

1. System of 1 integrated service produces medium action pasturage to serve a system integratedly to pervade in stock raising each fields that pasturage produces.

1 综合服务体系在畜牧业生产中的作用畜牧综合服务体系遍及畜牧生产的各个领域。

2. "The critical habit of thought, if usual in society, will pervade all its mores, because it is a way of taking up the problems of life.


3. A very real sense of peace seemed to pervade my whole being.


4. The House of Commons science and technology committee said the previous Unwillingness of the government, to become involved had contributed to the "atmosphere of confusion and ignorance that pervade the use of genetic tests results".


5. 97. A divine gift for music is believed to pervade the landscape, the people, the atmosphere, and even the stones of Vienna.


6. A divine gift for music is believed to pervade the landscape, the people, the atmosphere, and even the stones of Vienna.


7. To pervade with a lightening, enlivening, or modifying influence.


8. To occupy the whole of; pervade


9. all the doom that continues to pervade markets, it is interesting to revisit the issue of “decoupling”.


10. Our time together seemed devoid of the gerrymandered schedules that now pervade my life.


11. Except in special kinds of applications, parallelism won't pervade the programs that are written in a hundred years


12. Chest x-ray is often termed white out or white lung because consolidation and coalescing infiltrates pervade the lungs, leaving few recognized air spaces.


13. by the entrance, Levchenko remarked that a kind of sepulchral quiet seemed to pervade the Residency.


14. Most astronomers believe that large quantities of some unidentified material pervade the universe.


15. The moon in the sky is too chill and illusionary, while the moon beside me is outpouring the lyricism as a piece of warm jade, which can pervade through the overwhelming dark.


16. Nano technology will soon pervade the world.


17. How to Pervade Moral Education in English Teaching


18. among those, economy is the most important. Always beyond the economic function , the chambers' actions pervade every aspect of the society .


19. Worms and worm eggs pervade all vegetables and fruits, along with raw fish for those who love Sushi; it is impossible to eat and not ingest worms or their eggs.


20. the small flowers and herbs, in flaming transparency, pervade the quiet moment with a moist perfume, pungent and bright.


21. Market orientation needs to pervade the whole organisation from top to bottom and this has many implications for directors, line management and recruitment and training programmes.


22. Having the quality or tendency to pervade or permeate


23. To strengthen the new mechanism of th e district -police business is to push the police business to pervade ,extend and expl ore the district,which is the new dem and the municpal district construction puts forward to the police.


24. When you do re-enter everyday life, let the wisdom, insight, compassion, humor, fluidity, spaciousness, and detachment that meditation brought you pervade your day-to-day experience.


25. Hatred, fight, feud will pervade the whole country.


26. Our time together seemed devoid of the gerrymandered schedules that pervade my life.


27. Our demographics, chemicals, economics and politics pervade every part of the planet.


28. By loving and pampering them, this loving aura will pervade our house, our whole family, and emanate beyond, extending the positive atmosphere to the world.


29. 10. By loving and pampering them, this loving aura will pervade our house, our whole family, and emanate beyond, extending the positive atmosphere to the world.


30. I believe it will be quite a long time before the spirit of democracy pervade our daily life.


31. New findings show that the giant clouds of dust and gas that pervade the universe, out of which form all of the stars and other assorted celestial bodies, depend on magnetism to condense.


32. To be continually present in; pervade


33. According to Spender's research, double standards pervade the classroom.


34. Twentieth-century attitude and sensibilities as well as contemporary slang pervade the lyrics, and ironic allusions to modern life are scattered throughout.


35. Each time I light my Longevity Lamp, heartwarming beams of radiance illuminate the surroundings, pervade the universe, dissolve everything in their midst and permeate my heart.


36. The commodity of handicraft industry of Chinese generation privately owned is produced, pervade at that time all manual industries, dominant place is had in Chinese generation handicraft industry.


37. French national railway is built have pervade the research network of entire company.


38. Infiltrate; penetrate; pervade;


39. In practice, however, this multicore strategy represents a major shift in processor architecture that will quickly pervade the computing industry.


