

1. Revai, who idealises the grunts of slave labourers as a proletarian Ursprache.


2. The Second Revolutionism shows that it was truly the Comintern who had giver up the proletarian's leadership of the united bent and armed hoes instead of Chen Duxiu.


3. The economical politics is one of Lenin s theories, which is about the proletarian historical missions and about their fulfilling approaches in proletarian dictatorship stage.


4. No one really tries to be patriotic when he is dancing, and to command a man to dance according to the capitalist or fascist or proletarian ideology is to destroy the spirit of play and glorious inefficiency in dancing.

一个人在跳舞时并不想要爱国; 命令一个人依照资本阶级者,法西斯主义者,或无产阶级者的意识形态去跳舞,这结果只能破坏跳舞上的游戏精神和伟大的无效率状态。

5. No one really tries to be patriotic when he is dancing,and to command a man to dance according to the capitalist or fascist or proletarian ideology is to destroy the spirit of play and glorious inefficiency in dancing.


6. If the capitalist road of bourgeois dictatorship is out of the question, then is it possible to take the socialist road of proletarian dictatorship?


7. The workers of all countries have adopted the song of their foremost fighter, the proletarian poet, and have made it the world-wide song of the proletariat.


8. The Chinese people stand by their proletarian internationalist duties.


9. The Chinese revolution is part of the world's proletarian revolution.


10. It is perfectly obvious that the Chinese revolution at the present stage is still a bourgeois democratic and not a proletarian socialist revolution in nature.


11. To achieve the four modernizations, it is essential that we strengthen the ideological and political education of the whole people, while maintaining the proletarian dictatorship over the handful of anti-socialist elements.


12. The aristocracy, in order to rally the people to them, waved the proletarian alms-bag in front for a banner.


13. The aristocracy,in order to rally the people to them,waved the proletarian alms-bag in front for a banner.


14. To build a new China, the country's proletariat, the world's nots, in order to lead the majority of the proletarian revolution, fought the establishment of new China.


15. Proletarian revolutionaries for the birthplace of Zhang Jia-fu.


16. It is hard to say, but I think they are on their guard, they too are afraid of proletarian great democracy.


17. It was part of the world proletarian revolution of the time.


18. Today, we are cherished very esteeming mood, birthday of the proletarian revolutionist with crackajack souvenir, our old mayor Comrade Peng Zhen 100 years.


19. They remained true to the banner of proletarian internationalism.


20. They do not set up any sectarian principles of their own, by which to shape and mould the proletarian movement.


21. They chanted the eulogy of proletarian heroes.


22. Their spirit of proletarian internationalism has won the praise of the Malian people.


23. They praised him as a proletarian internationalist fighter of the Bethune type.


24. He was born in Heilongjiang, and national liberation forged his qualities as a great communist fighter and an outstanding proletarian revolutionist.


25. Vowing to produce a car "for every purse and purpose"--- from the aristocratic Cadillac to the proletarian Chevrolet---he modified his lines accordingly.


26. He is interested in proletarian literature.


27. He is the father of proletarian literature.


28. He studied nature, history and proletarian revolution and created dialectical materialism, historical materialism and the theory of proletarian revolution.


29. A great proletarian revolutionary mentor Engels said: "We together with our blood, meat, our minds are with the natural world, exist in nature.


30. However, the development of socialist democracy in no way means that we can dispense with the proletarian dictatorship over forces hostile to socialism.


31. But the majority still have a long way to go before they can completely replace their bourgeois world outlook with the proletarian world outlook.


32. The cause underestimated is lain in1 Huang Xing is a bourgeoisie revolutionist, and is not proletarian revolutionist.


33. Leftist Association as one of the five martyrs Roudan,their youthful enthusiasm and vitality wrote revolutionary proletarian revolutionary literary one.


34. The photos of you and the girl will be recycled for proletarian use.

你和那个女孩的照片将会为了 无产阶级而反复应用。

35. Are you lacking in proletarian vigor? Do you feel like a listless capitalist stooge?


36. If they are to do so, they must make a study of proletarian ideas, have some feeling for the proletariat and make friends with workers and peasants.


37. People like Liang Shih-chiu, whom Lu Hsun criticized, talk about literature and art as transcending classes, but in fact they uphold bourgeois literature and art and oppose proletarian literature and art.


