

1. Word such as " he ", " it ", " who ", and " anything " is pronoun.


2. "This" is a demonstrative pronoun.


3. Alone:( after a noun or pronoun) only.


4. All and both can come after a noun or pronoun

All and both均可用于名词或代词之后

5. A and an are indefinite articles, any is an indefinite pronoun.


6. Each other is a reciprocal pronoun.

each other是个相互代词。

7. JNJ brand is a pronoun of the artistic mosaic.It has eight major series: Gold link, Iridium, Peony, spectrum, Ice Jade, Northern light, star cloud and normal.


8. "That" is a demonstrative pronoun.


9. "It" is the third-person singular neuter pronoun.


10. Ji is one of widely used suffix.It is often behind of noun, adjective, quantifier, verb and pronoun.


11. The word ego is taken directly from Latin, where it is the nominative of the first person singular personal pronoun and is translated as "I myself" to express emphasis.


12. When an indefinite pronoun is the subject, it always takesa singular verb.


13. indefinite pronoun deletion transformatio


14. To make reading easier, I'll use the masculine pronoun throughout this book.


15. Why is depression the pronoun of current emotion?


16. Pronoun can be link with verb in modem Yi language.When pronoun is middle-level, they indicate SV, but when pronoun is sub-high tone, they show OV.


17. A pronoun designating the person speaking (I, me, we, us ), the person spoken to ( you ), or the person or thing spoken about ( he, she, it, they, him, her, them ).


18. Any of three groups of pronoun forms with corresponding verb inflections that distinguish the speaker(first person), the individual addressed(second person), and the individual or thing spoken of(third person).


19. Any of three groups of pronoun forms with corresponding verb inflections that distinguish the speaker(first person),the individual addressed(second person),and the individual or thing spoken of(third person).


20. This year, "Hair chaos is random " no longer with not orderly delimit equal-sign, and the pronoun that made trend.


21. With a study of the examples, it can be found that the pronoun "qi" can neither be used to refer to the interviewee "you".


22. It is either a wonderful Derlook as living space from life to art, or even a pronoun as high level pend market.


23. So from this point, we can say the three-part system of the demonstrative pronoun in Jiujiang dialect is weakened.


24. He actualizes his own unprecedented uiqueness and appreciates the uniqueness of others. (The common pronoun "he" refers to person of either sex except when "she" is definately applicable.


25. He suggested that a truly-inclusive politically-correct pronoun would be “ s/h/it ”.


26. He always put the stress on the pronoun.


27. the word,phrase,or clause to which a pronoun refers


28. A pronoun is a substitute for a noun. Pronouns make sentences less repetitive.


29. a noun or a pronoun that is used in place of a noun


30. The position of the pronoun his shows that it is to be betoned.


31. The position of the pronoun "his" shows that it is to be betoned.


32. The personal pronoun A I Z shall be the coat of arms of some Individual .


33. A pronoun must agree in number and gender with the noun it refers to .


34. Confusing pronoun reference detracts from the clarity and precision of writing. It is a common fault in writing.


35. When something or someone has already been mentioned, yourefer to them again by using a pronoun.


36. Of, relating to, or functioning as a pronoun.


37. The pronoun although is in the glossary minor sort, but because frequently uses, is easier in the exchange to receive other dialects the influence, thus changes complex.


38. By windmill marking's Mi Qi Long Shidao is the Aegean Sea archipelago pronoun.


39. But the pronoun that the bath crock that nowhere is absent is romance not just, also can become news head likewise.


40. As the third person pronoun, "zhi" usually acts as object and "qi" as attributive.


41. As Personal Pronoun or Demonstrative Pronoun.


42. You have to learn the name in the language under consideration for "noun", "adjective", "verb", "participle", "conjunction", "pronoun", and "preposition".


43. The indexical expressions in Russian include the following aspects: grammatical futures of pronoun, logical semantics, referential/ non-referential, speech acts, and so on.


