

1. Around 1900, Sigmund Freud stated his theory that people try to repress (push out of the mind, hide) any memories or thoughts that they believed were not good.


2. "It's a family secret, and it leaves children with powerful feelings that they learn to repress," says Michael McKee, PhD, a psychologist at the Cleveland Clinic.


3. China may not be another Evil Empire, but it is still a repressive one-party state:can it be changed, or must it merely be made room for?


4. He must watch it,cheek it,repress it,and obey it only at the last extremity.


5. "It does not do to repress negative thoughts, such as fears, angers, or resentment.


6. "I do not brighten up, and will not take offense," said Judith, struggling to repress her indignation, in a way she had never found it necessary to exert before.


7. "Nothing, indeed," thought I, as I struggled to repress a sob, and hastily wiped away some tears, the impotent evidences of my anguish.


8. Some repress sympathetic nerves, excited parasympathetic nerve of drug, can also cause diarrhea.


9. An exercise intended to flaunt the new, outward-looking and confident China has displayed its dark side: nervous, repressive, prickly and stubborn.


10. In the north and north-east of the country, bases of Mr Thaksin's support, the movement is even harder to repress.


11. Disgruntled students have often taken the lead in national protests against corrupt, inefficient or repressive officials.


12. In The Secrets, two brilliant young women discover their own voices in a repressive orthodox culture where females are forbidden to sing, let alone speak out.


13. Officials in both fear internal dissent and fear setting a precedent that would allow others to criticize their own repressive ways.


14. Nationalism in China does not necessarily mean a blind capitulation to government's repressive tendencies.


15. China's censors are as prudish and culturally conservative as they are politically repressive, preferring bland family fare from overseas.


16. China has also been willing to trade with regimes, like those of Sudan and Zimbabwe, that have been criticized in the West as repressive.


17. To save his life he could not repress a chuckle(Booth Tarkington.


18. "To save his life he could not repress a chuckle" (Booth Tarkington).

为了救他的命,他情不自禁地轻声笑起来: (希斯·塔尔金顿)

19. In fact, things are more repressive today than they were in '68, for then, anti-war activists and students could at least march through the streets.


20. Yang Yu used it to reflect the impractical prosperity and repressive life at the time.


21. These findings fit into the psychodynamic model of boredom, whereby people repress their true wants and desires and therefore cannot locate satisfying activity.


22. He must watch it, cheek it, repress it, and obey it only at the last extremity.


23. The people are held down by a repressive regime.


24. The people are held down by a vicious and repressive military regime.


25. The people is held down by a vicious and repressive military regime.


26. What were some of the repressive measures used to ensure discipline and effort in the war? What about measures intended to generate enthusiasm?


27. The ten countries rated most repressive were the same as last year except for two.


28. From a postcolonial perspective, Western values and traditions of thought and literature, including versions of postmodernism, are guilty of a repressive ethnocentrism.


29. At his own privations railing, could not repress his wonder that some can make their homes as gorgeous as they please, and wallow deep in wealth, luxuryand ease.


30. Shuddering in his efforts to repress a yawn of nervousness, he asked in his flat northern voice.


31. They did not repress their prior unity.

他们没有 压抑他们的本自一体性。

32. Their systems are built to repress consumption and promote savings.


33. Their voracity is legendary and even the most hardened warriors cannot repress a shiver if one speaks about them.


34. He burst in, making no effort to repress his fury.


35. He criticized the repressive methods employed by the country's government.


36. The element of wildness in his behavior was a protest against repressive convention.


37. He could hardly repress his tears.


38. Paper has power, he adds, and shredded documents, repressive regimes and mystery are, after all, hardly confined to Germany.


39. He was on the periphery of Kenya's liberation struggles, but he was still imprisoned briefly during repressive times.


40. No repressive regime can move down a new path unless it has the choice of an open door.


41. Iranian election was sadly consistent with the repressive record of the country's unelected clerical leaders.


42. Bertha frowned, finding it difficult to repress the sarcasms that rose to her lips.


43. But Taiwan was also an unpleasantly repressive place.


44. Given how corrupt, repressive and touchy Walpole was, though, Mr Pearce says that “liking him is too difficult”.


45. But others condemned a dictator with a repressive government that spread communist revolution in Latin America and Africa.


46. But repressive regimes are the easy cases.


47. But surely the Chinese government could pressure the Sudanese government or the Iranian government or the government in Burma to be less repressive.


48. One thing that disturbed him, however, was the occasional thought, which he could not repress, that he was not doing right.


49. But critics accuse China of dealing with repressive regimes and countries like Sudan and Angola.


50. But even in countries where repressive regimes do not punish such behaviour, hierarchical attitudes and deference often breed intellectual conformism.


51. "In Europe, repressive policies, as well as xenophobic and intolerant attitudes, against irregular immigration and unwanted minorities is also of grave concern," she said.


52. His basic proposition was that our motivations remain largely hidden in our unconscious minds.Moreover, they are actively withheld from consciousness by a repressive force.


53. There is too much pain and you can suppress and repress only so much for so long.


54. Russia and China may yet pay a price for excessive intimacy with the repressive regimes of Central Asia.


55. Second, the Games are making the political system more repressive.


56. At this junction Maston could not repress his emotion.


57. Animals: These symbolize basic, instinctual actions and emotions: parts of the personality we often repress.


58. The ten countries rated most repressive were the same as last year except for two. Ethiopia and Saudi Arabia moved into the bottom ten, while Libya and Vietnam moved up.


59. Rousseau’s ideas exerted an enormous influence over generations of educators, and they, in turn, greatly contributed to the sexually repressive climate of the 19th century.


60. It does not do to repress negative thoughts, such as fears, angers, or resentment.


61. Become more restrictive or repressive.


62. Cuba is one of the world's most repressive environments for internet freedom, despite a slight relaxation of restrictions on computer and mobile phone sales in 2008.


63. Another Chinese textbook, published just last year, teaches that special agents of the FBI are used to "repress the working people.


64. Certainly, these are the bright lights of a generally repressive regime, but in their glow we see a changed understanding of what it means to be Chinese.


65. What a pity, I somewhat write the commentary the friend could not repress in the second stage, now turns head looked that their viewpoint, I believe them in sighing guilty.


66. Wu Sun-fu was unable to repress a sudden burst of laughter.


67. Wu Sun-fu could not repress a smile as he thought of it. He was beginning to believe that everything was pre-ordained and that human efforts made no difference!


68. Liberals calling forgreater openness are being dealt with in the time-honoured repressive fashion.


69. Liberals calling for greater openness are being dealt with in the time-honoured repressive fashion.


70. So if we cannot express it or repress it, what do we do when we feel angry?


71. So if we can't express it or repress it, what do we do when we feel angry?


72. I won't repress my temper any more.


73. In several passages he stressed that bad governments, especially corrupt or repressive ones, could not expect his help.


74. In repressive, intolerant cultures, this can lead to fruitless confrontations and other problems.


75. We get S160 in downstream of TSS, it repress the gene expression with position specificity, but without orientation specificity.


76. The genomic DNA methylation tends to repress gene expression while demethylation or hypomethylation activates the gene expression.


77. The BI is the opposite of this, neither stigmatizing nor repressive.


78. President Felipe Calderon lashed out last week, saying "some countries and places are taking repressive and discriminatory measures because of ignorance and disinformation.


79. Repress force again for 300 Mpa burns temperature more again: 870 ?, burn time again 120 minutes.

复压压力为300 Mpa以上,复烧温度:870℃,复烧时间120分钟。

80. This is how governments through the ages have justified grabbing repressive new powers.

