
ratherratherD.J.:[ˈrɑ:ðə]K.K.:[ˈræðɚ, ˈrɑðɚ]adv.1.在一定程度上; 颇This book is rather too easy for this boy.这本书对于这个孩子来说太简单。I reckon that he is rather too old to marry again.我认为他的年龄太大, 不太适于再婚。2.或多或少; 有几分; 相当This restaurant is rather more expensive than that one.这家餐厅的收费比那家贵得多。

rather['rɑ:ðə; 'ræ-]adv.1.宁可;更喜欢;宁愿;最好2.更恰当;更合适3.更确切地说4.[用来使语气婉转]有点;有几分5.[用来表示强调]很;颇;相当6.相反7.[古语]更早;更快interj.1.[主英国英语]当然啦[回答问题时用]had(或would) rather宁愿;宁可更喜欢…;最好是…if I had my rathers[美国方言]如果我可以选择的话or rather毋宁说;更确切地说rather of the ratherest[俚语]略多;略胜一筹;略不足rather than不是…而是…;与其说…不如说…rather…than…宁可…而不;最好…而不…;是…而不是…rahter… than otherwise (或not)不是…而是…rather too稍微 … 一点the rather尤其the rather because (或 that)况且,何况因为…所以更…尤其是,特别是would rather= had rather

ratherrather[ˈrɑ:ðə]adv.1.[常与would或had连用]宁愿, 宁可2.稍微; 相当3.[可与or连用]更确切, 更恰当; 更接近4.[口] 当然, 确实如此5.相反地, 倒不如说 ... 更...6.[与连词 than 配合使用]与其...不如...; 宁可... 也不...Which would you rather have, tea or coffee?你喜欢喝茶; 还是咖啡?I would rather you come tomorrow.我宁愿你明天来。He was rather tired.他有些疲倦了。You have done rather well.你做得相当不错。He went home very late last night, or rather, in the early hours this morning.他是昨天深夜回家的, 或者更确切地说, 是今天凌晨。Do you know her ? R-.你认识她吗? 当然。She was no better, but rather grew worse.她的病情不但没好转, 反而恶化了。He resigned rather than take part in such a dishonest transaction .他宁愿辞职也不愿意参加这样一种欺骗的交易。
继承用法ratherish[ˈrɑ:ðərɪʃ;ˈræ-]adv.1.颇, 相当; 有点儿, 有几分