

1. With a curse, Guy dropped the palfrey's rein, drew his sword, and spurred at the lone figure just as.Robin raised his silver bugle and blew a blast on it.


2. Debora Jeane Palfrey, the accused "D.C. Madam," requested the court to replace her lawyer Thursday.


3. But Palfrey has also hinted that she has a record of the phone numbers of thousands of more than10,000 customers that could embarrass more the a few of the US capital's high-fliers.


4. With a curse, Guy dropped the palfrey's rein, drew his sword, and spurred at the lone figure just as.


5. And heavier sat upon her palfrey slow


6. Harvard University professor John Palfrey recently spoke in Taipei on the subject of youth and contemporary media, the digital age, and parenting.


7. Harvard University professor John Palfrey recently spoke in Taipei on the subject of youth and contemporary media, the digital age , and parenting.


8. I have been teaching a class at Harvard Law School this winter semester called Venture Capital and the Technology Start-up with John Palfrey, the Executive Director of the Berkman Center.


9. Her attorney had argued that it was unfair to proceed against Palfrey because her assets remain seized in a civil forfeiture case, meaning she lacks the money to hire an attorney of her choice.

她的代理人有主张对骑用的马提出告诉是不公平的因为她资产保持抓住在一个市民的丧失情形, 意义她缺乏钱到租金她的代理人选择。

10. Palfrey Junior is a state school, with no religious affiliation.But the fact that 98% of its pupils are Muslim affects the ethos.


11. As they went Little John came up beside his leader, who walked by the white palfrey talking to Marian.


12. Prosecutors contend that Palfrey knew the 130 women she employed over 13 years were engaged in prostitution.

检察官主张骑用的马认识这 130个女人她在 13 年内雇用在卖淫是忙碌的。

13. However ABC News, which said Palfrey has provided it with a record of the numbers of calls to her private mobile phone, reported Tobias stepped down after they spoke to him about his allegedly contacting her number.


14. When Muslim education in Britain makes news, it mostly concerns the handful of children who attend schools that are formally Islamic, although the secular compromise at Palfrey Junior is far commoner.


15. 1.Polices say they found the body of a woman recently convicted of running a DC prostitution ring .Deborah Jeane Palfrey was found hanging in a shed near her mother's Florida home this morning.


16. Deborah Jeane Palfrey was found hanging in a shed near her mother's Florida home this morning.


17. Palfrey) said it is down to parents and schools to determine which life skills-human interaction, argument making, [or] analysis-children should develop.


18. Palfrey's Web site contains 20 compressed files of phone records, dating from August 1994 to August 2006.No names are listed, only phone numbers.

骑用的马的网站包含 20 被压缩的文件电话记录, 从 1994 年八月到八月约会 2006. 没有名字是列出的, 只有电话号码。

19. Palfrey pleaded guilty to pimping charges in 1991 and was sentenced to 18 months in a California prison.

骑用的马辩护有罪的至很小的费用在 1991 年和是宣判对在加州中的 18个月监狱。