38. Communism is at once a complete system of proletarian ideology and a new social system.


39. The army is the major instrument of our proletarian dictatorship.


40. Agricultural co-operation will enable us to consolidate our alliance with the peasants on the basis of proletarian socialism and not of bourgeois democracy.


41. The serf gives up, the proletarian receives.


42. The serf has an assured existence, the proletarian has not.


43. The theory and practice of proletarian revolution as developed by Lenin.


44. Lenin's theory on the proletarian party and the dictatorship of the proletariat is by no means "outmoded", as alleged by certain people.


45. Lenin said that Chartism was "the first broad, really mass, politically formed, proletarian revolutionary movement.


46. Lenin said that Chartism was “the first broad, really mass, politically formed, proletarian reolutionary moement.


47. Not long ago, in order to educate people in the revolutionary outlook, some localities again raised the slogan, "Foster proletarian ideology and eliminate bourgeois ideology".


48. Diligence, thrift, plain living and hard work constitute the good proletarian style.


49. The October Revolution helped progressives in China, as throughout the world, to adopt the proletarian world outlook as the instrument for studying a nation's destiny and considering anew their own problems.


50. WTO organized the local military exercises to show my great proletarian camp a strong military.


51. Even those who have a better grasp of Marxism and are comparatively firm in their proletarian stand have to go on studying, have to absorb what is new and study new problems.


52. Only in this way can we have a literature and art that are truly for the workers, peasants and soldiers, a truly proletarian literature and art.


53. We can mould the Party and the world only in the image of the proletarian vanguard.


54. Zhou Enlai is a great Marxist, an outstanding proletarian revolutionist, a faithful communist soldier, an extraordinary national hero.


55. Because this is regarded as the better form of proletarian dictatorship.


56. Elsewhere, the former proletarian internationalists have rebranded themselves as slightly sleazy centre-leftists.


57. An artist with money is a rare breed in unemployment-ridden, staunchly proletarian Berlin.


58. Theoretically,they have over the great mass of the proletariat the advantage of clearly understanding the line of march,the conditions,and the ultimate general results of the proletarian movement.


59. She must have slipped into some shop in the proletarian quarters and bought herself a complete set of make-up materials.


60. It inaugurated a new phase in Chinese proletarian revolution, and established outstanding meritorious service for Chinese revolution.


61. The Manifesto suggested a course of action for a proletarian revolution to overthrow capitalism and, eventually, to bring about a classless society.


62. Recording day by day the symptoms of degeneration, it tried to oppose to the growing Thermidor the conscious will of the proletarian vanguard.


63. Seeking truth from facts is the basis of the proletarian world outlook as well as the ideological basis of Marxism.


64. So far as proletarian writers and artists are concerned, should not these kinds of creative moods be destroyed?


65. Because we want the bourgeois intellectuals to acquire the proletarian world outlook and transform themselves into proletarian intellectuals.


66. Bolshevik become a new kind of a proletarian party.


67. Year only when the Ren Bi of twenties, already was in the class is great the leader that is an outstanding proletarian revolutionist and party grows in fighting.

年仅二十几岁的任弼时 ,就已在阶级大搏斗中成长为一位卓越的无产阶级革命家和党的领导人。

68. The West German SPD is the first proletarian party and also one of the centuries-old parties in power.


69. We reckon that most can make progress and some can remould themselves into proletarian intellectuals.


70. The proposal we make to international democracy for a just and immediate peace will everywhere awaken an ardent response among the international proletarian masses.

我们向国际民主提出了立即实现公正和平的建议。 这条建议会在国际无产阶级大众中处处唤起热烈反应。

71. We adhere to proletarian internationalism.


72. The question must be approached from the angle of proletarian democracy.


73. We must now set about building a proletarian socialist state in Russia.


74. In our opinion the question of proletarian ideological leadership is very important.


75. Our Party members and non-Party activists should all strive to become proletarian intellectuals.


76. Our friend ship is built on proletarian, internationalism.


77. We should form a contingent of proletarian intellectuals within the next ten years (the plans for the development of science also cover twelve years, and there are still ten years left).


78. We maintain that the proletarian party of any country should be prepared for two possibilities, one for peace and the other for war.


79. I am a proletarian.


80. In my opinion, not only the little proletarian intellectuals but the workers and peasants who may know hardly any characters at all are a great deal wiser than Lo Lung-chi.

