

1. The countries of the Union undertake to assure to nationals of the other countries of the Union appropriate legal remedies effectively to repress all the acts referred to in Articles9,10, and10 bis.


2. Around 1900, Sigmund Freud stated his theory that people try to repress (push out of the mind, hide) any memories or thoughts that they believed were not good.


3. According to BET surface area measurements, the dispersant ZrC>2 can increase the surface areas of catalysts, enlarge the degree of Ru catalysts dispersion, and repress the aggrandizement of catalysts particle.


4. "It's a family secret, and it leaves children with powerful feelings that they learn to repress," says Michael McKee, PhD, a psychologist at the Cleveland Clinic.


5. He must watch it,cheek it,repress it,and obey it only at the last extremity.


6. "It does not do to repress negative thoughts, such as fears, angers, or resentment.


7. "I do not brighten up, and will not take offense," said Judith, struggling to repress her indignation, in a way she had never found it necessary to exert before.


8. "Nothing, indeed," thought I, as I struggled to repress a sob, and hastily wiped away some tears, the impotent evidences of my anguish.


9. Some repress sympathetic nerves, excited parasympathetic nerve of drug, can also cause diarrhea.


10. In the north and north-east of the country, bases of Mr Thaksin's support, the movement is even harder to repress.


11. impossible to repress or control.


12. Surfactant can become the single numerator monolayer on the surface of water,and it can be used to repress water evaporation,which is one of its important applications.


13. cannot repress a smile


14. The ARE-binding proteins(AUBPs) bind to mRNAs containing an ARE in their 3’untranslated region and promote or repress their deadenylation and rapid degradation.

与ARE结合的蛋白(AU-binding protein,AUBP)能调节mRNA去腺苷酸,改变mRNA降解的速率,磷酸化AUBPs可以稳定mRNA。

15. Both groups used general anti-infection, commonly used the ipr atropium and salbutamol to repress the asthma by the constriction nebulizer and suck the sputum through the ultrasonic nebulizer when the breath way was stopped by the sputum.


16. Since China is resisting, it is an inexorable law that Japan will try to repress this resistance until the force of her repression is exceeded by the force of China's resistance.


17. To save his life he could not repress a chuckle


18. To save his life he could not repress a chuckle(Booth Tarkington.


19. "To save his life he could not repress a chuckle" (Booth Tarkington).

为了救他的命,他情不自禁地轻声笑起来: (希斯·塔尔金顿)

20. To deal with life,that was a very straight forward,very westernized,very gone hold like can do spirit then we repress Chinese zigzaging kind of attitude.


21. These findings fit into the psychodynamic model of boredom, whereby people repress their true wants and desires and therefore cannot locate satisfying activity.


22. He must watch it, cheek it, repress it, and obey it only at the last extremity.


23. At his own privations railing, could not repress his wonder that some can make their homes as gorgeous as they please, and wallow deep in wealth, luxuryand ease.


24. Shuddering in his efforts to repress a yawn of nervousness, he asked in his flat northern voice.


25. They did not repress their prior unity.

他们没有 压抑他们的本自一体性。

26. Their systems are built to repress consumption and promote savings.


27. Their voracity is legendary and even the most hardened warriors cannot repress a shiver if one speaks about them.


28. He burst in, making no effort to repress his fury.


29. He could hardly repress his tears.


30. Bertha frowned, finding it difficult to repress the sarcasms that rose to her lips.


31. One thing that disturbed him, however, was the occasional thought, which he could not repress, that he was not doing right.


32. There is too much pain and you can suppress and repress only so much for so long.


33. You've recently been experiencing some gender identity dysphoria that you thought you made peace with as a child (you managed to repress any urges to express your male-ness);


34. Having internalized the patriarchal norms, Georgiana accepts her fate of objectification without complaint; nevertheless, her body, which contains the power that her husband fears and tries to repress, refuses to be disciplined.


