
produceproduceD.J.:[prəˈdju:s]K.K.:[prəˈdus, -ˈdjus, pro-]vt. & vi.1.生产, 产生, 出产That is an oil well that no longer produces.那是一口不再出油的井。However, this failed to produce the desired effect.但是这并没有产生预期的效果。2.制作, 创作This famous author has produced little in the last few years.这位著名的作家近几年来作品甚少。He produced three short plays between May and July.他从五月到七月创作了三部短剧。vt.1.出示, 提供He produced his railway ticket when asked to do so.当验票时, 他出示了火车票。The girl is an authentic girl.I'll produce her for you if you want.这个女孩很可靠, 如果你要见她, 我会带她来给你看看。2.引起; 导致Hard work produces success.努力工作就会成功。Jimmy's jokes produced a great deal of laughter.吉米的笑话逗得人们哈哈大笑。3.出版; 上演The troupe produced a new play last night.剧团昨晚上演了一部新剧。n.1.产品, 农产品This is all locally grown produce.这都是本地农产品。The company markets its new produce.该公司出售它的新产品。

produce[prəu'dju:s; -'du:s; 'prɔdju:s]vt.1.出示;显示,呈现;拿出:The man produced a ticket from his pocket.那人从衣袋里掏出一张票。2.生产;出产;生;生长:Canada produces high-guality wheat.加拿大出产优质小麦。3.制造,制作;创作;出版:The book was produced on a very small budget.这本书的出版费用预算很低。to produce steel炼钢4.产生;引起,导致:The medicine produced a violent reaction.这药物引起剧烈的反应。5.上演,演出;放映;(电影)制片:He is producing“Romeo and Juliet” at Capital Theatre.他正在首都剧场安排上演《罗密欧与朱丽叶》。6.生育,生(幼崽):Female sheep produce one or two lambs at a time.母羊一次生一至两头羊羔。7.【经济学】生利,产生利益:Money at interest produces an income.有利息的钱带来一笔收入。8.【几何学】使线(或面)延长(或扩展):to produce the line AD to B把线段AD 延长到 Bvi.1.生产;自然增长;产生:This is an oil well that no longer produces.这是一口不再出油的油井。2.制造,制作;创作:She has produced very little recently.她近来创作很少。n.1.产量;出产;农产品(尤指水果、蔬菜等)2.结果;成果3.产额,产量4.(通常指雌性动物的)后代变形vt.producedproducing

produceproduce[prəˈdju:s]vt.1.生产, 出产, 制造; 生2.产生, 引起, 招[导]致3.提出; 展现; 出示4.上演, 演出; (电影)制(片), 放映; 出版; 创作5.使(线)延长, 使(面)扩展produce grain生产粮食produce electricity发电produce eggs生蛋the country that produced the great man产生那位伟人的国家produce a sensation引起轰动produce evidence提出证据produce a play公演戏剧produce a side of a triangle延长三角形的一边Hard work produces success.辛勤劳动带来成功。P-your tickets!出示你们的票。
词性变化produce[prəˈdju:s]vi.1.生产, 制造; 创作an oil well that no longer produces不再产油的油井produce[prəˈdju:s]n.[ˈprɔdju:s]1.生产, 出产, 产量2.[总称]产品, 农产品(尤指水果, 蔬菜等)3.成果, 结果4.(通常指雌性动物的)后代the agricultural produce农产品the native produce土特产品

