

1. On November 5, we were a minority by only a few million votes, but let us not therefore fall into the partisan error of opposing things just for the sake of opposition.


2. In September 1942, the partisan problem was so out of control that Himmler was able to persuade Hitler that it was all the army's fault and that he should be put in charge of the partisan war.


3. In early 1942, the growing partisan threat and the apparent inability of the Wehrmacht garrison to deal with it led Himmler to take a greater interest in events in Yugoslavia.


4. As the partisan war escalated through the summer of 1942, it was soaking up an increasing number of German Army troops.


5. In April 1944, V SS Corps organized a major sweep against partisan units in northern Bosnia, under the codename Operation Maypole, which again failed to trap its prey.


6. There was some partisan action in Italy from late 1944 onwards, but this was not on the scale of the conflict in Yugoslavia or Russia.


7. How will the reapportionment following the 2000 census affect the distribution of seats around the country and the partisan balance of Congress after the 2002 election?


8. Well, if it was made official uniform of the host team, it might become a partisan symbol in the competition and it wouldn't be too nice to ask other teams to don it too.


9. "This bill we have before us makes our troops pawns in a partisan political battle.


10. "So many of these problems we face, for example, energy independence, what is partisan about that?


11. A brutal round of partisan finger-pointing followed the vote.


12. The most partisan politicians, upon winning, must govern in the name of all, using the powers of overweening government they have secured, so to hell with all politicians.


13. The next step was to secure the administration against partisan attack.


14. But the ecumenical tone of his lecture did not stop him making a partisan attack on the economic policies of Mr Cameron.


15. The discussion with Gingrich was well received in a country weary of partisan warfare.


16. The South Korean hosts were hoping to use the partisan home crowd to their advantage.


17. How have the partisan strategies varied between the parties in the two chambers?


18. A belligerent person or a militant partisan.


19. War of this kind has been called partisan warfare on the supposition that this name defined its special significance.


20. It's not my lucky day, is it? A partisan, then.


21. It's not my lucky day,is it?A partisan,then.


22. The fetid aroma of passivity that began to emanate from Obama-Biden, particularly after the Palin coronation, had partisan Democrats screaming for their candidates to do something.


23. The journey from France took almost two weeks, and many of the 200 trains carrying the division were re-routed to avoid Royal Air Force (RAF) bombing and Soviet partisan attacks.


24. He was reluctant to plunge into a bitter personal and partisan wrangle.


25. They have me for a partisan.


26. But analyst Rothenberg says so far, Mr.Obama has been able to deflect some of the partisan criticism.


27. He said he is alarmed by the increasingly partisan tone to the debate in the United States over continue military operations in Iraq.


28. He defends this painstaking process as a “more careful and less partisan” approach than the one taken by the House or the Senate's health committee.


29. He was a passionate partisan of these people and had organized a Worker's Union.


30. He is a staunch partisan of the Republican Party.


31. He said he is alarmed by the increasingly partisan tone to the debate in the United States over continued military operations in Iraq.


32. He has fueled the buzz with increasing out-of-state travel, a greater focus on national issues and repeated criticism for the way the country is run by partisan politics.


33. He tried to slip the country but was hauled back by a partisan band.


34. Any prosecutions would also touch off years of partisan warfare.


35. Governor Rendell said he was not pleased with the partisan way some of his fellow Democrats have handled Sam Alito's nomination.


36. But he is acknowledging continued partisan gridlock in Congress.


37. Obama says he seeing unprecedented consensus behind the effort, but he is acknowledging continue partisan redline in congress.


38. But analyst Rothenberg says so far, Mr. Obama has been able to deflect some of the partisan criticism.


39. But can Mr Obama really change America's viciously partisan atmosphere?


40. Ultimately, though, I believe any attempt by Democrats to pursue a more sharply partisan and ideological strategy misapprehends the moment we're in.


