

1. 3) At 12 weeks the fundus becomes palpable at the symphysis pubis.


2. 11 Gangmuir VK,Gramer SF, Hood Me.Fine needle aspiration cytology in the management of palpable benign and malignant breast disease.


3. On October 16, 1996 he had low grade fever for two weeks, after examination, no enlarged lymph nodes. Heart and lungs were normal. Liver and spleen were not palpable.


4. A 71- year- old white woman presented with complaints of right lower quadrant pain and a palpable adnexal mass.


5. CT scan showed thicker bronchus wall,bronchostenosis,soft tissue mass behind bronchus and palpable lymph nodes.


6. "Anger rushed out in a palpable wave through his arms and legs" (Herman Wouk)


7. "Most palpable proofs," said he, "as you may perceive."


8. “Then that is your problem,” she said trying to sound fearless, but the fear was palpable in her voice.


9. "There was a palpable sense of expectation in the court" (Nelson DeMille)


10. British parliamentary committee visited the islands in 2008 and found a “palpable climate of fear”.


11. be palpable one finger breath


12. Not long ago, I wrote of my disappointment that New Tristram lacked the palpable dread its reputation led one to expect.


13. Proptosis, restrictive movement of the involved eye, eyelid or conjunctive congestion, decreased eyesight and palpable orbital masses were the main clinical findings.


14. Moley J F,De Benedetti M K.Pattern of nodal metastases in palpable medullary thyroid carcinoma:recommendation for extent of node dissection[J].Ann Surg,1999,229:880-887.


15. Asian countries' enthusiasm for bilateral agreements is palpable, and they have reason to want to bolster intra-Asian trade.


16. Anger rushed out in a palpable wave through his arms and legs(Herman Wouk)

从他手臂和腿的挥动中可感觉到的愤怒暴发(赫尔曼 沃克)

17. Wenders clearly had deep feelings for German cinema, and here as the guys move from town to town, on Bruno's projection repair route, the feeling that film in this country is dying is quite palpable.


18. They are impressed by our palpable affluence and heap accolades upon us for having an incorruptible and highly efficient government, a safe and green environment and a harmonious multiracial society that is worthy of emulation by others.

他们对我们的富裕有着深刻的印象。 对我们拥有一个廉洁和高效率的政府、一个安全和翠绿的环境、和一个值得其他国家仿效的多元种族和谐社会,更是赞不绝口。

19. They are impressed by our palpable affluence and heap accolades upon us for having an incorruptible and highly efficient government,a safe and green environment and a harmonious multiracial society that is worthy of emulation by others.


20. Their unsaid objections were almost palpable to the rest of the group.


21. There is a palpable difference in their ages.


22. Company would be a palpable improvement, he thought.


23. Company would be a palpable improvemtent, he thought.


24. The words kept coming back to him, statement of a mystical truth and a palpable absurdity.


25. He felt no floor under his bare feet; he seemed to walk beneath the palpable weight of the grim turning faces.


26. But for Florence a "visceral dread, a helpless disgust as palpable as seasickness" is overwhelming her.


27. But spend a day or two in each place, and the contrast becomes palpable.


28. But their ferver is so palpable, and their earnestness so affecting, that there is almost as much liveliness and drama here as there is propaganda.


29. Should these factors remain unfavourable, they will present a palpable obstacle to Hong Kong's economic recovery.


30. On admission he was found to have widespread congenital ichthyosis. His fever had subsided, But the cervical, axillary and inguinal glands were enlarged, the tip of the spleen was palpable, and the conjunctiva were in fected.


31. Naz and Mark's excitement is palpable, and they take a respectable ?500 on their first day.


32. palpable results


33. Specifically, engage others by identifying their pain, fear and unfulfilled desire. They will heed your remarks more closely if you begin by appealing to these palpable negatives.


34. a barely palpable dust; felt sudden anger in a palpable wave; the air was warm and close--palpable as cotton.


35. The forehead furrow and occiput are palpable.


36. The major clinical symptom was a palpable mass.


37. There is no malnutrition but poverty is palpable: at night, at a tourist restaurant in Cienfuegos, a chef hands a basket of food through a window to hungry relatives waiting outside.


38. One thing is for certain: there is a palpable sense of drive about the place.


39. One thing seems certain. As the Chinese economy expands further, more foreigners will see the palpable benefits of being conversant with its language and culture if not for its intrinsic value, at least for economic advantage.

