
rearrearD.J.:[riə]K.K.:[rɪr]vt.1.饲养; 养育He rears all kinds of birds.他饲养各种鸟。vt. & vi.1.抬起The snake reared its head.蛇抬起了头。n.1.后部, 背The hall is in the rear of the building.礼堂在大楼的后部。We attacked the enemy in the rear.我们从敌人的背后袭击。2.臀部He got kicked in the rear.他屁股上挨了一脚。

rear1[riə]n.1.背面;背后2.后面;后部3.【军事】后方;后卫部队;后尾部队;后尾舰队4.[美国俚语]屁股,臀部5.[复数][英国口语]公共厕所adj.1.后部的,后面的;背面的2.【军事】后方的;殿后的;后尾的adv.1.[常用以构成复合词]在后面,向后vi.1.[英国口语]上公共厕所bring up (或close,follow in) the rear走在后头;殿后[口语]最差,居末,最后front and rear在前后get one's rear in gear[美国俚语]动身;赶紧(开始)hand on (或upon) the rear of跟在…后面(伺机袭击)in the rear (of)在…之后;在后面,在背后;在后方 rear2[riə]vt.1.竖起;举起;抬高:The rabbit reared its ears.兔子竖起它的耳朵。2.树立;建立:They reared a monument to commemorate the great musician.他们建立起一座纪念碑,纪念这位伟大的音乐家。3.抚养;培养:His mother died when he was three years old, and, there after, his grandmother reared him.他三岁时丧母,祖母把他养大。4.饲养;种植:Our chemistry teacher rears all kinds of birds.我们的化学老师养着各种鸟。vi.1.(马等)扬起前腿用后腿站起(常与 up 连用):The horse reared up in fright as the truck dashed off down the street.当卡车快速冲过大街时,这匹马吓得扬起前腿直立起来。2.高耸:The skyscraper rears high into the sky.这座摩天大楼高耸入云。3.发火;暴跳(常与 up 连用):They reared up and began to attack the policemen.他们骚乱起来,开始攻击警察。4.[方言]出现近义词liftrear one's(或its)ugly head见 head

rearrear[riə]vt.1.抚养; 饲养; 培养; 栽培2.举起; 挑起3.建立; 树立4.[古]提高声音(喊叫, 唱等)rear children抚养孩子rear poultry饲养家禽rear the [its, his]head抬头; 出现; 显露头角; (恶意等)显露出来rear a monument to a person's memory为纪念某人而建立纪念碑
词性变化rear[riə]vi.1.(马等)以后腿站立2.[方]出现; 高耸3.[喻]暴跳(up)

继承用法rearern.1.养育员, 饲养员, 畜牧家; 用脚直立起来的马