

1. “John Terry is recovering well from surgery to a long-standing problem which predisposed him to infection between two of his toes.


2. "It is becoming increasingly clear that as much as 80% of people who are obese are predisposed genetically."


3. "It is becoming increasingly clear that as much as 80% of people who are obese are predisposed genetically.


4. The ICU team typically includes a pharmacist who helps you review medication profiles and determine if your patient is predisposed to side effects or drug interactions.


5. Researchers hope the information will send a more powerful message to people who may not focus on healthy eating and exercise, if they learn they are predisposed to heart disease or other ailments.


6. Unlike internal-combustion engines, electric motors have full torque, as pulling-power is called, from zero revs.They are thus predisposed to go like a bat out of hell without the aid of a gearbox.


7. X-chromosomal inactivation skewing in blood cells in Chinese healthy females screened for the females predisposed to cancer


8. Perhaps it's genetically predisposed or a result of gender-biased education.


9. Humans are so predisposed to worship that they give their power away to whomever they put upon a pedestal both individually and en mass.


10. The association was even stronger for the 9 percent of the children with two allergic parents who were already more predisposed to the respiratory condition, they wrote.


11. They looked at identical twins, who would be genetically predisposed to age at a similar pace, to determine whether certain experiences affected ageing.


12. His fate of failure has been predisposed at the very beginning.


13. His early training predisposed him to a life of adventure.


14. He was predisposed towards literary studies by the bookish environment of his early rears.


15. His work has pointed to several genetic mutations in people who are predisposed to sepsis and other diseases.


16. His lifestyle predisposed him to high blood pressure.


17. He believes that some people are predisposed to criminal behaviour.


18. Even more intriguing, the study revealed that people who were genetically predisposed to diabetes benefited most.


19. But other work indicates that, in addition, the B lymphocytes of lupus patients are inherently deranged; they are predisposed to generate autoantibodies even when the self-molecules they encounter are perfectly normal.


20. But even the cultural transmission of economic success is a provocative notion, and a painful one to most economists, who are predisposed to hope that good policies alone may promote economic growth.


21. Using transgenic mice that are predisposed to developing early-onset Alzheimer’s disease, they have already shown that clotting a microvessel triggers the formation of new protein plaques.


22. The state of being predisposed; tendency, inclination, or susceptibility.

倾向倾向于 ... 的状态; 趋势; 倾向或敏感性

23. Like all good conspiracy theories, both tales contain just enough truth to satisfy those predisposed to believe in them, without admitting any contradictions that might shake up those assumptions.


24. As an old timer predisposed to worry, I not only worry about the world, but about national affairs and the prospect for later generations.


25. Keeshonds and Bulldogs are predisposed.


26. Semi-starvation and neglected colds had predisposed most of the pupils to receive infection.


27. they are predisposed to generate autoantibodies even when the self-molecules they encounter are perfectly normal.


28. Even animal clones that look healthy may have genetic abnormalities or be predisposed to a decreased life span because the cells used in the cloning process acquire DNA damage as they age.


29. Influence of Block of Bilateral Pudendal Nerves on the Delivery of Lying-in Women Predisposed to Perineal Laceration


30. Others believe "cancer is somehow inevitable, that one is predisposed to it genetically. Again, that's not true. Forty percent of cancers can be prevented by simple changes in lifestyle.


31. Smoking is bad for your health. Smoke too much is predisposed to bronchitis, you know. Better stop smoking.Will you take my advice?


32. Therefore, we felt that the development of a rapid and accurate assay that can determine individuals predisposed to Alzheimer’s disease would have great utility.


33. The inhabitants are predisposed to rheumatism by the damp climate.


34. In this investigation, the researchers identified 198 children genetically predisposed to atopy and monitored them for 5 years.


35. Persistent rains experienced throughout the Mid-Atlantic Region have severely predisposed turfgrass in general, and Poa annua populations in particular, to potential disease problems.


36. People who are predisposed to shadows can't do much about it.


37. And newborns with a high ratio of head size to body weight are often predisposed to high blood pressure and strokes in later life.


38. Her good mood predisposed her to enjoy the play.


39. Systemic use of the anti-muscarinic agents can also precipitate glaucoma in such predisposed patients


40. Commonly prescribed drugs were administered in itro to brain cells deried from animal models genetically predisposed to deelop Alzheimer's disease amyloid neuropathology.


