

1. Seventy-five years later, English predominates, while Esperanto speakers number two to four million.


2. a form of apatite in which fluorine predominates over chlorine.


3. Which of the two predominates depends on how a particular economy works.


4. Traditional Chinese medicine has certain effects on diabetic peripheral neuropathy and predominates in the integral medication of multi-factorial,multi-target action,et al.


5. Environmental Protection Predominates in the Design of The Project of Jinggangshan Linking -up Road


6. The system of industrial technology predominates in the society of industry,and whether it is reasonable will rule the science and continuous development of manufacturing and living.


7. Now it is the "Left" tendency that predominates in the country as a whole, although a Right tendency is to be found in some areas, too.


8. a colour scheme in which red predominates


9. The city environment management system of the traditional government single predominates has many problems, it can't settle the more and more serious environment problems.


10. With the destruction of the family the spiritual traditions of the family perish forever; when spiritual values are destroyed then unrighteousness predominates the entire society.


11. But with each other, indeed with everyone of student age, du predominates.


12. But in the clear, sunlit waters of coral reefs, light abounds, vision predominates, and animals drape themselves in blazing color.


13. Entering into Samadhi, the self-nature predominates you body; out of Samadhi, consciousness takes over and then the self-nature retreats into tranquilness. There is no obvious threshold between them.


14. In weave patterns such as sateens or wrap-faced twills, one set of yarns predominates on the fabric surface


15. northern region of India where Hinduism predominates.


16. and the divine, those in whom sattva (goodness) predominates (see Hindu philosophy).


17. Enterprise Group in India, the family business in predominates in India's largest 500 enterprises, more than 75% are made up of family control.


18. In Hindu Tantra, practice is graded into three types, corresponding to three classes of devotees: the animal, i.e., those in whom the guna, or quality, of tamas (darkness) predominates;


19. Where love rules, there is no will to power; and where power predominates, there love is lacking.


20. More secondary phloem than secondary xylem in carrot Parenchyma predominates in vascular tissues.


21. Good predominates over evil in many works of literature.


22. "The keto form predominates in many aldehydes and ketones, the enol form in ph enol s.


23. "The keto form predominates in many aldehydes and ketones, the enol form in phenols. Sugars (e.g., glucose) exhibit tautomerism Between open (chain) forms and closed (ring) forms. See also isomerism. "


24. In this autoimmune disease the action of TSI's predominates over that of TGI's.


25. When through the perceptual senses of the body illuminating knowledge manifests, know that certainly the mode of goodness predominates.


26. Irish Catholicism: predominates in Ireland and Catholic religious practice is extremely high in Ireland. Ireland has supplied significant number of priests and missionaries to the outside world.


27. 5)Irish Catholicism:predominates in Ireland and Catholic religious practice is extremely high in Ireland. Ireland has supplied significant number of priests and missionaries to the outside world.


28. The female sphinx reappears around 750 BC, as communications reopen with the east, and by the 7th century the winged female sphinx predominates.


29. Of these, as the endless daily parade of desperation and diagnoses makes evident, it is pain whose presence predominates.


30. 1. Fully understands and predominates operation procedure, EHS regulations and quality control procedure with respect to defined operation jobs of unit in process.


31. Family enterprises in the world, almost all the regions of the economy developed mostly predominates.


32. For account carpets, where dry soil repellency predominates, polysiloxanes offer a good and cost effective alternative.


33. When the signal is very strong, the photon noise predominates, signal to noise ratio is not directly proportional to signal level, and care must be exercised in deriving NEP and D * from signal to noise ratio.

当信号很强时 ,光子噪声占主导地位 ,信噪比 (SNR)与信号水平不成正比 ,此时由信噪比导出噪声等效功率 (NEP)和D 时应格外小心。

34. When love rules, there is no will power; and where power predominates, there love is lacking. The one is shadow of the other.


35. When love rules,there is no will power;and where power predominates,there love is lacking. The one is shadow of the other.