40. More so than ever, badges pervade every walk of life, with their pictures and phrases functioning as a rallying point, or simply evoking a certain movement in pop culture.


41. What if gloom pervade the present?


42. Because of the pressure of wind and heating,and the wall of tall building is very tall,the amount of air which form outside will pervade more than multistory building.


43. On the contrary, an individual acquires a true proper name as the result of the most severe operations of depersonalization, when he opens himself to multiplicities that pervade him and to intensities which run right through his own being.


44. Science and technology have come to pervade every aspect of our lives and, as a result, society is changing at a speed which is quite unprecedented.

科学和技术已经开始渗透了我们生活的各个领域; 结果,社会正以空前的速度改变着。

45. Science and technology have come to pervade every aspect of our lives and,as a result,society is changing at a speed which is quite unprecedented.


46. Science and technology have come to pervade every aspect of our lives.


47. Science and technology have come to pervade every aspect of our lives and, as a result, society is changing at speed which is quite unprecedented.


48. That personality trait seems to pervade everything he does.


49. Order, proportion, and fitness pervade the universe


50. Economic development is associated with social changes which pervade the relationship of people to their environment and to their fellows.


51. And networks pervade technology: the Internet, power grids and transportation systems are but a few examples.


52. American northwest aviation and the course with its companionate aviation, pervade the whole world 6 continent are close 160 many countries even more 900 cities.

美国西北航空与其航空伙伴的航线,遍及全球六大洲近160 多个国家逾 900 个城市。

53. Other places where Kauai's culture and beauty pervade are botanical and cultural gardens, the Kokee Natural History Museum, the Waioli Mission, and the charming historical towns of Hanalei, Hanapepe and Lihue.


54. Yet contrasts between ancient and modern pervade this city of 17million.


55. These sentences describe precisely the kind of spirit that our American forefathers hoped would pervade their new republic.


56. the growing naturally grassplots pervade to the deep of bamboo woods,which are also the dwelling place of avifauna, squirrels and other wild animals.


57. 10.English Lawn: Through the stilt floor, comes the open English lawn with trees and shady roads, where elegance and nature pervade in either static or dynamic scene from each angle.


58. 1.(of diseases, fire, etc.) to spread; to extend; 2.(of trees, grass, etc.) to creep; to ramble; to trail over3.(of cities, etc.) to sprawl4.(of smell, etc.) to pervade


59. Fantasies pervade the human dance.


60. Let the love of God pervade their inmost being, commingled with their mother's milk.


61. Science and technology have come to pervade every aspect of our lives, and, as a result, society is changing at a speed which is quite unprecedented. (四册56课)


62. Poetry remains no longer the symbol of speech privilege, but turns into the tool of parodying, and more and more air of humanity begins to pervade.


63. 4. Poetry remains no longer the symbol of speech privilege, but turns into the tool of parodying, and more and more air of humanity begins to pervade.


64. What is the most important is not grammar, but formulaic sequences (grammatical lexis), which pervade in language.


65. Issues around IT governance will pervade the course.


66. Perhaps what most of us recall most foundly about the 60s is the spirit of youth that seemed to pervade everything , the feeling that the world belonged to the young and anything was possible.


67. Above that level, they create a breadth of role-model styles, can become crucial mentors and temper the overly masculine cultures that pervade many executive suites.


68. With the improvement of life quality in recent years, the portable sets by wireless interconnection have come to pervade every aspect of our lives gradually.


69. These themes pervade Hindu and Buddhist thought and provide a striking contrast for understanding some of the basic differences between Indian and Western thought.


70. " And the whole spirit of 3)negativism will tend to pervade those people's minds and also the family.


71. These fallacies pervade not merely the arguments of the hired spokesmen of special interests, but the arguments even of some economists who pass as profound.


72. This has to do with the many forces of the dark that pervade the energy flow in particular of those below 3000 strands that wish to trip one up.


73. WORD OF THE DAY - pervade : to spread throughout. Critical attitudes can pervade your thoughts when you spend time around negative people.

