
(pl.指硬币的个数用 pennies,指金额用 pence )
  1. (缩略词:p.)a British bronze coin and monetary unit equal to one hundredth of a pound
    ■(缩略词:d.)a former British coin and monetary unit equal to one twelfth of a shilling and 240th of a pound
    ■(N. Amer. informal)a one-cent coin
    ■(pennies)a small sum of money
    in the current economic situation any chance to save a few pennies is welcome.
    ■(in biblical use) a denarius
  2. The penny has its origins in the Roman denarius. The English silver penny first appeared in the late 8th century and was the only coin in circulation for several centuries. The penny was minted in copper from 1797 and in bronze from 1860; coining of silver pennies ceased with the reign of Charles II, apart from a small regular issue as Maundy money
  3. [with negative](a penny)used for emphasis to denote no money at all
    we didn't get paid a penny.
a bad penny always turns up
  1. (proverb)someone or something unwelcome will always reappear or return
be two (或 ten) a penny
  1. (chiefly Brit.)be plentiful or easily obtained and consequently of little value
count (或 watch 或 美 pinch) the (或 your) pennies
  1. be careful about how much one spends
in for a penny, in for a pound
  1. used to express someone's intention to complete an enterprise once it has been undertaken, however much time, effort, or money this entails
look after the pennies and the pounds will look after themselves
  1. (proverb)if you concentrate on saving small amounts of money, you'll soon amass a large amount
pennies from heaven
  1. unexpected benefits, especially financial ones
the penny dropped
  1. (informal, chiefly Brit.)used to indicate that someone has finally realized or understood something
a penny for your thoughts
  1. used in spoken English to ask someone what they are thinking about
  1. Old English penig, penning of Germanic origin; related to Dutch penning, German Pfennig, perhaps also to pawn and (with reference to shape) pan
  1. On the different uses of the plural forms pence and pennies, see usage at pence