

1. The periodic state of sexual excitement in the female of most mammals, excluding human beings, that immediately precedes ovulation and during which the female is most receptive to mating; heat.

(雌性动物的)动情,动情周期大多数哺乳动物(包括人类)的雌性产生的周期性的性冲动,在此期间内雌性具有排卵的优势,所以该期间最适合性交; 刺激

2. The ovulation rate was 82. 4% (14 out of 17 cycles). Six patients were pregnant(pregnancy rate was 35. 3%, per cycle,the total pregnancy rate was 75. 0% ), Among the six, one aborted,five gave term birth (including one twin).


3. These results seem to indicate that the AVT may play an important role in the ovulation process of toad.


4. Many studies suggested that CD147 involves in many female reproductive processes such as cyclic changes of human endometria,ovulation,luteinization,implantation,labor and so on.


5. By inhibiting proliferation of ovarian follicles, DMPA prevents ovulation and decreases circulating estrogen, which may be potentially harmful to cardiovascular health.


6. Induction of ovulation with HMG/HCG


7. Effect of LH-RH-A in Rat Ovulation

LH-RH-A 对大鼠排卵作用的实验观察

8. NEB delays the time of first ovulation through inhibition of LH pulse frequency and low levels of blood glucose, insulin and insulin-like growth factor-I (IGF-I).


9. CASE REPORTS The B mode ultrasound of vaginal and urinary LH test was used on 90 cases of infertile women with normal period,and the value of them to the monitoring of ovulation were compared.


10. BACKGROUND To study the value of the urinary luteinizing hormone(LH) test on the prediction of ovulation in infertile women.


11. DISCUSSION The urinary LH test has value in monitoring follicle growth and prediction of ovulation.


12. One study showed that levels of testosterone in men and luteinizing hormone (which triggers ovulation) in women peak at 20 percent above average during June.


13. Periodically mature ovarian follicle, ovulation and luteal formation.


14. This anovulatory bleeding hits when estrogen creation continues to exploit in the uterine lining without reaching the doorway compulsory to trigger ovulation.

与山东省电力集团安监部共同开发的高空防坠落 装置受到国网专家的高度评价。

15. The time at which the two reductive divisions occur is not necessarily coincident to the time of ovulation.


16. Two New Studies Find Women More Likely to Cheat During Ovulation.


17. In order to conceive, she always calculates her ovulation times carefully.


18. For optimal results, gonadotropins should be used for ovulation induction.


19. Active and passive immunization of animal's inhibin increased FSH levels in serum and enhanced ovulation rate.


20. Then by counting two weeks backward , it will be the probable time of ovulation.


21. Before ovulation and after ovalation, the change of serosa is not distinct.


22. After ovalation, the oviducal wall is the thinnest, the cells of the tubular glands becomes smaller.During ovulation, the lamina propria is thicker.


23. Estrus-associated glycoprotein (EGP) is a special protein in oviductal fluid which appears before ovulation and fertilization and disappears after the embryo passes into the uterus.

人们对输卵管液的成分已进行了初步研究,其中发情相关糖蛋白(EGP)是被研究的成分之一。 EGP仅存在在排卵核受精前后的输卵管液中。

24. What is ovulation?


25. This anovulatory bleeding develops when estrogen making continues to result in the uterine lining without reaching the doorway compulsory to trigger ovulation.


26. He injected lab animals with repeated doses of the hormone, progesterone, hoping it would stop ovulation.


27. In reality, the length of a cycle varies among individuals and the time of ovulation differs at different situations.


28. If ovulation does not appear, no egg is storyd, and ergo technically there should be no bleeding at all.


29. However, except for a certain period during ovulation, the cervical opening is plugged by an impenetrable mucus.


30. You can estimate your ovulation cycle, the menstrual cycle.


31. Female baboons and chimpanzees, for example, redden conspicuously when nearing ovulation, sending a clear sexual signal designed to attract males.


32. Progression of Study on Ovulation Promotion of TCM


33. a hormone that stimulates ovulation


34. Single method has been applied to the diagnosis of ovulation and luteal function sound is not enough, but for other ovarian function reference.


35. Bactrian camels have their own reproductive physiological characteristics such as seasonal oestrus and ovulation inducement.


36. A fertilization is possible only within 24 hours after ovulation.


37. Another post ovulation way is to count back 63 days from whelping.


38. In your case, probably the alcohol consumption did not affect too much. Looks like it happened around your ovulation day. Go ahead with the regular prenatal check-up.


39. It is a behavior I have noted in females prior to male introduction through just before ovulation.


40. Listen up, especially if you're thinking of having a child: a UCLA study has shown that women's voices get higher (and more alluringly feminine) as ovulation (and increased fertility) approaches.


