
reachreachD.J.:[ri:tʃ]K.K.:[ritʃ]vt.1.到达They reached Paris by plane on March 8.他们于三月八日乘坐飞机到达巴黎。2.联络The news reached every part of the world.消息传到世界各地。vt. & vi.1.伸出手臂; 延伸I can't reach so high.我够不到这么高。She reached me a slice of bread.她递给我一片面包。n.1.伸手可及的距离One would need a long reach to be able to touch the ceiling.必须把手伸得很长才能够到天花板。2.(江河的)河段We often divide a river into three parts, that is the upper, middle and lower reaches.我们经常把一条河分成三部分:上游、中游和下游。

reach[ri:tʃ]vt.1.伸出(手等)She reached out her hands and held her mother.她伸出双手抱住她的母亲。2.伸手(或脚等)及到,触及,够到:to reach the clock on the wall伸手够到墙上的钟。3.把…递给:Reach me the sugar,please.请把糖递给我。4.到达,抵达:to reach my native village到达我的故乡5.达到;传到;传入:The news only reached her last month.这个消息上个月才传入她耳中。6.总计,计达:to reach five hundred dollars总计 500 美元7.影响;对…起作用:His father was reached by their persuasion at last.他的父亲最后终于被他们说服了。8.与…取得联系:to reach someone by cable用电报与某人联系9.[美国俚语]贿赂,收买10.包容,涉及于vi.1.伸出手脚等:Two hands reached from behind his back suddenly and blindfolded his eyes.突然两只手从他背后伸过来蒙住他的眼睛。2.延伸,到达:as far as my arm can reach就我臂长所及3.计达,共计(与 to,into 连用):The audience on the opening night of the play reached to ten thousand.那出戏首次公演之夜观众达万人之多。4.传到;遍及:The appeal for peace reached throughout the world.和平的呼声遍及世界。5.竭力想得到;争取:She reached for the book, but it was too high on the shelf.她想拿那书,可是书在书架上,太高够不着。6.【航海学】横风行驶7.收买n.1.伸;伸展2.伸出的距离,可达到的距离3.(影响等)所及范围4.区域;地段;河段5.[美国英语](车辆前后轴的)连接杆6.【航海学】横风行驶7.[R-]援手组织(美国底特律市一个救济团体)近义词gainachieveattainaccomplishbeyond(或above,out of)someone's(或the) reach力所不能及的;无法理解的;无法达到的[亦作out of reach of]make a reach for (something 或 someone)想抓住;伸手去拿within (easy) reach of在…附近,距离…不远;在手边within someone's reach某人力所能及的;为某人所能理解的;在某人能够得到的范围内[亦作within reach,within the reach 或 within reach of,within the reach of]

reachreach[ri:tʃ]vt.1.抵达, 达[触]到2.扩展(到), 延伸, 伸出3.影响, 对...起作用4.递给, 交给, 和...取得联系5.得到, 获得6.总计达到reach the top of a mountain到达山顶reach one's hand伸出手reach sb. sth.递给某人某物reach sb. a kick踢某人This ladder won't reach the roof.这个梯子够不到屋顶。Please reach her by telephone.请用电话与她联系。This rule does not reach the case.这条规则不适用于这种情况。He is liable to be reached by flattery.他容易被谄媚奉承所打动。It is very important to reach an agreement with this big company .和这家大公司达成协议是很重要的。No conclusion has been reached yet.还没有得出任何结论。The cost reached billions.费用总计达到数十亿。
词性变化reach[ri:tʃ]vi.1.延伸, 达到(to, into)2.伸出手[脚]3.竭力达到4.抵达reach toward sth.伸向某物The land reaches as far as the river.这块地一直延伸到河边。reach[ri:tʃ]n.1.伸出, 伸展的限度2.可达到的距离, 所能及的限度, 有效[活动, 作用, 工作]半径, 影响[势力]范围, 运用限距, 作用区, 臂长, (起重机)外伸幅度, (枪, 炮)射程, 极度, 区[领]域3.(智力、理解力等)所及的范围4.区域, 河段, 流域, 海角, [美]岬5.一段旅程; 一次努力6.车辆前部与后轴的连杆7.【航海】横风行驶a reach of grassland一大片草原the lower reaches of a river河流的下游arrive at the destination after threereaches全程分三段走完后到达目的地The hotel is within easy reach of the beach.这家旅馆离海滨很近。

继承用法reach-me-downn., adj.1.现成的(衣服); 千篇一律(的); 旧的; 便宜(的)reach-throughn.1.透过reachability[-əˈbiliti]n.1.能达到性reachableadj.1.可触及的, 可达到的, 可获得的reachless[ˈri:tʃlɪs]adj.1.不可及的, 无法达到的, 手碰不到的
