

1. Fen,Per and Cyp induced pS2 mRNA expression with various potencies while there was no significant effect in Del treated group.

Fen、Cyp和贝r台不同程度地诱导pSZ mMA表达,6Del没有该作用。

2. We have potencies to get love from others when we are in need, and similarly, we are expected to offer love to those with difficulties.


3. homeopathic symbol for the decimal scale of potencies


4. developmental potencies

发育优势, 发育效价

5. In our country, real estate have enormous developmental potencies, it is also a kind of leading infrastructure industry, is the base of the whole economy.


6. In our country, Real estate have enormous developmental potencies, it also is a kind of leading infrastructure industry, is the base and carrier of the whole economy.


7. Relative Analgesic Potencies of Levobupivacaine and Ropivacaine for Epidural Analgesia in Labor Polley LS, et al.


8. Italian Head Coach vara club's former is precisely Lang Ping, but before Sun 玥 and the what fine jade two, national champions also once were this club potencies.


9. According to these findings, we have estimated the potencies of the test Dad and their fiducial limits. They were 55.47, 56.74 and 47.06IU/0.5ml, respectively, and all of them exceeded 30IU/0.5 ml in accordance with WHO requirements.

所检定的3批吸白类效价分别为55.47、56.74和47.06IU/0.5ml,皆超过了WHO规程规定的30IU/0.5 ml的水平。

10. In this paper,current status of the multiple cropping in a typical oasis irrigation area was evaluated,and the multiple cropping potencies of heat and water resources were measured.


11. Abstract : Nanotechnology is a new technology, developing very fast in recent years.It possesses almost unlimited potencies.

摘 要 :纳米技术是近年来发展迅速的新技术,有着几乎无限的潜力。

12. Analysis of (PO_4)~(3-) affecting DTaP potencies in different acellular Pertussis preparations


13. Potent &Science-Safe - Nutrient potencies balanced for the special needs of children.


14. Scale predicates on physical limits, the distance (which is spatially qualitative and extensionally quantitative) between potencies and their currently unattainable actualization.


15. AIM: To compare the potencies between ( - )-stepholidine ((-)SPD) and 12-chloroscoulerine (CSL) enantiomers on firing of substantia nigra (SN) dopamine (DA.) neurons.

目的:比较左旋千金藤立定((-)-stepholidine,(-)-SPD)和12-氯斯阔任(12-chloroscoulerine,CSL)对黑质(substantia nigra,SN)多巴胺(DA)神经元放电的影响。

16. Neural stem cells (NSCs) possess high potencies of self-renewal and neuronal differentiation.

神经干细胞(NSCs) 具有高效能的自我更新和神经分化能力。

17. In addition, it can make full use of the teacher's leading position, open the learning potence of the deaf children and promote their full potencies, which is very important and practical.


18. The soft gelatin liquid filled capsule manufacturing process is the same for all proposed potencies.

