
rebuildrebuildD.J.:[ˌri:ˈbild]K.K.:[riˈbɪld]vt.1.重建, 重新组装The company is making every effort to rebuild its business.这家公司正在尽一切努力来重建自己的企业。2.再形成某事物; 恢复News of the ship rebuilt her hope that her son might be back home alive.那艘船又有了消息, 使她又萌生了她的儿子会生还的希望。

rebuild[,ri:'bild; 'ri:,bild]vt.1.重建:After the big fire,they rebuit their house.大火之后他们重建起家园。2.使复原;恢复:They rebuilt their confidence and marched forward bravely.他们恢复了信心,勇往直前。3.重新组装;重新装配;改造:The ultimate aim of their political party is to rebuild the society.他们政党的最终目标是改造社会。After her divorce,she had to rebuild her life.她离婚后得重新安排生活。vi.1.重建;改建:Their political party is rebuilding.他们的政党在重建中。If we have enough money we can rebuild.如果我们有足够的钱,我们可以重建家园。n.1.重建;改建变形vt.rebuiltrebuilding

rebuildrebuild[ˈri:ˈbild]vt.1.(-built [-ˈbilt])再建; 重建; 使复原; 改建[造, 变]rebuild one's shattered fortune重建受损的产业