可以肯定的是,当中国的经济实力不断扩大,更多的外国人将会认识到熟悉中国语文和中国文化的明显好处。 他们或许为的不是中国文化的内在价值,但至少知道它有经济价值。

40. One thing seems certain. As the Chinese economy expands further,more foreigners will see the palpable benefits of being conversant with its language and culture if not for its intrinsic value,at least for economic advantage.


41. tangible, tactile, palpably, palpable, noticeable, considerable, appreciable


42. Yet despite all these achievements, the sense of malaise in Chile is as palpable as the snow blanketing the Andes.


43. A palpable tumor


44. Other symptoms included abdominal pain (50%), abdominal distension (30%), palpable mass (20%), peritoneal sign (13%), bloody stool (6%), fever (6%), and constipation (6%).


45. In intimate letters and filmed reminiscences, the loss that must have been felt by the abandoned mother and son is palpable.


46. During a speech Wednesday at the RSA conference, Melissa Hathaway,acting senior director for cyberspace for the National Security and Homeland Security councils, said the risk was palpable.


47. Patients with giant cell arteritis may have a visible firm, palpable, painful temporal artery that courses over the surface of the scalp.


48. In my hometown, the air of prosperity was almost palpable.


49. This enlarged uterus was no doubt palpable on physical examination.


50. There was a palpable sense of expectation in the court(Nelson DeMille)See Synonyms at perceptible


51. Apart from hernias, other lesions may present as small, palpable masses in the inguinal area.


52. Any nearer and more palpable meeting would have alarmed Cosette at this first stage, when she was still half immersed in the exaggerated mists of the cloister.


53. Theroux has spent a lot of time on what the writer Graham Greene called, with palpable nostalgia, "the fine old tradition of purposeless travel of fun and adventure", with only his notebook for company.


54. This collagenous component gives the neoplasm a hard "scirrhous" consistency that is palpable.


55. There is a palpable sense of sadness in the boxing industry regarding Oscar De La Hoya's impending retirement announcement.


56. Still, she could not keep her secret. She tried to be calm and indifferent, but it was a palpable sham.


57. She was in acute urinary retention with a palpable bladder.


58. Her joy was palpable.


59. If they are not palpable, a referral for vascular assessment and treatment may be necessary.


60. The uterus was palpable 2 finger-breadths below the umbilicus.


61. C. Adnexal enlargement may be palpable if an endometrioma is present.


62. It can detect occult or clinically unsuspected cancer and offer more information for the preoperative evaluation about the nature and extension of the palpable lesion in the breast.


63. To contemporary audiences “Private Lives”, with its allusive dialogue, its fast pace and its palpable amorality, seemed the last word in metropolitan sophistication.


64. The palpable fervour to discover one's roots has been felt keenly in immigrant societies like the United States, Canada, Australia and Singapore.


65. The palpable fervor to discover one's roots has been felt keenly in immigrant societies like the United States, Canada, Australia and Singapore.


66. The tension in the room was almost palpable.


67. Silence fell on the hilltop like a palpable thing.


68. The dried clay surface has a beautiful texture, and there is a palpable aura of mystery over the entire three-square-mile playa.


69. There's a palpable sense of nostalgia as he tours a set reconstructed from the original trilogy.


70. Surely it's not asking too much to expect cars of the future to incorporate a palpable electric shock that reminds front-seat passengers to keep their stupid feet off the dashboard?


71. Many writers have been unwilling to class any labour as productive, unless its result is palpable in some material object, capable of being transferred from one person to another.


72. Madame Defarge knitted steadily, but the intelligence had a palpable effect upon her husband.


73. The realities of the soul are none the less realities because they are not visible and palpable.


74. A 21-year-old man presented with multiple painless palpable masses in the left scrotum which had progressively enlarged over the previous 6 months.


75. Through them we can learn to detect and avoid first the crudest and most palpable fallacies and finally some of the most sophisticated and elusive.


76. We see what we explore, our minds ascend a palpable ladder of causes and effects.


77. It is this newness, this assured awareness that nothing like it had existed before, this revelatory quality, that is still palpable in its ruined stones.


78. I experienced a presence, virtually a palpable sensation, of overwhelming love filling my car, washing over me, blotting our the stark panic


79. I experienced a presence, virtually a palpable sensation, of overwhelming love filling my car, washing over me, blotting our the stark panic.


80. My own feeling of surprise at being there was palpable.

