

1. The emergence or reemergence of infectious diseases is found all over the world during recent twenty years.


2. The emergence or reemergence of infectious diseases is found a ll over the world during recent twenty years.


3. August 31, "Land Doomsday" for the real estate industry is still uncertain, but story villa reemergence estate arena.


4. Reemergence mechanism


5. The Summer Olympics of 2008 is their symbol of this national reemergence from a dark cocoon of decline and isolation into the light of international recognition.


6. Remote reemergence areas of winter sea surface temperature anomalies in the North Pacific


7. The hopeful experiment of post-apartheid self-rule now under way in South Africa and the tentative reemergence of democracy in Nigeria is potentially important harbingers of transformation.


8. Health officials anticipate a possible reemergence of the 2009 H1N1 virus as influenza strains circulate widely in the United States during this period.

卫生官员预测,2009 H1N1流感病毒可能会在该流行季作为在美国广泛传播的流感病毒株而再度出现。

9. 20.Primary factors associated with disease emergence and reemergence in humans.

听听听听听听听听听听听听听听听听听听听 Table 2.

10. eve of the National Day, the Shanghai property market in September reemergence queuing purchase phenomenon news media and other interested parties to become the focus of attention.


11. Scarab beetle amulets portrayed the beetle's persistence in rolling a dung ball and the reemergence of the beetle from its hole in the ground.


12. Before bringing the battle to the Lich King, both the Horde and Alliance must overcome the immediate threat of the vrykul and answer the questions that the warriors' reemergence has posed.


13. 60. THE REEMERGENCE of a distinctive DNA methylation pattern after drugs wipe it clean strangely echoes the reprogramming of an embryo's imprinting marks shortly after conception.


14. The 29th Olympiad was supposed to be China’s coming out party, a show of its rising economic and political power and its reemergence as a global power.


15. Her lovely drawing of the reemergence of Venus was made with Pastels/Conte on A3 size paper under very cold conditions.


16. We hope that this forum will be the beginning of a dialogue between those wanting to understand the broader issues for China and the world of the reemergence of the “Sleeping Dragon”.


17. The author emphasis that the hallmark of the new political economy is the reemergence of civil society as a collective actor in the construction of our cities and regions.


18. "Overall, our findings indicate the reemergence of talent wars--but on a smaller scale than in the past and more industry-focused, particularly the IT professional services business.

总体而言,这预示着人才争夺战又即将出现,当然今次的规模较以往为逊,而且也和具体 行业相关,特别是IT服务行业。”

19. In films riparian green construction, demolition of buildings surrounding the stupa construction, making China one of the towers of the ancient stupa Fudou reemergence really be;


20. The reemergence of class analysis, except in certain instances, continues the discourse of depoliticization, preempting possible criticism of China's transition to global capitalism.


21. But for all his insight and skill, luck played a huge role in his reemergence as a national political figure.


22. Compared to the reemergence of excavated iron function rather unusual。


23. The 29th Olympiad was supposed to be China's coming out party, a show of its rising economic and political power and its reemergence as a global power.


24. To speak of China's “rise” is to suggest its reemergence.


25. This ancient site was created by the blue dragonflight, and many adventurers attribute the increased activity here to the reemergence of the blue Dragon Aspect, Malygos.


26. Commanders in Afghanistan repeatedly asked for support to deal with the reemergence of the Taliban, but these reinforcements did not arrive.

