

1. "Get out, Prissy," she commanded, "and take Wade.


2. "You're as slow as molasses in January," snapped Scarlett as Prissy opened the gate.

"你可是冬天的糖浆,好,糊啊!" 百里茜一进大门,思嘉便厉声批评她。

3. "A fine midwife your Prissy will make," Scarlett remarked caustically. "She said she was bellowing because she needed milking."


4. "Soun' ter me lak her bag full an' she need milkin' bad," said Prissy, regaining some measure of control.


5. "Don't be a fool, Prissy.


6. "She warn't dar," said Prissy.


7. "She a good mammy, but you a young lady now and needs a good maid, and my Prissy been maidin' fo' Miss India fo' a year now.

"她是个好嬷嬷,不过像您这样一位大小姐,如今应当有个使唤的丫头才是。 俺的百里茜倒是在英迪亚小姐跟前干过一年了。

8. "Get up, Prissy," ordered Scarlett. "We'll go to the well and get some water."


9. "Miss Scarlett," whispered Prissy, clutching her mistress' arm, "doan le's go ter Tara.


10. "Yas'm, Ah sho is," Prissy agreed fervently.

"是的,太太。 俺就是这样。" 百里茜急忙表示同意。

11. "Yas'm," said Prissy, expanding with importance.


12. "Yas'm," said Prissy and, turning, sauntered down the walk at snail's gait.


13. shouted Gerald rhetorically. "Prissy is a likely little wench and so--"


14. "It's a ghos'," moaned Prissy, writhing face down on the wagon boards.

"那是个鬼呢!" 百里茜呻吟着说,同时脸朝下伏在车板上,扭动着身子不肯起来。

15. Oh don't be so prissy.


16. But she had promised and now they belonged to her, even as Wade and Prissy belonged to her, and she must struggle and fight for them as long as she had strength or breath.


17. But despite his "prissy" looks, Orlando trained hard for the role of Legolas.


18. Bought her and her little wench, Prissy.


19. And so I'm gwine give you my Prissy fo' yo' own maid."


20. It's so hot today." She took as long a time as possible in getting the water, running to the front door every two minutes to see if Prissy were coming.


21. As they went through the mud with Prissy sloshing, pouting, after them, she recalled what Charles had said about Uncle Peter.


22. He picked Scarlett up with ease despite his apparent frailness and age and, observing Prissy standing on the platform of the train, the baby in her arms, he paused: "Is dat air chile yo' nuss?


23. Any unexpected noise or sharp word set him to trembling, for in his mind noises and harsh words were inextricably mixed with Yankees and he was more afraid of Yankees than of Prissy's hants.

任何一种突如起来的喧声或一句咒骂的话都会使他吓得发抖。 因为在他心目中,喧声和恶言恶语是跟北方佬连在一起的,他对北方佬当然比对百里茜用来吓唬他的鬼更加害怕。

24. The newsweeklies will show its prissy readers graphic photos of mutilated Rwandans, but if someone says, "This is bullshit," it causes a ruckus.


25. But prissy balked


26. You can take Prissy with you.


27. You and Prissy can start right now hunting for her."


28. "How could I go off wid them trashy niggers, Miss Scarlett, after yo' pa been so good to buy me and my little Prissy and yo' ma been so kine?"

俺怎能跟那些不中用的黑人走呢,思嘉小姐? 你爸心眼儿那么好,把俺和小百里茜买了来,你妈又那么和善!

29. Flats like these are really cute but they are too prissy.


30. And you didn't need to buy Prissy!"


31. She did recall a few things and she spoke to prissy rapidly, authority in her voice


32. But where was Prissy?


33. There was no sign of Prissy so she went back upstairs, sponged Melanie's perspiring body and combed out her long dark hair.


34. Then finally having found it, the horse sank in the traces and refused to move, refused to rise even when she and Prissy tugged at the bridle.


35. And you and Prissy go bring in the sow and her litter," she said briefly, turning on her heel.

告诉迪尔茜,你和百里茜去把母猪和那窝猪崽找回来。" 她说一不二吩咐,末了转身就走。

36. Oh, if only she didn't have Melanie and Wade and the baby and Prissy to bother with!


37. Oh.I`m going, too. Prissy, go pack my things. Get them, quick!


38. In an interview, Bloom said Viggo would “go on about elves, and how they're always doing their nails and brushing their long, blonde hair, and being all prissy.