41. Porter R N, Smith W, Craft I L, et al. Induction of ovulation for in-vitro fertilization using buserelin and gonadotropins [ J ]. Lancet, 1984, 2 (8414): 1284.


42. The keypoint of treating anovulia types of infertilitas feminis was that regulating menstrual cycle and promoting the establishment of ovulation function.


43. So the best way to time ovulation is with hormones.


44. Chasteberry (vitex) - stimulates the hormones involved with ovulation and helps restore female hormonal balance.


45. In women, reproductive medicine also covers menstruation, ovulation, pregnancy and menopause, as well as gynecologic disorders that affect fertility.


46. LRH-A was injected into the muscle of estrous bactrian camels while conducting the first insemination, in result, 94.4% of ovulation rate was obtained.


47. Our results suggest that the Dixon method probably overstated the effectiveness of ECPs when based on conception probabilities by cycle day relative to day of ovulation.


48. Basic medical researches demonstrated that GH can stimulate development and maturation of the follicles,increase the number of ovulation,even has some effects on synthesis of sexual hormone.


49. Advanced Woman Calendar is a precise and user-friendly personal ovulation calendar that monitors the menstrual cycle .


50. Women : Amenorrhea, not ovulation, menstrual disorders, uterine fibroids and ovarian cysts and tubal nowhere, habitual abortion, uterine and ovarian endometriosis dysplasia, such as polycystic syndrome.


51. Women: Amenorrhea, not ovulation, menstrual disorders, uterine fibroids and ovarian cysts and tubal nowhere, habitual abortion, uterine and ovarian endometriosis dysplasia, such as polycystic syndrome.


52. She is taking a drug to stimulate ovulation.


53. How to Use Unicorn Bead for Ovulation Disorder


54. If you do not tabulation your ovulation and induce an anovulatory unsettle, then you may suppose that you are menstruating typically when anovulatory bleeding come abouts during your cycle.

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55. The production of progesterone takes place mainly in association with the corpus luteum (lat.: yellow body) which is formed from the wall of the ruptured follicle after ovulation.


56. This anovulatory bleeding come offs when estrogen radio show continues to result in the uterine lining without reaching the brink unavoidable to trigger ovulation.


57. It works by inhibiting ovulation (technically, it inhibits cyclooxygenase-2, which in turn inhibits ovulation).


58. It can be used in ovulation induction alone or used in controlled superovulation induction combined with gonadotrophins.


59. Ovulation calendar helps you to use the natural contraception method.


60. This tells her whether she has ovulated, based on any rise in her basal body temperature that the patch has noticed.However, DuoFertility can do more than just record the moment of ovulation.


61. A comparative study on effect of promoting ovulation between Tiaojing Zhongzi Decoction TJZZD and clomifene was conducted.


62. Although Ovulation Calendar takes into account possible irregularities in your cycle, there is no 100% guarantee of safety.


63. Although fecundability is low in women at this age, ovulation and pregnancy are still possible until 1 year has elapsed since the last period.


64. First Response Ovulation Predictor


65. Ovulation has been, and as soon as possible, today, tomorrow, the first time, do not back, and so as not to affect implantation!


66. Once I stop taking the pill, will ovulation be normal?


67. A number of factors affect baseline values, including race, postprandial state, pregnancy, ovulation, physical activity, clothing, ambient temperature, and endocrine states.


68. The PCT should be performed 8 hours after intercourse and 1 to 2 days before the predicted time of ovulation, when there is maximum estrogen secretion unopposed by progesterone.


69. There was significant reduction in the level of T,LH in blood and the ovulation rate,pregnant rate was 80.8%,63.4% respectively.


70. Cure dysgenesia urging ovulation medicine, entrance Calomiris Renfa field orchid troche citric acid chlorine Miren is in here not bad purchase?


71. But excuse me ,I expect inner ML in the ovulation , do not stream into body inner but, this month the late 3 day of menses not coming , can be pregnant?


72. This is known as anovulation.In women where ovulation fails to hit because of an anovulatory bovver, bleeding can surface nevertheless.


73. To improve your chances of conceiving a baby boy, you should have intercourse a day before ovulation, on the day of ovulation, and a day after it.


74. The failure, cessation, or suppression of ovulation.


75. constant numbers in ovulation law


76. Relations every 36 and 48 hours bracketing around ovulation is probably ideal.


77. Of or relating to the phase of the menstrual cycle immediately following ovulation, characterized by secretion of progesterone.


78. Ovulation rate is the principle factor limiting litter size in gilts and increasing the level of feed intake prior to mating will significantly increase ovulation rate.


79. Predicts your menstrual period and ovulation and gives you a monthly calendar view.


80. Extract contained gonadal hormone (micromolecule peptide, amino acids, glycoprotein etc.), which can directly act on ovary, promote the corpus luteum upgrowth , induce ovulation, cure sterility.

