

1. Il_sito_del_gatto_Sissi_e_del_topino Storie da raccontare la sera prima di andare a letto.


2. luce prima


3. prima luce


4. prima buffa


5. April, 1992 Led by Ms.Liang Guyin. the prima donna of the Shanghai Kunju Company, some members of the Company gave performances in Tokyo commemorating the 20th anniversary of the normalization of Sino-Japanese relationship.

1992 年 4 月 纪 念 中 日 建 交 20 周 年 ,梁 谷 音“ 一 人 舞 台 ”赴 日 演 出 。

6. April,1992 Led by Ms.Liang Guyin. the prima donna of the Shanghai Kunju Company,some members of the Company gave performances in Tokyo commemorating the 20th anniversary of the normalization of Sino-Japanese relationship.


7. 5 Bring home a taste of Singapore, including authentic flavours of BEE CHENG HIANG traditional barbequed pork, PRIMA TASTE LAKSA and CHILLI CRAB paste.


8. There's no room for prima donnas in a contemporary programming shop 8 Decompose complex problems into smaller tasks


9. prima facie

adj. 乍看的, 据初步印象的, 明显的 adv. 乍一看

10. prima ballerina

n. <意> 芭蕾舞团之首席女演员

11. prima facie case

n. [律]表面上证据确凿的案件

12. prima facie evidence

n. 初步的证据

13. prima donna

n. 歌剧中的女主角 n. (因气量狭小﹑ 妄自尊大等)爱发脾气的人

14. Malacosoma prima

n. 青春幕枯叶蛾

15. Two cases of eliminating software malfunction of HITACHI Prima Spiral CT and its software installation


16. fissurae prima

[医] 原裂

17. arteriae perforans prima

[医] 第一穿动脉

18. partes prima

[医] 第一部(面神经根)

19. prima bill

[经] 上等票据

20. prima facie case of damage

[经] 初步推定有损害

21. Meditationes de Prima Philosophia


22. Chi non fa e fondamenti prima, gli potrebbe con una grande virt farli poi, ancora che si faccino con disagio dello architettore e periculo dello edifizio.


23. An unpaved road for an architect who is planning his Opera Prima.


24. a prima facie case of murder.


25. Shanghai Unity Prima Laser Machinery Co., Ltd.


26. Chi risponde prima d’aver ascoltato, mostra la sua follia, e rimane confuso.


27. prima del collegamento a una pagina wiki inesistente.

不存在的网页链接显示问号 : visualizza un ?

28. We have been fooled and screwed over by this prima dona so many times that I cannot wait until he is someone elses problem, if he ever makes it back.


29. However, it may be argued that while autonomy constitutes a prima facie ethical principle, in certain circumstances it may be superseded by other principles.


30. Absolute rights are contrasted to prima facie rights, which a person possesses with respect to a given circumstance.


31. In order to assure the most thorough investigation, all possible views must be canvassed~, and this means toleration of views that are prima facie@ most repugnant to us.


32. prima beneficiary


33. From prima donna to stage hand the Opera House was governed by intrigue and rumour; everyone jostling for position, defending their own territory and scrabbling for new.


34. La mia passione, sempre, dalla prima volta che ho toccato un pallone.


35. They had, prima facie, a legitimate complaint.


36. We were also treated to visit another resort of theirs Prima Villas very exclusively designed and we were quite impressed with it. We would come here the next time.


37. He created a hostile working environment with repeated, unwelcomed sexual advances, ladies and gentlemen.That is prima facie classic sexual harassment.


38. Prima tutti lo chiamavano Bruno,ma tre anni fa ha cambiato nome.


39. Teeter totter, caught up between bein a father and a prima donna


40. Ma prima bisogna ch’e’ soffra molte cose, e sia reietto da questa generazione.


41. Mr Blair told Prima magazine last year that he wanted to get out of suits, he said one of the tyrannies of modern life is that men have to dress in conventional suits the whole time.


42. Ma prima che venisse la fede eravamo tenuti rinchiusi in custodia sotto la legge, in attesa della fede che doveva esser rivelata.


