

1. One day, Persephone is trying to bend over in the fields picking flowers one, the earth suddenly open to a broad slit.


2. However, if you have the ability to put away Persephone, I would do not object to.


3. Seated with him on his ebony throne was Queen Persephone, the once fair goddess of vegetation whom he had abducted.


4. In order to let Hades forget Menthe, Persephone conjured Menthe to be a common grass to be trampled by passerby.


5. Persephone would be allowed to return to the world for eight months each year, and, for that time, Demeter would call off her fertility strike.In this way, the seasons were created.


6. His queen was Persephone, the daughter of Demeter, whom he kidnapped from earth and carried off to the underworld.


7. When he was in Hades he obtained the liberty of Theseus, his admirer and imitator, who had been detained a prisoner there for an unsuccessful attempt to carry off Proserpine (Persephone).


8. Later, when Persephone to stay deep soil, the Demeter can a worried frown, the earth is a recession, it has become the winter.


9. Zeus still not wanting to disappoint Hades, decided upon a condition for Persephone’s return.She could go back to her mother if she had not eaten anything while she was in the underworld.


10. you vowed to persephone.


11. Persephone gave her the beauty box but warned her not to open it.


12. Another version of the story states that the daughters were present when Persephone was ravished by Hades and bid Zeus for wings to pursue Hades.


13. As soon as Persephone returns above ground, the cold grip of winter is removed;rivers run free again and flowers carpet the land.


14. He abducted the child Helen and attempted to steal Persephone from Hades, but was confined in the underworld until his rescue by Heracles.


15. Only be able to let her enjoy the pleasure of life, or she and the daughter of Zeus Health Persephone, an intelligent, beautiful, innocent, lively girl, and her together, no one will be sad and sad.


16. In the Greek mysteries, Persephone, was abducted by Pluto, Lord of Hades.


17. in Greek poetry and mythology,the flowers of Hades and the dead,sacred to Persephone


18. At this level the mother is both old and young, Demeter and Persephone, and the son is spouse and sleeping suckling rolled into one.


19. Hades, God of the Dead, abducted Persephone, daughter of the goddess of agriculture, Demeter, to be his wife in the underworld.


20. She had a daughter, Persephone, whom she loved very much.


21. She went right to Persephone 's castle and requested a little of her beauty.


22. If God is and learn their kind, we also how to rule the world? to Hades give up a shot , so that he fell in love with Persephone mad!


23. No way Zeus, Persephone had no choice but to allow each of the 1 / 3 of the time living in the nether world, 2 / 3 hours back the world, serve her mother.


24. In Greek poetry and mythology, the flowers of Hades and the dead, sacred to Persephone.


25. When creating a new character for the PvE server, Donnie decided to make a cute female avatar named Persephone.


26. When Zeus discovered this, he agreed that Persephone could spend part of the year with her mother, but he added that since she had eaten the seeds, she must spend part of the year in the underworld.


27. The goddess of the harvest, daughter of Rhea and Cronus and mother of Persephone.


28. When Demeter found out what happened to Persephone, she became so angry that she caused all plants to stop growing .


29. Coaxed into helping his friend Pirithous to kidnap Persephone, Theseus went down there, only to be chained to a black stone, and rescued later by Heracles when the latter came to steal Cerberus.


30. But from the very first "initiation story" the author narrates for us?the myth of the abduction to the underworld of Persephone, an ancient Greek emblem of spring, vitality, rebirth?


31. Persephone's mother was Demeter, the goddess of fertility, who took a furious revenge for the loss of her child.


32. Finally, Demeter had dragged the body tired, returned to Sicily, where the disappearance of Persephone.


33. At this moment, Persephone in Hades under the coercion, has become a distinguished post-Ming, and then to the ground and mother can not be reunited.


34. Persephone [queen of the dead]


35. Then Aphrodite gave Psyche the final task: to go to Queen Persephone in the Underworld and bring the beauty box back to Aphrodite.


36. According to this view the sleep or death of Osiris means the sleep of the spring-maiden Brynhild, or the imprisonment of Persephone in the dark realm of Hades.


37. Persephone is the soul of man, whose true home is in the heavens.


38. Persephone did not know but half of what her husband was up to, as he kept his strange laboratories and experiments locked away from her.Persephone birthed 5 children with Merduk.


39. Persephone obliged her but instructed her not to open the box, but give it directly to Venus.


40. Persephone entered a large room where many red nations peoples and her own missing child was chained to a bed, blood dripping into glass containers from their heels, wrists and neck.


41. According to myth, Hades also imprisoned his wife, Persephone, in the underworld's eternal darkness.


42. All of the earth suddenly split up, and still are a bright and sunny, green grass and the sky apart from the also echoed Persephone outside crying for help, as if nothing had happened.


43. An ancient fertility goddess who later became associated with Persephone as queen of Hades and protector of witches.


44. And so it happens that when Persephone is in the underworld, Demeter is sad and therefore will not let the crops grow.


45. This was more than Persephone could bear and she committed suicide in great anguish.


46. Persephone who knows the whereabouts of the gods were all silence.


47. Persephone, wife of Hades, and queen of the undead.


48. She was the rival of Persephone, queen of the underworld, for the love of the beautiful Greek youth Adonis.

