
relieverelieveD.J.:[riˈli:v]K.K.:[rɪˈliv]vt.1.缓解, 消除, 减少The doctors did their best to relieve the patient.医生们尽力减轻病人的痛苦。We were relieved to hear that she was out of danger.听说她脱险了, 我们的心才放下来。2.换班, 换岗He will relieve a sick teacher tomorrow.他明天要为一个生病的老师代课。

relieve[ri'li:v]vt.1.减轻(痛苦、忧虑等);解除(痛苦、忧虑等);使得到解脱;使(身心)恢复健康:My headache has been relieved.我的头痛已经轻些了。The war was over;the tension was relieved.战争结束了,紧张气氛缓和下来了。2.使宽慰;使放心:We were relieved to hear you were admitted to a university.听说你考上了大学我们就放心了。3.减轻…上的压力(或重量等);使(压力、重量等)减轻;帮助拿;[戏谑语]偷走:You had better open your mouth to relieve the pressure on your eardrums.你最好张开嘴以减轻耳朵鼓膜所受的压力。Let me relieve you of your luggage.让我帮你拿行李。4.救济;援救:They are trying to build up funds to relieve the poverty-stricken families.他们设法筹集资金来救济非常贫困的家庭。More troops were sent to relieve the besieged city.为了援救这座被围的城市派去了更多的部队。5.给…解除负担(或义务等);帮助…摆脱;帮助…卸下(心理上的负担等):A citizen must not be relieved from fulfilling the fundamental duties of citizens.一个公民不能不履行公民的基本义务。Children cannot be relieved from supporting their parents.子女不能不履行赡养父母的义务。6.发泄(感情等):She relieved her feelings by throwing down her husband's books on the floor.她把丈夫的书扔在地板上以发泄她的不满情绪。7.接替;更换;(尤指棒球)更换投手;替补;[委婉语]解除…的职务:The watchman of the storehouse will be relieved at 10 p.m.库房的看守人将于晚上十点换班。The editor in chief was relieved from his post at the age of sixty-five.总编辑在六十五岁时被解除职务。8.使不单调;调剂:They often danced to relieve the dull evening.他们晚上无聊时常常以跳舞来调剂。9.衬托;使显著:The white building was relieved against the blue sky.这座白色建筑物在蓝天的衬托下显得十分突出。10.[委婉语][relieve oneself]上厕所,大、小便:He used to relieve himself in the garden when he was a boy.他小时候常在花园里大小便。近义词alleviatelightenassuagemitigateallayrelieve oneself(或 nature)解手,大、小便,上厕所relieve one's feelings见feeling变形vt.relievedrelieving

relieverelieve[riˈli:v]vt.1.减轻, 解除, 使摆脱(痛苦、忧愁等)2.安慰, 使放心3.救济, 援救, 供应食品[物资]4.免除(职务)(from , of)5.换班, 交班休息, 为...代课6.使不单调, 调剂7.使突出, 使鲜明, 使成浮雕8.[谑]偷, 窃去relieve sb. from anxiety消除某人的忧虑relieve the people in flood-stricken area救济水灾区的人们relieve guard换岗
词性变化relieve[riˈli:v]vi.1.救济2.【军】接防; 接班3.突出; 解除4.成浮雕