41. Regarding design, rigid stents appear predisposed to fracture more than open-cell designs.


42. When a husband or wife is "stolen" by another person, that husband or wife was already ripe for the stealing, was already predisposed toward a new partner.


43. German Shepherd Dogs are predisposed.


44. Happy individuals are predisposed to seek out new opportunities and set new goals.


45. Situationally predisposed panic attacks are similar to situationally bound panic attacks.


46. We postulated that decreased levels of dopamine receptors predisposed subjects to search for reinforcers;


47. We also hope to study if their reduced fertility passes on to subsequent generations, and if the granddaughters are predisposed to similar problems.


48. In other words, the rodents were now cognitively predisposed to keep doing the same things over and over, to run laps in the same dead-ended rat race rather than seek a pipeline to greener sewers.


49. Patients with multiple endocrine neoplasia (MEN) type II disease are predisposed to develop bilateral adrenal pheochromocytomas.


50. the new priest was predisposed to agree with his predecessor.


51. Method Factors predisposed to MOF, the morbidity and mortality of MOF were compared between patients more than 60 years old (group A) and that less than 60 years old (group B).


52. predisposed victim


53. You are predisposed to other respiratory diseases.


54. A Longitudinal Study of Fitness and Activity in Girls Predisposed to Obesity


55. Commonly prescribed drugs were administered in itro to brain cells deried from animal models genetically predisposed to deelop Alzheimer抯 disease amyloid neuropathology.


56. Lens luxation is a displacement of the lens from its normal position. Terrier breeds are predisposed.


57. Some experts subscribe to the theory that certain people are predisposed to be late and that part of the problem may be embedded deep in the brain.


58. There is some evidence that loneliness may be partly hereditary, so some of us may be predisposed toward being lonely, regardless of our circumstances.


59. It has been suggested that there might be a predisposed subset of individuals with impaired ability to clear aluminium from the deltoid muscle.


60. Some research shows that these children are predisposed to stutter, nocturia and stomach, etc.


61. Sometimes common cold can trigger symptoms of asthma in people predisposed to the condition.


62. women with Scottish ancestry are predisposed to one form of breast cancer.


63. genetically predisposed

有遗传素因的, 有遗传素质的

64. isn't predisposed to the study of history.


65. be predisposed to

本来爱好 ... 有 ... 的倾向 易患 ... 病

66. According to evolutionary theory, women living in poorer communities are predisposed to have daughters to ensure survival of the family line because the men are at greater risk of dying younger.


67. Furthermore some signs are predisposed to warfare or harmfulness in the life dance if the appropriate make - up is present in the rest of the chart.


68. In this case, knowing that an indMdual is seriously predisposed might allow drug therapy to begin before brain functioning is irreversibly diminished.


69. The importance of these observations was underscored by the finding that mice that are homozygous null for p53, although developmentally competent, are highly predisposed to tumors.


70. It is becoming increasingly clear that as much as 80% of people who are obese are predisposed genetically.


71. Understanding the theory behind the acronym is the first step in understanding how and why many self-defense systems are predisposed to fail in a real, sudden, violent assault.


72. Biological inheritance is the process by which an offspring cell or organism acquires or becomes predisposed to characteristics of its parent cell or organism.


73. Survivors are predisposed by their treatment to health problems that may not become apparent until they mature or begin to age.


74. because of conditions in the mine, miners are predisposed to lung disease.


75. Thymomas and teratomas tended to be located in the anterior mediastinum, whereas neurogenic tumours and EDST predisposed to the posterior mediastinum.

畸胎瘤和胸腺瘤位于前纵隔, 神经源性肿瘤和内胚窦瘤发生于后纵隔。

76. Purpose: To investigate the factors predisposed to MOF for differentd aged patients with liver crrihosis and prevention of MOF.


77. In contrast, Guinness was less predisposed to major change;


78. The study, published on Thursday in the journal Science, suggests a potential new path to protect women genetically predisposed to these cancers by using drugs to interfere with a hormone called progesterone, the researchers said.


79. The oils and herbs also proved to be useful against certain diseases or problems that the Red Nations Peoples were already predisposed unto.


80. Diabetic nephropathy (DN) is one of the most common microvascular complications of diabetes mellitus (DM). Many patients with DM are predisposed to developing diabetic nephropathy and die from it.

糖尿病肾病(Diabetic Nephropathy,DN)是糖尿病(Diabetes Mellitus,DM)常见的慢性微血管并发症之一,也是 DM 患者死亡的主要原因。