36. But Idleness predominates in many lives where it is not suspected;


37. Idleness predominates in many lives where it is not suspected;for, being a vice which terminates in itself, it may be enjoyed without injury to others;


38. In order to study the management of water environment in small watershed, the SWAT model is used to study Hufu watershed of Yixing city where the non-point output predominates.


39. In present-day business administration, rationality predominates and even spreads unchecked giving rise to various problems and finding itself in a difficult position.


40. ABSTRACT: The city environment management system of the traditional government single predominates has many problems, it can抰 settle the more and more serious environment problems.


41. It is a non-discursive observation of our life in all its aspects.In those moments when thinking predominates, mindfulness is the clear and silent awareness that we are thinking.


42. In the dry weather, which predominates in the desert country, the aborigines sleep on the ground, with a small fire on either side, and a windbreak of boughs at their heads as protection.


43. Light coloration predominates such as fawn, white with patches, and this dog has a shorter coat.


44. You scored as Water . Water is the element that predominates in your life. Water rules the signs Cancer, Scorpio, and Pisces.


45. Fuel NOX predominates the NOX formed and emitted from combustion of pulverized coal. The volatile N is the main source of fuel NOX rather than coke N.


46. What secondary structure predominates in this Fab fragment?


47. For the time being, Morgan's division may be summarized thus: Savagery -- the period in which man's appropriation of products in their natural state predominates;


48. The fact that artistic language predominates over scientific language means humanity features the Chinese language course in middle schools.


49. Instead, they seem keener to divide and rule, especially the powerful Hawiye clan which predominates in Mogadishu.


50. The view of value education predominates the graduates?ethic education, and characterizes practical as well as secularization orientation.


51. Hard. Term applied to wine which is poorly balanced and in which acidity predominates.


52. Hard.Term applied to wine which is poorly balanced and in which acidity predominates.


53. To the degree the playing field is not level, the leader's view of the task often predominates, while employees feel obligated to show deference.


54. The results show that the distribution of S100-IR cells varies in cerebellar layers, where it predominates in PC layer as compared to either the granular layer or the medulla.


55. Results Intrahepatic cholelithiasis predominates in the cholelithiasis of Guangxi district.Among 1 857 cases suffering from intrahepatic cholelithiasis peasants were in the majority (71%).


56. The genetic mechanism includes capillary condensation and mixed water dolomitization, of which the latter one predominates in the study area.


57. In republican government, the legislative authority necessarily predominates.


58. SSSS predominates in infants and children under the age of 5 years Skin lesions are caused by a provisional toxemia. The early treatment with effective antibiotics is the key to cure the patients.


59. The wavelength of the blue light scatters better than the rest, predominates over the other colors in the light spectrum, and makes the sky appear blue to us.


60. The wavelength of the blue light scatters better than the rest,predominates over the other colors in the light spectrum,and makes the sky appear blue to us.


61. Granite predominates in the west and north-west and in Counties Down and Wicklow on the east coast, while a basalt plateau covers much of the north-east of the country.

西部和西北部地区以及东海岸德Counties Down和Wicklow主要分布的是花岗岩。而玄武岩高地则覆盖了国家东北部的大多数地区。

62. Do these complexes have a will of their own or do we, in the end, choose which complex predominates?


63. WIE: Do these complexes have a will of their own or do we, in the end, choose which complex predominates?


64. The huge sculpture predominates over the fountain.


65. Friendship in which pleasure predominates over righteousness cannot last.


66. When yin predominates,yang will be diseased;when yang predominates, yin will be diseased.


67. 13) O Arjuna, nescience, inertness, neglectfulness and also illusion; when these arise the mode of ignorance predominates.


68. 3. O Arjuna, nescience, inertness, neglectfulness and also illusion; when these arise the mode of ignorance predominates.


69. It may be emphasized that at a given temperature, atmosphere, and composition, the concentration of either an ionic or electronic defect predominates.


70. When ICP is increased to 50-70 mmHg the slow wave predominates.