41. Ultimately, though, I believe anyattempt by Democrats to pursue a more sharply partisan andideological strategy misapprehends the moment we're in.


42. Hatred of Mr.Bush went well beyond the partisan broadsides typical of democratic politics.


43. But PiS has not calmed such fears with a partisan approach to public broadcasting.


44. The law, however, was enforced in a mean and partisan spirit against the Jeffersonian Republicans.


45. But the re-emergence of the usual partisan sound and fury obscures a much more interesting question.


46. One might suspect that the court's test will, as a practical matter, virtually immunize agency officials from the threat of being removed from a rulemaking proceeding for bias, even if they are highly partisan advocates for their cause.


47. A human-rights lawyer, he had spent much of his career abroad, so was untainted by the country's partisan politics.


48. You must listen to both points of view, and, try not to be partisan.


49. You must listen to both points of view and try not to is partisan.

你必须兼听双方观点, 尽量做到不偏不倚.

50. You must listen to both points of view and try not to be partisan.


51. You must listen to both point of view and try not partisan.


52. Fixed a CTD in fund partisan mission, if country had no provinces left.


53. It will complete, and systemize and standardize, the rules and procedures on soliciting for the opinions of the democratic parties and the personages without partisan affiliation.


54. The interpretation of an issue from a certain, usually partisan, point of view. Also known as anywhere from stretching the truth to out-and-out lying.


55. Partisan politics is often an obstruction to good government.


56. Partisan politics is often an obstructionto good government. Office politics are often debilitating and counterproductive.


57. Partisan politics is often an obstruction to good government. Office politics are often debilitating and counterproductive.


58. Now, with the Democrats likely to lavish ever more on boondoggles, he has a partisan reason to be tough.


59. Lieberman says MacCain is the best shot at breaking partisan gridlock in Washington.


60. By the end of 1941, the partisan bands were receiving help from the Soviet High Command and their attacks were coordinated with Red Army offensives.


61. Is Rousseau a partisan of the idea of progress? Do you believe in a course of progress marking the growth of civilized institutions?


62. Even after the country is defeated, partisan fight the invader in the hill.


63. Even after the country is defeated,partisan fight the invader in the hill.


64. The Foreign Relations Committee is split along partisan lines over Mr.


65. Anger and frustration curdle in rival political camps, fed by a partisan press.


66. The other obstacle is partisan bickering.


67. Furthermore, partisan politics and personal agendas also hampered effective governing.


68. Two appointments might seem like partisan payback.


69. John understands that it shouldn't take a natural disaster like Hurricane Gustav to get us to take off our partisan blinders and work together to get things done.


70. Only the foolish and the partisan have rejected (or embraced) any solutions categorically.


71. These were aimed at surrounding suspected partisan bases, and then sweeping through them to capture or kill any partisans and civilians suspected of aiding them.


72. Splits in the partisan movement led to some Serb supporters of the old Royalist regime in Belgrade to switch allegiances to the Germans.


73. Unlike Fiske, Starr had no prosecutorial experience, but he had something far more important: he was much more conservative and partisan than Fiske.


74. Well, in that same spirit, I say to President-elect Bush that what remains of partisan rancor must now be put aside, and may God bless his stewardship of this country.


75. The Senate hearing featured some partisan criticism of administration policy in Iraq, and some partisan support as well.


76. Some Democratic aides on Capitol Hill were similarly struck by the partisan nature of the appointment -- and even more so by the extended rollout.


77. Brutal reprisals for partisan attacks on German troops were the norm in the East, and the Waffen-SS was just bringing its tried and tested tactics to the West.


78. To the north and west, Soviet and Partisan forces were to liberate Belgrade and drive the Germans out of central and northern Serbia.


79. O. South C. campaign spokesperson A.S. says young people who support B.O. reject racial politics, gender politics and rigid partisan positions.


80. In a highly partisan atmosphere, Republicans and Democrats are both moving to shape post-Enron, confidence-building reforms.

