backup.


21. Analysis of Dual Overwritten Fiber Bragg Grating by Coupled-Mode Theory


22. Once the publish page has been specified, the next time you publish, it will be copied to the publish location; it will not be overwritten if you publish again.


23. On the Group Delay Characteristics of Chirped Dual Overwritten Fiber Bragg Gratings


24. The text was washed off its leather pages in the 12th century and overwritten with stories of Christian saints, a common practice in those times, Johnston says.


25. In this "Import" XML map, don't map elements to the cells that contain formulas or other data that you don't want overwritten.


26. Based on public opinion so much, I am not fussy eaters are good habits from being overwritten.


27. Earth Shield: This ability will no longer be overwritten when the new Earth Shield would do less healing.


28. If AllowMultiple is set to false, the values of any attributes in the parent class will be overwritten by new instances of the same attribute in the child class.


29. If you do not want the output file overwritten, check Append output to existing file.


30. If you open it for input, the contents of the file will be overwritten, even if you do not directly write to the file.


31. If you install STEP 7 (from V5.1) first, followed by one of the two COM PROFIBUS packages, a file will be overwritten which is required for special functions in STEP 7.

如果先安装STEP 7(自V5.1版本起)随后安装两个COM PROFIBUS数据包中的一个,那么将会对STEP 7专用功能所需的一个文件执行重写操作。

32. If out-path is omitted, in-path will be overwritten.


33. If the name assigned to a new rollover file is already used by an existing file, the existing file is overwritten unless it is read-only.


34. If possible, a system field should be evaluated directly following the statement that set it, so that it is not overwritten by other statements.


35. If you set a control property at this stage, its value might be overwritten in the next event.


36. If the installation fails because some file cannot be overwritten, try again after closing all applications or rebooting your computer.


37. If the package that is about to be installed contains files that are already installed, this option will cause all those files to be overwritten.


38. If the code from the file's image is allowed to execute, some 4-byte value in the first DLL module will be overwritten with the value 5.


39. Files in the destination directory will be overwritten if the source directory contains files with the same name.


40. If you customize the logon page, your changes may be overwritten when you install hot fixes and service packs on the Client Access server that is providing the logon page.

如果自定义登录页面,则在提供登录页面的客户端访问服务器上安装修补程序和Service Pack时,可能会覆盖您的更改。

41. You can roll forward to do recovery as long as redo logs are not overwritten


42. It will be read and overwritten.


43. In fact, ScriptManager will see to it that the default rendering for two objects are overwritten: first for the Page itself, and then for the Web Form on the page.


44. For fields that hold a mutable reference type, the read-only modifier prevents the field value from being overwritten but does not protect the mutable type from modification.


45. Any changes to the resources themselves will remain incorporated in the. Rc file, but comments will always be lost once the. Rc file is overwritten.


46. Particularly, the U.S.DoD specification 5220.22 standard says a file must be overwritten three times.


47. The current tape index will be overwritten, continue?


48. When copying with a filter only checked items are overwritten in the target region.


49. When attempting to restart a campaign from the beginning, players will now receive a warning prompt notifying them that their autosave for that campaign will be overwritten if they proceed.


50. Do you want to append imported items to list? If you choose No, the list items will be overwritten.


51. Prayer of Mending: This ability will no longer be overwritten when the new Prayer of Mending would do less healing.


52. Manual changes to measure numbers in the target region are no longer improperly overwritten on paste.


53. The shortcuts of spells are no longer overwritten when we place a point in a skill.


54. Dual Overwritten Fiber Gratings Characteristics with Nonlinear Modulation of Refractive Index


55. The intern who complained probably logged off, and then had settings overwritten when another intern logged off.


56. Specifies whether the contents of an existing file are preserved or overwritten, and whether requests to create an existing file cause an exception.


57. Instructs the BACKUP statement to check the expiration date of all backup sets on the media before allowing them to be overwritten.


58. Both the backup file and SWF will be overwritten if they exist.Replacement can only be done if the new SWF filesize is smaller or equal to the old SWF filesize.


59. The old world map has been completely overwritten by the new one.


60. Blessing of Wisdom and Greater Blessing of Wisdom: Now grant 92 mana per 5 seconds to prevent being overwritten by Mana Spring Totem.


61. Additionally, this may cause data loss because files are accidentally overwritten by the unexpected case insensitivity.


62. This application forces the code and data that your active applications had cached in memory to be overwritten by the memory-intensive activities.


63. Unattended Mode In this mode, no questions are asked while the profile is run. You can specify beforehand which kinds of files may be overwritten.


64. Each time the method called itself, the saved start time value from the last call would be overwritten and lost.


65. NOTE: The Factory preset can not be deleted or overwritten.


66. Note: If the XML file name specified already exists, it will be overwritten!


67. These repeats protect newly evolving gene sequences from being overwritten by gene conversion, due to the creation of non-homologies between otherwise homologous DNA sequences.


68. Because when you copy to copy the overwritten bar code, and cannot be forged.


69. "White! " he sneered. "It serves as a beginning. White cloth may be dyed. The white page can be overwritten; and the white light can be broken."


70. After the forking process, the address space of the child process is overwritten with the new process data.


71. You will be notified that the current System State data will be overwritten unless you want to restore to a different location.


72. Unrepeatable read: thread one reads data; the data is then overwritten by thread two. Thread one tries to re-read the data but it has changed.


73. Wyvern Sting: This ability will no longer be overwritten by lower ranks of Wyvern Sting.


74. Instead, disk content is overwritten as new data is written to the files.


75. Gets or sets a value indicating whether literal character positions in the mask can be overwritten by their same values.


76. Requiring checkout means that only one user can modify a file at a time, which reduces the possibility that changes can be overwritten by another user accidentally.


77. Many participants prefer the quality of writing on the Net to book writing because Net-writing is of a conversational peer-to-peer style, frank and communicative, rather than precise and overwritten.


78. - The parameter can not be referenced by the procedure or function, but the value of the parameter can be overwritten by the procedure or function.


79. The information is protected at file system level and it cannot be accidentally deleted or overwritten.


80. That value is overwritten by the assignment inside the constructor body.