44. The word, phrase, or clause to which a pronoun refers.


45. The relative pronoun is often dropped if it is the subject .


46. The relative pronoun is often dropped if it is the object.


47. relative adjective [ adverb, pronoun ]

关系形容词[副词, 代词]

48. Whenserves as a notional word,“夫”hasthefunctionof nounand demonstrative pronoun.


49. Fanbing of outback husband female role puts the pronoun of reincarnate beauty on the ice.


50. Abstract:The “nai” is not only used as indicative pronoun, but also possesses the degree adverb in Xiaogan Dialect.


51. Mulford, R. "Comprehension of Icelandic pronoun gender: Semantic versus formal factors." Journal-of-Child-Language 12(2) (1985): 443-453.


52. For several decades, Givenchy has kept its elegance style and become the pronoun of Elegance in the fashion world.


53. Since a participle is an adjective, it them must agree with the noun or pronoun it is modifying as all adjectives do.


54. The noun of locality is preceded by a modifier. The modifier can be a noun, pronoun, verb, or phrase.


55. The book contains 13 chapters, including the parts of speech, the interjection, direct and indirect speech, punctuation, the noun, the adjective, the article, the pronoun, the preposition and so on.


56. In the nineteenth century, Britain re-interpreted the classical decoration, and abrogated the pronoun of mechanical rational aesthetics.


57. South Pole the ice is the pronoun of" sanctity" in some American public.


58. An inflected form of a noun, adjective, pronoun, or verb used with two items or people.


59. The second word of a tag question is always a pronoun.


60. The reflexive verb is usually stressed. For emphasis, the syllable -self/-selves of the reflexive pronoun may be stressed.

反身动词通常须重读. 为加强语气, 反身代词中的-self/-selves这个音节可以重读.

61. The form "ruowei" in Dunhuang Bianwen serves mainly as an interrogative pronoun, so it is inappropriate for literature interpreters to define it as a meaningless conventional pattern in a sentence.


62. The interrogative pronoun is placed at the syntactical position which the question is asked about,e.g.


63. Zingaro is a nation which has not hometown, Carmen is its pronoun.


64. Equally, the presence of a pronoun does not prove a relationship.


65. Conjunction of auxiliary word of adverb of pronoun of measure word of substantival verb numeral causes phraseology poem word and libretto.


66. Of, relating to, or being a noun or pronoun case that indicates possession.


67. Most of the time, a biography will be written using the third person pronoun he or she.


68. In 'He cut himself', 'cut' is a reflexive verb and 'himself' is a reflexive pronoun.

在 He cut himself 一句中,cut 是反身动词,himself 是反身代词。

69. In 'the man who came', 'who' is a relative pronoun and 'who came' is a relative clause.

在 the man who came 中,who 是关系代词,而 who came 是关系从句。

70. In 'Tom likes jazz', and 'They like rock music', the singular verb 'likes' agrees with the subject 'Tom' and the plural verb 'like' agrees with the pronoun 'they'.

在 Tom likes jazz 和 They like rock music 两句中,动词单数形式 likes 与主语 Tom 一致,动词复数形式 like 与代词 they 一致。

71. During the Chunqiu Zhanguo period,it was used as a preposition "Yu" and then became a personal pronoun and a conjunction.


72. Thirdly, as for certain devices, the inter-language text over-used some connective words and expressions, such as nominal reference words and pronoun reference words.


73. You will need this verb a lot in French so it is important to remember it. Notice that the PRONOUN Je becomes J'because it is before a vowel.


74. In the phrase 'you are', the verb 'are' is in the second person and the word 'you' is a second-person pronoun.

在短语 you are 中,动词 are 是第二人称形式,而单词 you 是第二人称代词。

75. At the time of Qin to the beginning of Han, the question pronoun integer tony, appears the frequency high, but in the same time unearthed literature situation is just opposite.


76. Anaphora resolution is one of the most challenging tasks in language understanding inthe way that the relationship between the antecedent and the referential pronoun varies fromsentence to sentence.


77. In an affirmative statement with one verb, the direct object pronoun comes immediately before the conjugated verb.


78. The pronoun of upscale product in follow under the idea hair industriously cultivate of the business enterprise will become the wet goods market.


79. Most transitive verbs can take a reflexive pronoun.


80. Most transitive verbs can take a reflexive pronoun asobject.

