

1. In 1911, a penniless young music-hall artist left England for America


2. STRANGE shy man with a cultured voice but almost penniless stepped ashore in Melbourne in 1934 and unrolled some drawings tied up in a singlet.


3. Twenty five years later nine of them ended as follows. Schwab died penniless after living for five years on borrowed money. Instill died broke living in a foreign land.


4. "" a thus leave it penniless afterwards chalk, three feet four podium barometer, together with the organs, Bork, bork, bork Jiusi very hard, sweat drops of moisture .


5. "he came back from the war penniless and landed a good job right away.""yes, he has the knack of falling on his feet!"


6. "She tried to let me penniless," from the shackles and won the free end of Pavarotti wife complained, he naturally Feeling, this time the truth is really some state.


7. “If you go on spending money like this, you will find yourself penniless in a month,” my friend said to me the other day.


8. “Many years ago, a strange little boy from a remote place to be here, penniless, did not know English or Tagalog (Filipino language) what.


9. Everything will change of, is had another a big wound mood regardless how heavy, penniless want to insist all right and all.


10. One day he discovered that his sister was back in town. The man with whom she had run away had deserted her, and she was penniless and pregnant.


11. have nothing at all; penniless; destitute


12. sit on the penniless Bench


13. Ding Lei's cummer is a Taiwanese, two people are known in Guangzhou, the Ding Lei in those days just begins to do poineering work, penniless.


14. No. -No? -Oh, I see. It's our very own penniless sitar player.


15. 'Unfair' bank charges left me penniless.


16. Qiao Xiaodong instant penniless, so Liu gloat, but to his surprise, surprise, with Qiao Xiaodong WANG Ruo Xuan married.


17. Actually many famous movie stars begin with tiny and penniless walk-on.


18. The court took the situation of thesuspect, which is completely penniless as a reason to define the him has the motive to commit a crime.


19. Penniless, he begins to write, which is to earn him a living.


20. One of them was a penniless young art student.


21. The scam they were running left many people penniless.


22. He was a widower for sixteen years, and married a penniless young governess about a year and a half ago.


23. After making his fortune,he fetched up penniless when he died.


24. He was stranded penniless.


25. He was in reality penniless.


26. He feels unfamiliar, also he is penniless and heven't find a job.


27. Jobless and penniless, he had to sleep rough in the fields for several months.

他既无工作又无钱, 只好在野外露宿数月。

28. Jobless and penniless,he had to sleep rough in the fields for several months.


29. And though he knows I'm absolutely penniless he tells me every day about some cheap room he has just discovered in the neighborhood.


30. He died penniless in Paris.

他死在巴黎, 一文不名。

31. He lived well, helping the poor, and all other people; he died penniless and unknown.

他生前讲道德, 总是帮助穷人以及所有的人; 后来却一文不名, 默默无闻地死了。

32. His plan came to grief, and he was left penniless.


33. He's penniless.


34. He was in a sad plight, sick and penniless .


35. He was in a sad plight, sick and penniless.


36. He is completely penniless and dosen't know anybody whom he can borrow money from.


37. He was penniless and very ill besides.


38. He was more or less penniless except for the handsome salary he drew as private pilot to His Highness Prince Ali Yusuf.


39. Were you aware that he is practically penniless, and admitted to me that he came here because his money had run out?


40. All those fair-weather friends of yours will abandon you when you're penniless.


41. the young, spirited, and penniless Chanel was to be found in the fresh air of the countryside.


42. Anyhow I was penniless when I came here six months ago.


43. He is in reality penniless.


44. In fact, the penniless 19th century painters often paid for their stay with their own artwork.


45. Making great efforts means possipility but giving up means penniless.


46. The man with whom she had run away had deserted her, and she was penniless and pregnant


47. But s he is returning to St Louis toyay his debts, his satchel of stolen goods is stolen, leaving him penniless.


48. At the age of thirteen, Tom was left penniless by the death of his father, so he had his own way to make.


49. Penniless, but with boundless talent and vision, coupled with the energy of being granted a second chance at life, Hudec made his way to Shanghai.


50. He found himself penniless in a strange city.


51. In the novels of the period the dilemma was felicitously solved by the discovery, on the last page, that the apparently penniless heroine was really a great heiress .


52. A daughter two year-old that century end, crashes into the valley land from the mountain peak, goes bankrupt completely, penniless.


53. She more than suffered from the disease, she was penniless.


54. She had been the lovely Regina Dallas, a penniless beauty introduced to New York society by her cousin, the imprudent Medora Manson.


55. Alone and penniless, she told him(Philip) that other man had not married her.


56. She was an extraordinarily beautiful girl, Margaret Devereux, and made all the men frantic by running away with a penniless young fellow.


57. Old Liu might have pots of money and a redoubtable temper but he was no match for a penniless puffer who just managed to fill his stomach.


58. If he carries on drinking like that, he'll land up jobless and penniless.


59. If is penniless in the end, cannot bear the nature grumble shouts 'mother-fucker', investigates the reason to look for the result, has a look is there had problems.


60. If the breadwinner deserts the family, it will be left penniless.


61. Without your marriage to Lord Barkis. We shall be forced, penniless, into the street. We are destitute.


62. Antonio (Irons) borrows money from Shylock (Pacino) to help his young penniless friend Bassanio (Fiennes) in his quest to win the hand of the fair Portia (Collins).


63. A penniless branch of the Romanovs would be more valuable than a newly rich industrialist family descended from chicken thieves.


64. Feeling lonely and desperate in life , the penniless old hermit hoped that he would kick the bucket in a peaceful way .


65. Even though you may be penniless, still - have no fear.


66. A lone Confederate agent, without resources and nearly penniless, had just checkmated the frantic pursuit by thousands of men being orchestrated from Washington.


67. Despite the introduction of foreign capital will enable the team rich overnight, but it can also make the team a day penniless.


68. Born to an aristocratic family, Pal Sarkozy de Nagy-Bocsa fled Hungary during World War II and arrived penniless in France.


69. Clean and well-meaning is not corruption, not corruption, upright and thus leave it penniless afterwards.


70. When his mother died in 1884, Du Bois was 16 years old and penniless.


71. My firm in Hongkong went bankrupt and left me penniless, and I could only get home by working my ticket.


72. I would like to buy a train ticket to go back, if you are willing to help me I have to buy tickets to the good. I was a penniless.


73. I was left stranded penniless in a strange city.


74. My plan came to grief,and I was left penniless.


75. Turn down a billionaire, but would still be with you even if you're penniless.


76. Once the people who were the owners of lot of lands and other natural resources have now become landless, property less, jobless and penniless!.


77. You want to go to the people who would be by your side when all the chips are down, when you are sick, and when you are penniless.


78. He is penniless, and yet he leads the luxurious life of a millionaire.


79. Now Stanley is living out his life in a broken down trailer,penniless,alone and without the one thing that gives his life meaning his daughter Holly,whom he lost in a divorce.

此时他正住在一辆破旧的拖车里,身无分文,孤独寂寞。 由于他在离婚时没有获得对女儿霍莉的监护权,这个惟一给予他生活以意义的人也不在他身边。

80. Now Stanley is living out his life in a broken? down trailer,penniless,alone and without the one thing that gives his life meaning his daughter Holly,whom he lost in a divorce.

