
reviewreviewD.J.:[riˈvju:]K.K.:[rɪˈvju]n.1.回顾; 检查; 检讨; 重新考虑These arrangements are subject to periodic reviews.这几项安排须定期检查。2.评论性刊物, 评论The college published a drama review.学院出版了一份戏剧评论刊物。3.检阅The soldiers were in full uniform for the review.士兵们身着全套军礼服准备接受检阅。vt.1.回顾Before falling asleep, Helen reviewed the day's happenings.海伦在入睡以前回想了当天发生的事情。Have you reviewed what we covered in class yesterday?昨天我们课堂上讲的东西你们复习了吗?vt. & vi.1.写…的评论文章He reviews articles in his spare time.他在业余时间写评论文章。Have you reviewed for this newly published novel?你给这本新出版的小说写书评了吗?

review[ri'vju:]n.1.检查;考察2.观察;评述3.回顾;反省4.复查;复审;复核5.(报刊的)评论,评论文章6.评论性刊物7.复习,温习(功课)8.= revue9.(军队的)检阅;阅兵式vt.1.回顾;检讨;反省:Lying in the bed, he reviewed the day's happenings.他躺在床上,回顾了这一天所发生的事。2.检验;审核:They reviewed each aspect of the plan bit by bit.他们对计划的各个方面逐一地进行了审核。3.检阅:The President, on his arrival, reviewed the guard of honour at the airport.总统到达后,在机场检阅了仪仗队。4.(写文章)评论:She reviews the new movie once a week in one of the evening papers.她在一家晚报上每周评论一次新影片。5.复查;【法律】复审:The higher people's court may review decisions of the local court.高级人民法院可以复查地方法院的判决。6.复习,温习(功课):In preparing for the final examination,she reviewed all the notes she had taken.为准备期末考试,她把所有的笔记都复习了一遍。7.再检查;再考察vi.1.写评论(文章):Sometimes he reviewed for the principal papers.他有时为各大报写些评论文章。2.复习功课,温习功课:They reviewed for the term examination till late at night.他们为期未考试复习功课直到深夜。be under review在审查中;在检查中come under review开始被考虑;开始受审查come up for review交付审核pass in review【军事】(列队前进)接受检阅逐项审核回顾

reviewreview[riˈvju:]vt.1.再看; 再检查; 审查; 观察; 复习; 回顾2.检阅(军队)3.评审(新书等); 写评论; 写回忆录4.【律】复审5.[古]校改, 校订review the situation观察形势review last week's lessons复习上周的功课review the past回顾过去review guard of honour检阅仪仗队review a new novel给一本新出版的小说写书评
词性变化review[riˈvju:]vi.1.复习功课2.写评论review for a magazine为一本杂志写评论review[riˈvju:]n.1.复习; 复阅; 回顾; 反省2.再检查, 考察, 校阅3.评论; 书评; 评论性杂志4.阅兵; 阅兵式, 阅舰式5.【律】复审a court of review复审法庭give a general review of概括地谈谈hold a military review举行阅兵式

继承用法reviewable[rɪˈvju:əbl]adj.1.应[可]检查的, 可评论的; 可回顾的reviewer[rɪˈvju:ə(r)]n.1.校阅者; 检阅者; 评论者, 报刊评论家reviewlessadj.