39. When twilight came on and Prissy, scurrying like a black wraith, lit a lamp, Melanie became weaker.


40. Prodded by her mother, Prissy bobbed a sudden curtsy and grinned at Scarlett, who could not help grinning back.

在母亲的怂恿下百里茜突然向思嘉行了个屈膝礼,然后咧着嘴朝她笑了笑; 思嘉也只她回报她一丝笑容。

41. Then after an indeterminate dark interval, Prissy was beside her, chattering on in a pleased way.


42. She had been counting on Prissy to handle the situation if no doctor should be available.


43. It was useless for her to take little Wade from Prissy.


44. She lay back against the pillar in silence and Prissy, aware of her mood, tiptoed away into the darkness of the porch.


45. She heard the upstairs door open and a low wailing moan, wrenched from the depths of agony, came to her ears. Prissy came down the stairs three at a time.


46. of Prissy's feet as she broke into a trot, and then the sound died away on the soft earth.


47. She drank until Prissy's petulant: "Well, Ah's thusty, too, Miss Scarlett," made her recall the needs of the others.


48. She jerked Prissy to her feet and sent her kitchenwards with a shove.


49. She prodded Prissy awake.


50. He yelled just as loudly when she held him as when Prissy did.


51. She heard sounds of moving feet upstairs and thought "May the Lord damn Prissy," before her eyes closed and something like sleep descended upon her.


52. She did recall a few things and she spoke to Prissy rapidly, authority in her voice.


53. The call of the wild geese had been strong.But his love for Prissy was strong, too.


54. She sat upright and gave Prissy a push to speed her feet.


55. She turned to prissy and spoke with feverish urgency


56. What would she do if neither the doctor nor Prissy got there in time?


57. If someone had started giving me prissy hand signals as I started to swear last week my rage attack would have got a lot uglier.


58. Melanie was not dead and the small baby boy who made noises like a young kitten was receiving his first bath at Prissy's hands.

媚兰并没有死。 那个像小猫似的哇哇叫的小崽正在百里茜手里接受头一次洗裕媚兰这时睡着了。

59. Melanie's bare feet were almost in her face and, under the wagon seat, Prissy was curled up like a black cat with the small baby wedged in between her and Wade.


60. She silently cursed the efficient and indefatigable Mrs. Merriwether, the wounded and the whole Southern Confederacy, as Prissy buttoned her in her oldest and raggedest calico frock which she used for hospital work.


61. Scarlett submitted meekly to being carried toward the carriage and also to the peremptory manner in which Uncle Peter criticized her and Prissy.

思嘉乖乖地让他驮着向马车走去。 一面不声不响地听他用命令的口吻批评她和百里茜。

62. Turning deliberately, Scarlett raised the tree limb she had been using as a whip and brought it down across Prissy's back.


63. All the breath went out of Scarlett's lungs in one gasp of horror before rage swept her. Prissy made a lunge past her, bent on flight, but Scarlett grabbed her.

思嘉听了大吃一惊,气得肺都炸了。 百里茜偷偷从她身边走开,一心想溜掉,这时思嘉一把抓住她。

64. She looked back at Melanie who lay with sick eyes closed against the sun and jerked loose the strings of her bonnet and tossed it to Prissy.

思嘉回过头来看看媚兰,在阳光下她闭着疲惫的眼睛在那里。 思嘉扯开帽带,把自己的帽子扔给百里茜。

65. Stiffly, Scarlett climbed down from the seat, each movement of agony of aching muscles. Prissy was not the only one who was "sceered" of cows.


66. Scarlett dropped Prissy's arm and the wench sank whimpering to the steps.


67. Scarlett glared at her and Prissy shrank back, trying to pull loose.


68. After sending up Melanie's breakfast tray, Scarlett dispatched Prissy for Mrs. Meade and sat down with Wade to eat her own breakfast. But for once she had no appetite.


69. There was a train leaving for Atlanta in ten minutes and she caught it, carrying no baggage except her reticule and leaving Wade and Ella at the hotel with Prissy.

恰好就有一趟去亚特兰大的火车,十分钟后开。 她便搭上了,除了一个手提网袋没带任何行李,把韦德和爱拉留在旅馆里由百里茜照看着。

70. Thank God, Prissy knew all about midwifery .


71. I call this his prissy face. It probably counts as a variation of the bitch face. Of which there are many many many variations.


72. I've always acted so prissy and ladylike and touch-me-not around him he probably thinks I don't care a thing about him except as a friend.


73. Scarlett:I'm going, too,Prissy, go pack my things.Get them, quick!


74. SCARLETT: Prissy! Prissy! Come here Prissy!


75. SCARLETT: Prissy! Prissy,come here quick!


76. SCARLETT: Prissy, what are you doing?


77. SCARLETT: Prissy,you've got to manage without the doctor. I'll help you.


78. Narrator:>Cecil and Prissy complain about losing their coffee breaks at work.


79. Prissy, you`ve got to manage without the doctor. I`ll help you.


80. Prissy!Prissy,Prissy come here,Prissy!

