
pawpawD.J.:[pɔ:]K.K.:[pɔ]n.1.爪子This is a black cat with white paws.这是一只长着白爪子的小黑猫。2.Take your dirty little paws off me!别用你的小黑手抓着我。vt.1.用爪抓, 用蹄触The dog was pawing the door.狗正在用爪子抓门。2.摸弄He cannot be near a woman without pawing her.他一接近女人就忍不住动手动脚。

paw1[pɔ:]n.1.脚爪;爪子;脚掌2.[口语](尤指笨拙的)手3.[古语]笔迹4.[P-]襞蛤属vt.1.用爪子(或前足、蹄等)抓(或扒);用蹄蹴地:He barely escaped being pawed by the dog.他侥幸没有被狗抓着。The horse pawed the dust of the street.这匹马用蹄子刨街上的尘土。2.[口语]笨拙地摆弄(或触摸):Don't paw my English dictionary about.不要瞎摆弄我的英语字典。3.向…乱打;向…乱抓;向…乱摸:She doesn't like being pawed.她不喜欢被人摸弄。4.强行拥护vi.1.用爪子抓;用蹄子刨:The cat pawed at the ball of knitting wool again and again.猫一次又一次地抓这团毛线。2.乱翻乱找;笨拙地触摸:She pawed through her purse for a comb.她在手提包里乱翻一气找梳子。3.拼命抓:The dog sprang to the door and pawed at the man who was coming in.这条狗跳到门边,拼命地抓进门的人。4.强行拥护in the lion's paws在致命的危险中live under the cat's paw[口语]惧内,怕老婆;受老婆虐待make a cat's paw of someone利用某人作为工具、爪牙velvet paws (hide sharp claws)(猫的)肉爪虚假的温柔笑里藏刀,口蜜腹剑 paw2[pɔ:]n.1.[口语]爸,爸爸,父亲
