

1. Music has the charm to placate insolent thoughts,to soft stone and to bend the thousands years old trees.


2. The new set-up at ICANN will not placate countries such as China, Russia and Iran that want America to relinquish control entirely.


3. “Blankfein was clearly trying to placate the locals and show some kind of contrition.


4. Harried mattress salesman Howard Langston is late for his son Jamie's karate class.To placate his unhappy son he asks him if there is any thing he wants for Christmas.


5. Worst of all is being determined to do so, by any means available. 10.You can rarely, if ever, please, placate, change, or mollify an asshole.


6. 10.You can rarely, if ever, please, placate, change, or mollify an asshole .The best thing you can do is stay away from every one you encounter.


7. 10. You can rarely, if ever, please, placate, change, or mollify an asshole.


8. 10.You can rarely, if ever, please, placate, change, or mollify an asshole.The best thing you can do is stay away from every one you encounter.


9. Do not imagine you can placate them by showering "development" and "reconstruction" on them in the postwar era.


10. But to placate the manufacturers and the unions, the bill also includes a measure which Europe has rightly abjured (although some member states have recently been demanding one) for a border tax on carbon-intensive goods.


11. But in an apparent attempt to placate criticism, he emphasized that the Chinese firm won't have any equity in the project.


12. Chinese media say the protest ended after Jiangxi's provincial governor went to the station to placate the residents.


13. In a bid to placate Airbus, the British government this week announced it would finance research into new computer-modelling techniques at several British universities, to help Airbus speed up product development by as much as 90%.


14. All U.S. beef exported to South Korea will come from cattle less than 30 months old, officials said Saturday, in a deal made to placate South Korean protesters worried about mad cow disease.


15. In a move to placate the Antifederalists, the Tenth Amendment was added to the Constitution, "reserving" many powers to the states.


16. “ I cannot placate the Left,” he grumbles.


17. He never attempt to placate his enemy.


18. He never attempts to placate his enemies.


19. They stress the need to placate protesters rather than respond with force.


20. He hoped really to placate butler in part by generous attitude throughout this procedure


21. He is a man who doesn't know how to appreciate favors. The more you creep and crawl trying to placate him, the more pleasure he gets in taking it out on you.


22. His intent is clearly not to placate his critics.


23. But he wants it delayed to buy him time to placate the powerful global-warming sceptics in his own party.


24. But analysts say the ruling may also fail to placate the yellow-shirted, anti-government People's Alliance for Democracy (Pad), despite the celebrations at the airports today.


25. But this is nanny-state action designed to placate investors who naively parked their money in stocks a few years ago and sat back, expecting the good times to keep rolling.


26. But the White House sees any conspicuous efforts to placate Jackson as dangerous to its efforts to win back disaffected white moderates.


27. But the White House sees any conspicuous effort to placate Jackson as dangerous to its efforts to win back disaffected white moderates.


28. But more Chinese are using new anti-monopoly law they were to protect the industry's leading enterprises, to placate domestic nationalists.


29. You can rarely, if ever, please, placate, change, or mollify an asshole .The best thing you can do is stay away from every one you encounter.


30. What do you do to placate relatives and friends and still maintain your waist-line?


31. You can rarely, if ever, please, placate, change, or mollify an asshole.


32. You had better placate your parent's angry.


33. 10.You can rarely, if ever, please, placate, change, or mollify an asshole.


34. The more you creep and crawl trying to placate him, the more pleasure he gets in taking it out on you.


35. Worst of all is being determined to do so, by any means available.You can rarely, if ever, please, placate, change, or mollify an asshole.


36. In your fear you will try to escape it to fight it to protect yourselves from it to placate it.


37. Galliani has sought to placate irate supporters with a trophy signing this summer, and had stated his intent on signing Ronaldinho or Arsenal's Emmanuel Adebayor.


38. Beijing hopes that better protection for workers through the union and the new labor law will placate its increasingly restive manufacturing workforce.


39. To placate old and new site members, this 2.0 version of the site needs to make sure it's dependably usable at all times.


40. The various accounting bodies are trying to placate the politicians while avoiding watering down standards too much.


41. ) and to placate their thirst for souls will attack humans to eat the souls.


42. The increasing photonic energy will begin to placate the remaining electricity upon earth in the years ahead.


43. Fear and a desire to placate the mysterious forces that rule the universe were probably the original reasons for euphemizing.