43. But I realize that I can't expect her to share my prima vista intuition sight unseen, or my feeling that the anomalies in the iconography count in favor of my attribution rather than against it.


44. But now some fans are turning on the team, suggesting that there are too many prima donnas amongst the squad.


45. but it is not as easy as it prima facie looks like.


46. Portami un po’ di caccia e fammi una pietanza saporita perch’io la mangi e ti benedica nel cospetto dell’Eterno, prima ch’io muoia.


47. Can you deny us the triumph in store? Sing, prima donna, once more!


48. Studiati di venire prima dell’inverno. Ti salutano Eubulo e Pudente e Lino e Claudia e i fratelli tutti.


49. Teeter-totter caught up between bein" a father &a prima donna.

做个父亲其实和做第一夫 人 一样惨。

50. Teeter-totter caught up between bein' a father & a prima donna.


51. Teeter-totter caught up between bein a father & a prima donna.


52. The brand new Kaledo offering, which will progressively replace Lectra's U4ia and Prima solutions, incorporates the best of these solutions' technologies, particularly for textile design.


53. Supervisor‘s Title:Human Resource ManagerSummary:This section focuses on the main purpose of the job.Function as a prima...... ...


54. Analysis of Prima Facie Agency and Default of the Principal


55. Every holder of a bill is prima facie deemed to be a holder in due course


56. Every holder of a bill is prima facie deemed to be a holder in due course;


57. Every party whose signature appears on a bill is prima facie deemed to have become a party thereto for value.


58. "it operates as a prima facie authority to fill it up as a complete bill for any amount, using the signature for that of the drawer, or the acceptor, or an indorser;"


59. prima facies case of damage


60. Prima facie, the arguments for the option of proper maintenance and management seem to be much more solid and persuasive.


61. Prima facie he would appear to be guilty.


62. prima facie credibility.


63. prima facie obligation


64. A form of the prima materia (Prime), tass is likened to the “earth” or “solid” state of that substance.


65. A form of the prima materia (Prime), Mana is likened to the “water” or “liquid” state of that magical substance, as compared to tass, the “earth” or “solid” state.


66. prima materia: The Supernal substance, also called Prime.


67. prima materia: The Supernal substance, also called Prime. In the Fallen World, the prima materia is known in two states, Mana and tass.


68. atomistic competition has prima facie approval


69. fissura prima


70. Zeldzame Rolex Prince Brancard uit de 30er jaren met REF 1490 in prima staat met 9k geel gouden kast...

参考 1490;成色 2 (较新);购买日期 30er jaren;黄金;手动上弦;所在地: 荷兰, Maastricht;

71. Mooie Rolex Submariner 16610 uit 1998 in prima staat met automaat caliber 3135,echte KLASSIEKER...

参考 16610;成色 1 (新);购买日期 1998;钢;自动上弦;所在地: 荷兰, Maastricht;

72. Mooie IWC Fliegeruhr Chrono Ref 3706 uit 1999 met doos en papieren in prima staat voor liefhebber va...

参考 3706;成色 1 (新);购买日期 1999;钢;自动发条;含包装盒;含说明书;所在地: 荷兰, Maastricht;

73. Intricate choreographer emphasized the beauty and virtuosity of the nineteenth-century prima ballerina, while the male dancer functioned only as her partner until the twentieth century.


74. Game design:the art &business of creating games/Bob Bates. Roseville, Calif.:Prima Tech,c2001.


75. prima interpares


76. Moreover, Block SAPOR outperforms the well-known MOR technique PRIMA for RLC interconnect circuits with higher accuracy and lower time complexity.

和主流的一阶系统降阶技术PRIMA算法相比,Block SAPOR具有更高的降阶精度和更低的时间复杂度。

77. Oh, such a prima donna.


78. But,ethylene production in'Prima Donna'was low and had a little change during whole process of flower opening and senescence,and the change patten was like that of ethylene nonclimacteric cut flowers and fruits.


79. the temperament of a prima donna


80. Being the media of the oil paintings, the early Chinese foreign students learned the Alia Prima technique.

