

1. * When the ships collided in the harbor, pandemonium broke out among the passengers.


2. the 2001 race was the worst affected by the local weather, as a sudden rainstorm starting on the second lap resulted in a pitlane pandemonium.


3. "The whole lobby was a perfect pandemonium, and the din was terrific" (Jerome K. Jerome)


4. A wild yell of jubilation to their surprise, went up suddenly from two dozen throats and pandemonium of joy ensued.


5. The trees lining the streets added their strident voices to the noise of the wind, and it seemed to Feng Yun-ching as he bowled along in the rickshaw that he could still hear the pandemonium on the floor of the Exchange.

一路上的树木又呐喊助威。 冯云卿坐在车上就仿佛还在交易所内听“数目字的雷”。

6. The pandemonium of delight which turned itself loose now was of a sort to make the judicious weep.

一阵肆无忌惮的狂笑冲破了禁忌,轰然爆发。 这种笑法让明白人简直想哭。

7. The pandemonium of delight which turned itself loose now was of a sort to make the judicious weep


8. Seventy or eighty brokers, together with their hundred-odd assistants and innumerable speculators, produced between them such a deafening pandemonium of shouting and bidding that no ordinary ear could have made anything of it.


9. And despite the pandemonium, the avid shopper had taken his time to browse the shops.


10. Example: Tow grapes. Who would have thought a pair of tainted red grapes could cause so much economic and political pandemonium?


11. Tow grapes. Who would have thought a pair of tainted red grapes could cause so much economic and political pandemonium?


12. In total disorder, disarray or pandemonium


13. When the tone finally came through, there was pandemonium in the mission control room.


14. A wild yell of jubilation[ to their surprise], went up [suddenly from two dozen throats] and pandemonium (of joy) ensued.


15. People assume, in an airplane crash, that there's pandemonium and people panic.


16. Working in collusion, one from within and the other from without, they created pandemonium.

他们里应外合, 把时局搞得乌烟瘴气。

17. Working in collusion, one from within and the other from without, they created pandemonium


18. He saw a reassuring sight; Ramos had waded into the pandemonium to help panicked workers into a stairwell.


19. But Boeing is also considering how to police the airways - and prevent total pandemonium - if thousands of flying cars enter the skies.


20. But after some editorial lopping it's no wonder Jenkins concludes that swine flu was greeted with "pandemonium".


21. One after another double-basses, celli, the remaining string section, the brass and the woodwind join in, the music opens out into a screaming pandemonium.


22. Hardly had he put the pellet into the bowl of the pipe and begun drawing at it, when pandemonium broke out again in the back of the house, this time with a man's voice adding to the din: his son Chia-chu had come on the scene.


23. In business, there probably would be pandemonium if companies started publishing everyone's salary, and I'm not advocating that here.


24. Betsy's low cross caused a rare moment of pandemonium in the Chelsea area before the players could seek the warmth of the half-time dressing room.


25. mass pandemonium


26. Fortunately Xiangzi still had to fetch Mr. Yang, so he hurried off once more . The cries of people and the neighing of hoes in the street seemed more bearable than the pandemonium back in the yard.


27. When night came,it brought with it a pandemonium of dancing and whooping,drumming and feasting(Francis Parkman.


28. When night came, it brought with it a pandemonium of dancing and whooping, drumming and feasting(Francis Parkman.

当夜晚来临时,跳舞、呼喊、鼓声和宴乐的嘈杂声随之而来(弗朗西斯 帕克曼)。

29. You betcha!When we got in there, it was pandemonium.


30. And, of course, those sessions would not synchronize with each other, thus leading to complete pandemonium.


31. But I had no sooner commenced than a perfect pandemonium of voices reached my ears, a thousand clamoring notes from without and within, until I could hear nothing but their noise and din.


32. In midst of all the daily chaos that goes on in the world, a different type of pandemonium takes place every day in the workplace.


33. Controlled pandemonium reigned as I was quickly unbuckled and helped out of the cockpit, since fire after a crash was always a danger.


34. I had found Adlai unperturbed in the midst of pandemonium


35. Pandemonium reigned in the classroom until the teacher arrived.


36. Pandemonium broke loose.


37. The whole lobby was a perfect pandemonium, and the din was terrific(Jerome K.Jerome)


38. The whole lobby was a perfect pandemonium, and the din was terrific.


39. And at that moment the thunderstorm broke loose.For a while there was a regular pandemonium, the women all hysterical and hungry to seize the opportunity to pay off private grudges.


40. 9.The fumes began seeping through the trains and stations, and pandemonium ensued.


41. pandemonium model


42. The huge crowds in Times Square grew noisier as the old year ticked away, and when midnight struck there was pandemonium.


43. There was pandemonium when the news was announced.


44. But while newsflash Indonesia often looks more like pandemonium than paradise, there is a whole other country out there to discover: one of phenomenal natural beauty and incredible diversity.


45. [Formal] in disorder; in disarray; in pandemonium


46. In a pandemonium


47. Solskjaer's goal prompted pandemonium among the United support, who had seen him thwarted at close range by Addicks goalkeeper Scott Carson minutes earlier.


48. All at once pandemonium broke out again and it was impossible to hear what anybody was saying.


49. Pandemonium: A Supernal Realm where the Ruling Arcana are Mind and Space. Mages who walk the Mastigos Path claim a Watchtower in this realm.


50. Then I will become the ultimate ruler of this wasteland engulfed with pandemonium.


51. Just give the 16" by 2" wand a squeeze and one of the ends pops off, creating even more pandemonium!

请给16" 由2" 鞭子挤压和那个末端爆开,创造更加混乱!

52. Who would have thought a pair of tainted red grapes could cause so much economic and political pandemonium?


53. The Pandemonium Fortress is the last bastion of Heaven's power before the Gates of the Burning Hells.


54. Pandemonium broke out when the news was announced.


55. What kind of a pandemonium that vessel was, I cannot describe, but she was commanded a lunatic, and might be called a floating Bedlam.


56. What kind of a pandemonium that vessel was, I cannot descriBe, But she was commanded By a lunatic, and might Be called a floating Bedlam.


57. D'you think we still want it?" The pan hurtled with a clatter across the floor. And pandemonium broke out as the girl in spectacles hurled the black chicken after it.


58. To cut a long story short, I carved my way through the pandemonium?


59. Pandemonium,the high capitol of Satan and his peers.


60. As the strong waves and wind tossed around the 24000-ton ferry - "like a paper boat" he said - pandemonium broke out.


61. There was utter pandemonium outside the university building as ambulances carted away the injured.


62. 5.The huge crowds in Times Square grew noisier as the old year ticked away, and when midnight struck there was pandemonium.


63. 9. The huge crowds in Times Square grew noisier as the old year ticked away, and when midnight struck there was pandemonium.


64. The huge crowds in Times Square grew noisier as the old year ticked away and when midnight struck there was pandemonium.


65. pandemonium hypothesis

