

1. 9 see joke: A farmer is inadvertent when perambulatory barn a rare gold watch losing is in barn.

9看笑话: 一个农场主在巡视谷仓时不慎将一只名贵的金表遗失在谷仓里。

2. 9 see joke: King comes to Kelimu perambulatory, local official holds royal banquet to welcome him.

9看笑话: 国王到克里木来巡视,当地官员举行盛大筵席来欢迎他。

3. 9 see joke: Efficiency expert is in the office everywhere perambulatory, he asks a clerk: "What are you doing?

9看笑话: 效率专家在办公室到处巡视,他问一个办事员道:“你在做什么?”

4. 9 see joke: Flower king Charles 2 worlds are perambulatory institute of Oxford testament writing that, ask prexy whether give him the picture of Charles generation.

9看笑话: 英王查尔斯二世巡视牛津大学圣约翰学院那,问学院院长能否把查尔斯一世的画像给他。

5. 9 see joke: This day, hotel boss is in the hall is perambulatory.

9看笑话: 这天,酒店老板正在大厅巡视。

6. After two chapel, he arrives again the branch is perambulatory;


7. He says, perambulatory system is new period the construction that strengthens a party, strengthen the important step that supervises within the party.


8. He is worn martial attire, perky and dye-in-the-wood ground is perambulatory before the team, have such unit deeply and complacent.


9. Highway government agent basically is in charge of highway of daily and perambulatory, investigation serving horizontal;


10. Even if encounter administrator perambulatory, be considered as very easily also to be in get online normally browse.


11. With day, division of the 4th infantry also is in the United States husband of a place of strategic importance 10 thousand perambulatory, preparation marchs Bagdad.


12. Garden place leader and safe administrator often should undertake perambulatory, ensure child person is safe during construction.


13. of true deal with concrete matters relating to work to hold to perambulatory job principle, pay attention to means method;

坚持走群众路 线,做到求真务实;坚持巡视工作原则, 注重方式方法;坚持与时俱进,不断探索 规律;

14. Perambulatory job is a brand-new job, a lot of problems need to be perfected through ceaseless practice.


15. My school was last year second half of the year begins " 3 tell " education, subsequently I attended two schools again " 3 tell " teach perambulatory series.


16. Cut the ribbon at an opening ceremony is led one case in what concern a section with Nantong city, after that perambulatory exhibition, visited exhibit, collect a few bags of data.


17. After going to work yesterday, arrive in inn perambulatory, see a client is growing a controversy with inn.


18. One day, host goes perambulatory grass, see husband ox asthma bends over wheezingly to go up in the meadow.


19. One day, he is perambulatory before the station, the handle that discovers a woman is fierce suddenly is put took rapidly again among pants, everywhere look around.


20. This job gets provincial Party committee the sufficient affirmation of perambulatory group.


21. Military officer madam says: "I am common my lord go to the countryside is perambulatory when coming back, each military camp pulled many chicken, be weasel of course.


22. The wolf is very depressed, it all exit inside the hole perambulatory hind stem entirely again, hide in mouth of a cave to await prey again next.


23. Research of the Algorithm of Randomly Generating Perambulatory Routes in an Electronic Patrol System


24. Current, end from which place, increased the strength of perambulatory job.


25. This colleague expended whacker interest, just be in Johnson has arranged the file the 2nd times before perambulatory office, cleared desktop.


26. " this perambulatory Beijing, brewed a month.

