
remitremitD.J.:[riˈmit]K.K.:[rɪˈmɪt]vt.1.免除(债务); 宽恕She has had part of her sentence remitted.她被免去部分刑期。2.使某事缓和vt. & vi.1.寄回, 传送

remit[ri'mit; 'ri:mit]vt.1.宽恕;赦免:His sentence of death was remitted by the government in 1999.他的死刑于1999年被政府赦免。2.豁免(债务等);免除(处罚等):Under no circumstances can the income tax be remitted.在任何情况下所得税都不能豁免。3.减轻;缓和:You mustn't remit your efforts.你千万不可松劲。4.(把问题等)提交…处理(或考虑等);转给;【法律】 = remand (vt.2):The case has been remitted to the supreme people's court.此案已提交最高人民法院审理。5.使恢复原状(或原位):The government tried to remit the urban residents into stability.政府力图使城镇居民恢复安定生活。6.推迟;拖延;暂停:We decided to remit our research work till next year.我们决定将研究工作推迟到明年进行。7.汇(款):Please remit me the money at your earliest convenience.请您尽早将钱汇来。8.[废语]投降;放弃vi.1.(力量或强度)缓和;(病症)减轻:His pace began to remit.他的步伐开始减慢。2.汇款:Please remit by check.请将款项用支票汇来。n.1.势力范围;管理范围变形vt.remittedremitting

remitremit[riˈmit]vt.(remitted;remitting)1.宽恕; 赦免2.豁免(捐税、债务), 免除3.缓和, 减轻4.延期, 推迟, 停止5.把问题提交有关当局解决; 【律】将案件发回下级法院重审6.汇、寄(款等); 传送7.使复原; 使复职8.叫(某人)请教他人或参考某书9.[古]再拘押remit a sin赦罪remit one's fine免于罚款remit one's anger息怒remit one's efforts松劲remit the siege解围remit a matter till [to] a certain date把某事延至某一天remit goods by railway用火车寄运货物R-me the money, please.请把钱汇给我。
词性变化remit[riˈmit]vi.1.缓和, 减轻; 汇款The fever has remitted.退烧了。remit[riˈmit]n.1.移交事项; 呈交当局解决的问题
