

1. ] [Porky Pig vs.


2. You got something to say, Porky, huh?


3. "Porkies" is simply an abbreviated version of "porky pies"

“Porkies”只不过是“porky pies”的缩短说法。

4. "Porky pies', comes from Cockney rhyming slang (East London slang in which a rhyming phrase is substituted for a word, e. g., "apples and pears" means "stairs", "frog and toad'" means "road").

“Porky pies”来源于伦敦东区土话的同音俚语(东伦敦俚语中的同音俚语是字的替代,例如,“apples and pears”的意思是“stairs”;“frog and toad”的意思是“road”)。

5. "porky pies" means "lies"

“porky pies”的意思是“谎言”。

6. porky:Yes you are right.So they k...Christian:But there is a problem.When...


7. "A fragment of the truth can be miles more effective than an outright porky."

“片言只字的实情远比an outright porky有效。”

8. Ding Lei is very sturdy: "I believe a Chinese or want to eat porky!


9. Every so often a phrase from Cockney rhyming slang grabs public attention and becomes a part of popular speech all over Britain, as has happened recently with "porky pies".

东伦敦土话的同额俚语间或吸引住公众的注意力并成为整个英国流行语言的一部分,如最近发生在“porky pies”这个词的现象。

10. Two animals, Porky the pig and Donald the duck, see something strange to them.


11. You are beginning to look a little porky.


12. Breed door improve porky quality than be being paid attention to more before, reduce manufacturing cost, enhance the market competition ability of the product.


13. Hey, Porky! Look at the tag hanging around its neck.


14. Speak with an accent (French, German, Porky Pig, etc.) during a very important conference call.


15. In all sorts of flesh kind in, as emphasize particularly on the change of porky diet structure, predict rasorial demand growth rate is accelerated.


16. If someone accuses you of telling porky pies (or porkies), you might be at a loss to know what they mean

如果有人指责你telling porky pies(或porkies),你可能不知道他们是什么意思。

17. I knew that was a porky because of a television interview I did with him during Euro '96.


18. I say, pull an egg, I believe a Chinese or want to eat porky!


19. According to Citizens Against Government Waste, a watchdog group, the number of porky earmarks has exploded under Republican rule, from 1,439 in 1995 to 13,997 last year.


20. Student of the Beijing University before this still has gone out to sell porky case, the network does poineering work also is not too poor choice.


21. Vivid pig and porky price all are collected from 10 advocate produce province, division (Sichuan, Hunan, Heibei, Jiangsu, Henan, Shandong, Anhui, Hubei, Guangdong, Guangxi) 115 counties.


22. Consumer is right porky confidence, spur the double growth of pork production and consumption again.

消费者对猪肉的信心 ,又促使猪肉生产和消费量的双重增长。

23. Lukewarm: Show level, the doorsill of aquaculture of countrywide live pig is very low, and crop is very flabby calm, want you to be able to assure porky quality only so, everybody can raise a pig.


24. Next, add this kind the swine that feeds tea to be slaughtered, analyse porky character again, the examination raises the effect of the pig with tea.


25. Dog meat is very good nourishing food, be in big in city, dog meat price is porky 2 times above.


26. porky genome


27. As a result of the reason of breed, hunan pig consumes the sale share that big province holds to also have the risk that is squeezed to occupy in the domestic porky such as Shanghai, Guangdong.


28. Ultra Lo vs Porky Mon!Classic Arcade Game: Space Invaders!


29. Result discovery, the original distinctive fishy smell in white pork is reduced substantially, and the vitamin C content in pork is general porky 3 times.


30. porky porky still believe in a rebounce today FRri 19 Feb hsi close doing an inverted ... - 2月23日 11:40


31. Pets are too porky


32. Most Male MPs Feel Porky


33. Holand is country of production of the 4th big hog in European Union country, the sales volume outside porky occupies his the 70 % of total output.


34. Application of the Gene Expression Profiles Chips in Analysis of Porky Genome


35. A lot of Japanese think, raise a pig with tea, porky flavour is much better.


36. Porky Pies/Porkies (slang)


37. Still a few want to eat porky to was not sale personage to also make the opposite typical case of the try anything when in a desperate situation.


38. Below such setting, porky commerce foreground is more hopeful 2004.

这样的背景下 ,2004年猪肉的贸易前景比较乐观。

39. Sir Reginald, known to his intimates as Porky'.

