
pickpickD.J.:[pik]K.K.:[pɪk]vt. & vi.1.采, 摘Ripe apples pick easily.熟了的苹果容易摘。2.啄, 叼, 啃The chicken picked about the yard.小鸡在院子里到处啄食。The dog picked the bone clean.这狗把骨头啃得光光的。vt.1.挑选, 选择It took her two hours to pick a dress that suited her.她花了两个小时才挑选了一件合适的衣服。Dade picked a dress in fashion for his girlfriend.达德给他的女朋友挑了一件时髦的裙子。2.挖, 剔It's bad form to pick one's teeth in public.在公共场合剔牙很失礼。n.1.挑选; 选择2.最佳选择, 精华It's the pick of this month's new films.这是本月新上映的影片中的精品。3.镐, 锄He breaks up strong ground with a pick.他用镐刨开坚硬的地面。

pick1[pik]vt.1.【纺织业】投(梭)2.[英国方言]投,掷,扔n.1.投梭2.纬纱3.投掷;投掷的东西 pick2[pik]n.1.鹤嘴锄;镐2.用来挖掘的尖状物[通常用于组合]3.= plectrum4.(梳理爆炸发型的)宽距长齿金属发梳;一种细长的塑料发梳5.【篮球】掩护 pick3[pik]vt.1.(用鹤嘴锄等)凿;掘;挖:He is picking the surface of a millstone.他正在凿磨石面。2.用尖状物凿成洞:It was easy to pick holes in the mound.土丘上凿洞很容易。3.(用手指或尖状物)挖;掏;挖出:The dog picked the bone clean.狗把骨头抠干净了。4.剔(牙齿等):It is a bad form to pick one's teeth in public.在公众前剔牙是一种不良习惯。5.(用手指)采,摘(尤指采集花朵,浆果等);拾:To solve the food problem, some boys went hunting in the forest,and the girls went out to pick wild vegetables.为解决食物问题,一些男孩子去森林打猎,而女孩子则去采摘野菜。6.清除;拔去(禽毛):to pick a goose退鹅毛7.(从树上)摘(花、果实等):She picked some flowers from the garden.她从花园里采摘了一些鲜花。8.(鸟等)啄食:The little birds are picking the grain.小鸟正在啄食。9.少量地吃,挑肥拣瘦地吃:picking listlessly at one's dinner吃饭时心不在焉一点点地往嘴里送10.撕开;扯开(纤维等):As the shirt fits badly, she will pick it to pieces and remake it.因为这件衬衫极不合身,她要拆了重做。11.选择,挑选,挑拣:It took her half an hour to pick a dress that suited her.她用了半小时挑选适合她穿的衣服。12.寻找…口实,寻(衅):to pick a quarrel (或fight)寻衅吵架(或打架)13.找碴儿,找毛病:He picked many flaws in the plan.他从计划中找出许多纰漏。14.拨琴弦;弹(吉他等)弦乐器:The boy picked the banjo.小男孩弹着班卓琴。15.撬锁(尤指偷窃):The blacksmith picked a lock with a pin.工匠用大头针把锁撬开了。16.扒窃(别人衣袋中的)东西:He had his pocket picked.他被扒窃了。17.[澳大利亚口语]推测;猜测;预言:I picked that was where he'd gone.我想他要去的就是那里。18.【棒球】防守得法:He can really pick it at third base.他在三垒上守得真棒。vi.1.(用鹤嘴锄等)凿;挖;掘2.少量地吃,挑肥拣瘦地吃:He never feels hungry and just picks at his food.他不觉得饿,吃东西也没有胃口。3.采集,收,拾:He picked up a wallet in the street and gave it to a policeman.他在街上拾到一个钱包,把它交给了警察。4.偷窃,扒窃:She will never pick and steal.她决不会行窃。5.(被)采摘:Grapes pick easily.葡萄很容易采摘。6.选择,挑选(尤指精细挑选):Why should you pick on me to do the chores?你为什么非要挑我去干那些杂事呢?7.【棒球】把(跑垒队员)通出局8.[美国英语]弹弦乐器9.(鸟等)啄食:Chicken picked about the field.鸡在田地到处啄食。n.1.凿;挖;掘2.选择;选择权3.掏;扒;剔4.(人或物的)精华;最好部分5.一次采收的作物6.(纸牌)方块7.冰刀尖头8.(琴弦的)拨子近义词choosecan really pick'em[美国口语][常用作反语]很会挑选东西have (got) a bone to pick with见 bonepick a crow with someone[方言]对某人有不满之处对某人有需要解决的争端跟…口角(争吵)pick a hole(s) in someone's coat见 holepick and choose细心挑选,挑挑拣拣,挑三拣四;挑剔pick and steal小偷小摸,扒窃pick a (或 the) winner(比赛之前)挑中了获胜者;作了最好的挑选pick it【棒球】防守得法(接球或截球得法)pick one's way (或 steps)见 waypick someone's brain见 brainpick them[用以加强语气,尤指人群关系]谨慎选择snag a pick up[美国英语]免费乘车take one's pick (from, of)[口语](随意)挑选the pick (或 best) of the bunch (或 basket)一批中最好的东西;精品,精华

词性变化pickn.1.纬纱, 投梭