44. All it takes is to say hello to the next door neighbour or for a friend to visit the house, and the child bursts into a desperate and embarrassing weeping session, difficult to placate.


45. Over the past 70 years it has often been the farmers and their exports that have rescued the economy only to see populist governments in Buenos Aires plunder the Pampas to placate their urban voters.


46. Just don't imagine you can stay there for ever.Worst of all is being determined to do so, by any means available. 10.You can rarely, if ever, please, placate, change, or mollify an asshole.


47. To placate an infant distressed by this separation, mom would offer vocal, rather than physical, reassurance and continue her search for sustenance.


48. Putin.It also foists a stark choice on the Kremlin: to stifle dissent, or to placate protesters to provide some kind of pressure outlet.


49. It strongly opposes many of the policies that Ms Merkel adopted during the grand coalition to placate her SPD partners, such as minimum wages and give-aways to pensioners.


50. In fact Pakistan's new president, Asif Zardari, has been going out of his way-and courting controversy at home-to placate India.


51. Ferguson also needs to placate irate United fans.


52. When Galvatron discovered this disloyalty he flew into a rage (as he was wont to do), and the Quintessons, as they so often did, resorted to deceit to placate him.


53. This may or may not placate the militants' leader, Mullah Fazalullah.


54. often been the farmers and their exports that have rescued the economy only to see populist governments in Buenos Aires plunder the Pampas to placate their urban voters.


55. Rooms must be serviced quickly to placate waiting guests and information on the status of rooms furnished accurately and immediately to the room clerk, who uses the reports to make new room assignments.


56. A witch or wizard seeking to take leaves or wood from a bowtruckle-inhabited tree should offer wood lice or fairy eggs to the bowtruckle to placate and distract it (FB, OP13).


57. It is tempting to dismiss such talk as merely well-meaning guff intended to placate the campaigners and non-governmental organisations that prowl around Davos.


58. I tried to placate her by offering to pay for the repairs.


59. Politically, the big question is whether Beijing will keep up this pace of appreciation against the dollar and whether that will placate the new crowd on Capitol Hill.


60. There is a handsome edition of Fichte, given by Leni Riefenstahl to placate Hitler after a disastrous encounter, but the annotations are by someone else.


61. Some suspect that the wily Swiss set a trap, hoping to placate America, which has been cracking down hard on Swiss tax shelters.


62. ’ Jack felicitates his brainstorm to feast them.He only thought to placate them through the invitation without thinking it is fruitful.


63. Xiaozi is a natural songster.He could always placate us by his crooning, so we would temporarily ignore his foul smelling socks.


64. Yet Maoist leaders also hint that their virulent rhetoric is to placate their frustrated rank-and-file.


65. It was not enough to placate the Giallorossi director of sport.“Roma may have lost this game,” added Baldini, “but above all the loser on Thursday night was Di Canio.


66. In particular there was the Ning rite during which a dog was dismembered to placate the four winds or honour the four directions.


67. Now Mr Tsang will have to come up with an electoral plan for the coming years that will placate public impatience but not alarm China.


68. Even a written apology failed to placate the indignant hostess.


69. 500mm: Critters and birds. Money laundering: can be bought and sold to placate wife about questionable expenses. "But I sold one of my lenses to pay for it, honey, honest.


70. You can rarely, if ever, please, placate, change, or mollify an asshole.The best thing you can do is stay away from every one you encounter.Being an asshole is a contagious disease.


71. Officials asked fans to remove the offending garments, to placate Budweiser, a rival beer brand that was the tournament's official sponsor.


72. That would placate students of rigour, who accuse some European governments of ignoring scientific data and pandering to consumer panic (as shown by European campaigns against “Frankenstein foods”).


73. Tigress called over to placate him.


74. Hollows, in their attempt to bury their lost of life (heart?) and to placate their thirst for souls will attack humans to eat the souls.


75. Although Yi might not be the big piece to placate Kobe Bryant, he'd be an intriguing acquisition. His style of play would seem to mesh well on paper with Bynum.


76. The Executive Yuan sent out two sets of low ranking officials to placate the students and faculty, who rejected their overtures after voting on the issue.


77. The concessions did little to placate the students.


78. Anna Akhmatova said that the only reason why Tolstoy killed off Anna Karenina was to placate the moral standards of his aunts in Moscow.


79. Accommodation failed to placate the critics and may have demoralized supporters of a strong defense


80. You can rarely, if ever, please, placate, change, or mollify an asshole .

