
quitquitD.J.:[kwit]K.K.:[kwɪt]vt. & vi.1.从(某处)离开; 离去If I don't get a pay rise I'll quit.若不给加薪, 我就不干了。I've quit my job.我辞职了。I got my present job when I quit the army.我退伍后得到了现在这份工作。vt.1.停止My father has quit smoking.我父亲已戒烟了。

quit1[kwit]vt.1.解除;消除:She quit herself of all worries and devoted herself to the study of science.她摆脱了一切烦恼,潜心研究科学。2.偿还(债务等);报答:He quitted all scores with his friend.他与朋友结清了一切债务。3.离职;辞职:He is going to quit his job next month because his salary is too low.他由于薪金太低拟于下月辞职。4.停止(工作等);放弃:The workers quit work at noon.工人在中午时停止工作。He has quit smoking for more than ten years.他戒烟已经十多年了。5.离开:They have to quit China in a few days.他们必须在几天之内离开中国。6.[quit oneself][古语]表现:He quit himself like an old man.他表现得像个老人一样。vi.1.停止;罢手;认输;放弃:They had to quit when they became aware of the fact that they could not win the game.他们在觉察到不可能打赢这场比赛时,只好认输。2.辞职;离开:He didn't quit though his salary was a little lower than that of others.虽然他的薪金比别人稍低,他也不辞职。adj.1.摆脱…的(常与 of 连用)近义词abandongoquit it[美国俚语]死quit love with hate以恨报爱;恩将仇报:You should never quit love with hate.你永远不要恩将仇报。quit one's nonsense别胡说八道:You must quit your nonsense in the meeting.你在会上千万别胡说八道。quit the scene退场,离场死,离开人间变形vt.quit 或 quittedquitting quit2[kwit]v.1.【计算机】退,出,停止;解除

quitquit[kwit]vt.(quit ted[kwitid], [罕]quit; quit ting)1.放弃; 停止2.离开, 退出3.偿清; 尽(义务等); 报答4.解除, 免除5.根绝, 戒掉6.[quit oneself][古]举动; 表现quit one's home town离开家乡 quitdrinking戒酒quit hold of撒手放开quit love with hate以怨报德, 恩将仇报quit score with和...了结债务[结清帐目]; 向...报复Q-muttering! 别嘀咕!Q-it out!住嘴; 住手!Death quits all scores.一死百了。They quitted themselves like heroes.他们表现得很英勇。
词性变化quit[kwit]vi.1.离职, 辞职2.离开3.搬出, 迁出4.停止, 作罢5.认输I'm going to quit next week.我下星期辞职。We have had notice to quit.我们已接到迁出通知书。quit[kwit]adj.[只作表语]1.摆脱...的, 自由的2.被释放的; 被宣告无罪的3.偿清债务的, 尽了义务的be quit of sb.摆脱了某人get quit of one's debts偿清债务We are glad to be quit off all the difficulties.我们为摆脱了所有困难而高兴。quit[kwit]n.1.离开, 退出2.辞 职, 退职a fighter with little quit in him不会退却的战士
