

1. There are four distinct learning relationships: the lagger, pursuer, potential one, and pioneer.


2. All the splendor has departed from the Daughter of Zion. Her princes are like deer that find no pasture; in weakness they have fled before the pursuer.


3. And all her majesty has departed From the daughter of Zion; Her princes have become like deer That find no pasture, And they have fled without strength Before the pursuer.


4. "But we destroyed the Pursuer!" Baldan cried. "Our instruments confirmed it!"


5. "And it makes no sense for them to have risked their lives against the Pursuer, or again in combat against the task force we surprised," Cabell pointed out.


6. As a fire in her bones, the thought of the pursuer urged her on


7. However heard small s yesterday these words, big s smiled: “my side explicit pursuer, small s only has not been wants to raise my quotation.


8. The Aesthetic Pursuer of Formal Advertising Language


9. Wih our prsis pursu for prouc qualiy a sric maufacurig procss corol, w hav vlop io o of h rprsaiv maufacurs i his iusry i Chia.


10. They intermingle with the crowd in the hope that their pursuer will lose sight of them.


11. He found the pursuer close at his heels.


12. He shuddered Breathlessly in the doorway until his pursuer had raced past


13. He twisted and turned in a desperate attempt to shake off his pursuer.


14. He is a persistent pursuer of truth.


15. after all aggregate costs of all states have been gained, the pursuer selects a proper state as its short-term goal and executes the action leading to the goal.


16. Being a fan and pursuer of a good-quality BBT, I felt I had to try this new shop out, despite seeing the quite massive line up and the queue of people waiting for their drinks!


17. You ll be the one being chased and you may not be all that receptive to your pursuer especially if you started off on the wrong foot.


18. Do you want to be a pursuer or a miser of money?


19. A giant hunter, pursuer of the Pleiades and lover of Eos, killed by Artemis.


20. A giant hunter,pursuer of the Pleiades and lover of Eos,killed by Artemis.


21. Greek Mythology A giant hunter, pursuer of the Pleiades and lover of Eos, killed by Artemis.


22. Sensitive to fashion; open-minded ; hardworking &aggressive; strong interpersonal communication skills, team spirit; detail perfection pursuer; good potential of management skills and leadership.


23. The pursuer requests the court to grant him remedy.


24. But, in 2009, Qirui definitely clearly will hear the pursuer Biya sound of footsteps.


25. Actually, the Profession Pursuer, this kind guy begs for anything that will help his profession level go up.


26. As hasty preparations were made to bushwhack the Pursuer, the Ref showed its mettle.


27. In such a case, the general rule is that we may not choose either, since each is a complete and autonomous person, and each is both the pursuer and the pursued.


28. All the common discomforts of walking in the rainseemed to heighten the menace of his pursuer.


29. Amphiaraus fled in his chariot...and was on the point of being thrust between the shoulders by a Theban pursuer, when Zeus cleft the earth with a thunderbolt and he vanished from sight, chariot and all


30. What shall I say of him who is the pursuer playing the part of the pursued?


31. 24.What shall I say of him who is the pursuer playing the part of the pursued?


32. Young Jerry, walking with the stool under his arm at his father's side along sunny and crowded Fleet Street, was a very different Young Jerry from him of the previous night, running home through darkness and solitude from his grim pursuer.

小杰瑞腋下挟个小板凳,跟在爸爸身边沿着阳光普照的拥挤的舰队街走着。 他跟昨天晚上逃避那可怖的追逐者在黑暗和孤独中跑回家来时那个杰瑞迥然不同了。

33. The nobilities of France are the loyal pursuer of good spiritual life and they are extremely luxurious and extravagant in physical comfort.


34. The pursuer with industrialized successful times, before long, was immersed in " strategic poverty " .


35. As soon as the pursuer’s self is replaced by his double, his state of mind is inclined to narcissism and longs for an immortal self.


36. A glance behind confirmed his fears. His pursuer was gaining ground on him rapidly.


37. Open-minded ; hardworking &aggressive; strong interpersonal communication skills, team spirit; detail perfection pursuer; potential of management skills and leadership.


38. For two days we dodged and fought the Pursuer, and thought we'd obliterated it, but now it has found us once more.


39. I calculated that my pursuer, Richard Madden, could not arrive in less than an hour.


40. As a result, there is an endless tug of war between criminal and pursuer.


41. The teacher looked behind to see if his pursuer would vanish, according to the rule.


42. the act of physically escaping from something (an opponent or a pursuer or an unpleasant situation) by some adroit maneuver.


43. the act of physically escaping from something (an opponent or a pursuer or an unpleasant situation) by some adroit maneuver


44. Is offering you protection. Do you accept the offer from this pursuer of Justice?


45. Green put on a spurt and gained on his pursuer.


46. 10. Green put on a spurt and gained upon his pursuer .


47. Can Xue"s highest pursuer of art is an "empty" artistic Jingjie ,it is a purely fictitions Jingjie .


48. In my opinion, no blame can be attached to the pursuer for the accident.


49. Exedor explained, "The Pursuer is a weapon the Invid used in the days when their empire was vast and powerful; I am surprised that there are any left."


50. Rick clung to the wooden wheel, looking back through the bridge's clear blister to where the Pursuer was already a discernible speck in the cosmos.


51. throw off a pursuer [tail]


52. It has the special research value with realistic meanings.The pursuer defined two reading disability infants,by assessable instruments of infants'forepart reading ability,questionnaire and so on.


53. Suddenly the Pursuer appeared again, looking like an enormous squid about to swallow a minnow.


54. The first eagle delivers his meal to a mate waiting in a nest the size of a queen mattress, then turns and upbraids his pursuer.


55. 9. The criminal jabbed at the pursuer with a knife.


56. But Shelley's skylark, being a Spirit soaring in heaven, is a pursuer for absolute freedom.


57. During one of the many dances, it fell to her to be the pursuer of a fair child, whose movements had a very strange soft charm


58. Though Phoenix is Los Angeles' closest pursuer in the Pacific Division, a huge gap remains between the rivals going into their matchup Thursday night.


59. This kind of CDI applies to the improved racing motorcycle and high-speed pursuer.


60. Rubbing her hand, her pursuer followed again, keeping her distance now, as they moved deeper into the deserted labyrinth of brick houses.


61. The pursuer caught up with her prey just as she turned another corner, this time succeeding in catching hold of her arm and swinging her around so that they faced each other.


62. this time, its in the difference, the gap, the motion, the contraction that gives meaning and satisfaction to the pursuer.


63. Such distant view lets get tired of pursuer is extremely gratified, since such, probably we still have the power that drafts regulation afresh, be?


64. The law theory researcher and legal professional pursuer's common endeavor is accessory.


65. Games A children's game in which one player pursues the others until he or she is able to touch one of them, who then in turn becomes the pursuer.


66. the rapidity of movement which is also made use of by both pursuer and pursued, which is similarly raised to a maximum in both by the gradual dying out of the slowest through a series of generations.


67. 5. The pursuer cleared the fence in one hop .


68. to evade one's pursuer


69. new commodity pursuer


70. The scene kept cutting between the horrified face of the heroine, and the dead, emotionless face of her pursuer, back and forth as it closed the distance.


71. Ma is a senior expert of View Stone, a steadfast pursuer for Shang Shi culture.


72. ) They enjoy the role of pursuer and like to set the unwritten rules for the relationship.

