

1. crocodile bird:a black and white african bird (Pluvianus aegyptius) that is related to the plover and feeds on insects that parasitize crocodiles.

"报讯鸟:一种产于非洲的黑白相间的鸟(报讯鸟 报讯鸟属),它与鸻鸟有亲缘关系并以寄生在鳄鱼身上的昆虫为食."

2. [7]Xu JB,Gao XZ.Observation on microfilaments of Trichomonas vaginalis treated with dihydroartemisinin in vitro[J].Chin J Parasit Dis Control,2004,17:12-14.

(in Chinese)(许静波,高兴政.双氢青蒿素对阴道毛滴虫微丝作用的观察[J].中国寄生虫病防治杂志,2004,17:12-14).

3. hagenowii could parasitize P. americana oothecae with the maxmium of 4 and the average of 2. 4 grains. The mean individuals of offsprings was 56. 7. After emerged from the oothecae, the parasitoids could immediately copulate.


4. Most species of fleas can parasitize more than two species of small mammal hosts,but their corresponding dominant hosts are often limited.


5. Any of various minute wasps of the superfamily Chalcidoidea, many of whose larvae parasitize the larvae of other insects.


6. any of various minute wasps of the superfamily Chalcidoidea,many of whose larvae parasitize the larvae of other insects


7. Keywords Homes;Mites;Allergy;Parasitize;


8. Bartonella is a group of Gram-negative Pleomorphic coccobacillus,widely parasitize in a diverse array of mammals. It has been proved that some of them are related to human diseases.

巴尔通体是一群广泛寄生在哺乳动物体内的革兰氏阴性,变形球杆菌(Pleomorphic coccobacillus),已经证实其中一些和人类疾病有关。

9. The size of the smallest host egg that a wasp could theoretically parasitize can be determined from the wasp's egg-laying behavior.


10. 5 The latter that does instruction maybe parasitize in my body, leaving me when time is due, just like shell of cicada and snake skin.


11. A black and white African bird (Pluvianus aegyptius) that is related to the plover and feeds on insects that parasitize crocodiles.


12. It was pointed out that such defence mechanisms and the components of helm inth in the hosts had the potential to develop other novel approaches of parasit e prevention and therapy.


13. ABSTRACT Objective: Ureaplasma urealyticum(UU)is a kind of prokaryotic organism, lacking of true cell wall mainly parasitize in the genitourinary trace and propagates through sexual contact.

摘 要 目的: 解脲支原体(Ureaplasma urealyticum,UU)系缺乏细胞壁的原核细胞型微生物。

14. Objective:Human papillomavirus are small, spiral,double-stranded DNA tumor viruses that parasitize squamous epithelium.


15. Study on Biology Character of Parasitize Behavior of Microplitis tuberculifer Wesmael


16. The entomogenous fungus Aschersonia aleyrodis can naturally parasitize homopterous insects such as whiteflies and scale insects.


17. endius can penetrate 1,3, 5 cm of soil and ferment wheat bran and 1 cm of sand to seek and parasitize the housefly pupae.


18. The results showed that C. plutellae could parasitize all the four instars of DBM larvae, but prefered 2nd and 3rd instars when the 2nd, 3rd and 4th instars of host larvae were exposed simutaniously to this parasite.


19. 5 The latter that does instruction maybe parasitize in my body, it will leave me when time is due, just like the shell of cicada and the skin of snake.


20. Mycoparasite fungi can parasitize other fungi and have immense potential to control fungal pathogens.


21. The larvae of flies parasitize earthworms.


22. Eperythrozoonosis is a zoonosis when Eperythrozoon parasitize surface of red blood cell,plasma and marrow.


23. Cryptosporidium species are apicomplexan parasites that mainly parasitize the gastrointestinal epithelium of a wide range of vertebrate hosts,including humans,and frequently cause diarrhea disease.

