

1. The early morning on the 13th, the Perseid meteor shower, such as about blooming, beautiful night sky.


2. 31 It is time to get ready for the Perseid meteor shower.


3. Stars streak behind the ruins of the Cook Bank building in the Nevada ghost town of Rhyolite as a Perseid meteor traces a near vertical line across the early morning sky on August 13, 2007.


4. Comet dust rained down on planet Earth last August, streaking through dark skies in the annual Perseid meteor shower.


5. The Perseid meteor showers, is that right?

|英仙座流星雨 对吧?

6. The annual sky show known as the Perseid meteor shower will be taking place this week with the early morning hours providing the best viewing opportunity.


7. In fact, astronomer Jimmy Westlake imaged this bright Perseid meteor despite the combination of moonlight and auroral glow over Colorado skies in August of 2000.


8. Summer is the season for shooting stars, and this year could be among the best as the annual Perseid meteor shower promises to be better than usual.


9. The best meteor display of the summer comes during the second week of August, during the Perseid event.


10. Skygazers are getting ready to watch the annual Perseid meteor shower, which peaks on Wednesday.


11. Persisting even later into the moonlit night can reward northern hemisphere watchers looking for occasional Perseid fireballs.


12. Of course, two of the frames captured the brief, brilliant flash of a Perseid fireball as it tracked across the top of the field of view.


13. So in most years you can see Perseid meteors for a week or so before the shower's peak.


14. Of course, the meteor was part of the annual rain of dust from periodic Comet Swift-Tuttle known as the Perseid Meteor Shower.


15. The Perseids are one of the most famous showers in history.Check out the science and history of the Perseid meteor shower.


16. Every year, people look forward to the Perseid meteor shower.


17. The last Perseid stragglers may still be spotted as late as Aug. 24.


18. Forerunners of the Perseid shower began to appear around July 17.


19. The annual Perseid meteor shower will occur on Wednesday.


20. The Perseid meteor shower rises gradually to a peak, then drops off rapidly.


21. Although the Perseids tend to put out the greatest number of meteors during the wee morning hours, the moonlit glare will wash out many if not most Perseid meteors in 2009.


22. Explanation: A mountain top above the clouds and light-polluted cities was a good place to go to watch this August's Perseid meteor shower.

说明: 一座比云和都市光害高的山峰,是观赏8月英仙座流星雨的好地点。

23. Explanation: This bright and colorful meteor flashed through Tuesday's early morning skies, part of the annual Perseid Meteor Shower.


24. Explanation: Last weekend, dark, moonless night skies brought many sightings of Perseid meteors to skygazers all over planet Earth.

说明: 上周末,在没有月光的黑暗夜空下,地球上的观星者们都领略到了英仙座流星雨的美景。

25. This constellation is the “radiant point” of the Perseid meteor shower, peaking this year on the morning of August 12.


26. Recorded on August 12 during the Perseid Meteor Shower, the wide-angle view takes in a large swath along the photographer's eastern horizon.


27. Caption:: This photo is taken by a fisheye lens, captured the aurora display and a meteor.Tonight is the annual Perseid Meteor Shower, please keep an eye on the night sky!


28. Incidentally, the Double Cluster nearly marks the radiant point of the Perseid meteor shower, which peaks annually on or near August 12.


29. While the Perseid meteor shower is scheduled to peak this weekend, bright light from an almost full Moon will also flood the night and mask the majority of relatively faint meteors.