35. To repress the private for the public


36. Laws that are unjust to one segment of society, that discriminate, repress, disenfranchise, and take the lives of one group in society are worthy of civil disobedience。


37. The decrease of TRH and the steady of active TRH receptor may protect the brain tissue and repress multiple organ dysfunction syndrome(MODS) in the early stage of endotoxemia.


38. repress brick


39. hot repress


40. At this junction Maston could not repress his emotion


41. repress oil

制砖用油 陶瓷用油

42. Animals: These symbolize basic, instinctual actions and emotions: parts of the personality we often repress.


43. repress or suppress (something regarded as undesirable).


44. It does not do to repress negative thoughts, such as fears, angers, or resentment.


45. constrain; to inhibit; to depress; to suppress; to repress; to hold back; to dam back (or up); 2.oppressive; stifling; constrained; depressed; depressive; irrepressible


46. To repress; stifle.

压抑压抑; 阻止

47. oppress; to repress; to keep under; to lie on (or upon); to tread down; to tread on the neck of; to press hard upon constrict3.oppression; repression; stress; crackdown; pressure


48. Surprisingly, the factor turns out to have been previously characterized as a general repressor of transcription, NC2, an observation explained by its ability to repress TATA-box-containing promoters.


49. Another Chinese textbook, published just last year, teaches that special agents of the FBI are used to "repress the working people.


50. What a pity, I somewhat write the commentary the friend could not repress in the second stage, now turns head looked that their viewpoint, I believe them in sighing guilty.


51. he still found it impossible to repress his excitement.


52. A New Way to Repress the Jamming Mode in Coaxial Magnetron


53. Wu Sun-fu was unable to repress a sudden burst of laughter.


54. Wu Sun-fu could not repress a smile as he thought of it. He was beginning to believe that everything was pre-ordained and that human efforts made no difference!


55. So if we cannot express it or repress it, what do we do when we feel angry?


56. So if we can't express it or repress it, what do we do when we feel angry?


57. I won't repress my temper any more.


58. We get S160 in downstream of TSS, it repress the gene expression with position specificity, but without orientation specificity.


59. The genomic DNA methylation tends to repress gene expression while demethylation or hypomethylation activates the gene expression.


60. Sensuality, gluttony, and the life of license repress the life of the spirit, and the soul never blossoms;


61. repress operation


62. Repress force again for 300 Mpa burns temperature more again: 870 ?, burn time again 120 minutes.

复压压力为300 Mpa以上,复烧温度:870℃,复烧时间120分钟。

63. In order to strive for the right of living, they choose to be subjected to men and impose conspiracy to their sisters, never rebel agains the mens repress.


64. She looked at him again, but now her eyes were full of tears and she could not repress a sob.


65. She found herself oBsessed By images which she longed to repress, But could not.


66. The need she felt to disburden her mind to Tito urged her to repress the rising anguish


67. If they repress their emotions, though, those emotions might be rechanneled into somatic symptoms.


68. The practice proves that repaving singeing geosynthetics directly on the old cement concrete road can repress effectively the creation of reflecting cracks.


69. to repress a child


70. She could not repress her delight in doing this little thing which, to an ordinary observer, had no importance at all.


71. Master teaches us to be free, and that we do not to have to leave home, or repress our emotions and feelings to be enlightened.


72. And can accelerate the melanin's decomposition, repress the melanin born.


73. To repress the Bandits and pacify the good people


74. repress an urge to scream


75. repress a sneeze, smile, cough

强抑着不打喷嚏、 不笑、 不咳嗽

76. She carefully counted the lot over and over again, then with trembling hands wrapped the money in the blue cloth. Mr. Lin couldn't repress a sigh. He had a wild desire to snatch back a part of the cash.


77. The local people have used those plants as vegetables, fruits and beverages to nourish body, cure scurvy, high blood pressure and xira-wusu disease, repress hei and maintain stomach.


78. The local people have used those plants as vegetables, fruits and beverages to nourish body, cure scurvy, high blood pressure and xirs-wusu disease, repress hei and maintain stomach.


79. A microexpression is a brief, involuntary facial expression shown on the face of humans when one is trying to conceal or repress an emotion.


80. to repress a sigh

