

1. David evaluates the strengths and limitations of Pippy as a means of implementing Palm applications.


2. “Do you want to have breakfast at my house?”Pippi asks Tommy and Annika.


3. “I'm a thing-finder,”says Pippi one day t o Tommy and Annika.


4. “I can,”says Pippi to Tommy and Annika.


5. “Go, Pippi!”scream Tommy and Annika and all the people at the circus.


6. “Because the counter just isn't big enough when you are baking at least five hundred cookies,”says Pippi.


7. Astrid Lindgren endowed "century kids" like Pippi Longstocking with modern aesthetic ideals and highlighted their subjective consciousness, independence and creative desires.

她赋予皮皮等“世纪儿童”以现代审美理想 ,突出他们可贵的主体意识、独立精神和创造欲望 ;

8. She stomped back to the card catalog, with me trailing meekly behind as Pippi never would have. "Where were you looking?" I asked.


9. 'She stomped back to the card catalog, with me trailing meekly behind as Pippi never would have.


10. Still, Pippy gives you enough to play with now, and enables you to do some useful things without too much effort.


11. Sometimes one of the kids - okay usually Harry - will do something to Pippi - say, for example, kick her in the leg.


12. The last portion of this write-up pointed to some fairly stark limitations of Pippy 0.7.

本文的最后一部分不加掩饰地指出了Pippy 0.7一些相当严重的局限性。

13. Pippi also bakes cookies. She rolls out the dough on the kitchen floor.


14. Pippi has a broken egg in her hair. It landed there when she was beating the pancake batter.But Pippi doesn't care.


15. Pippi knows even more tricks.


16. Compiling Pippy is a lot more work than just downloading the executables.


17. Let me introduce Pippy in the style of a good news bad news joke.

