

1. (ii) The offeror lawfully revokes the offer


2. When GeoTrust revokes a certificate, does that mean my application will stop running on the phones immediately?

18. 当GeoTrust吊销证书后,是否我们的应用代码就会马上停止运行?

3. Whenever the certification body suspends or revokes an Associates’ certification, the certification body discloses the date and its reason.


4. The letter peaceful richly revokes the priviledges after last Friday, because the prompt publication explanatory had not announced that initiates the market many kinds of guesses.


5. Revoking a privilege from a user or group revokes that privilege granted by any other account.


6. The following example revokes EXECUTE permission on the stored procedure HumanResources. UspUpdateEmployeeHireInfo from an application role called Recruiting11.


7. The following example revokes REFERENCES permission on the column EmployeeID in the view HumanResources. VEmployee from the user Wanida with CASCADE.


8. Associate shall immediately return the JAS certificate when the certification body suspends or revokes the Associates’ certification, or the Associate surrenders their certification.


9. But when on October 22 revokes the priviledges, three company's stock prices respectively are 8.32 Yuan/, 12.22 Yuan/, 5.60 Yuan/.


10. The provision of Paragraph Three of Article 31 shall apply mutatis mutandis before the Government Office in charge of trademark matters revokes its approval under the preceding Paragraph;


11. Regarding the Panzhihua Iron and Steel Co. group, before the most obvious feeling is the stock price in August, 2007 revokes the priviledges, the stock price the line gradually is gradually far.


12. It is necessary to reform the payment condition of the compensation,the fault liability principle is implemented when the employer revokes labor contract caused by laborer.


13. Revokes permissions on a table, view, table-valued function, stored procedure, extended stored procedure, scalar function, aggregate function, service queue, or synonym.


14. The most recent significant legislation on Irish was the Official Languages Act 2003, which sets out the use of Irish by public bodies and revokes the official status of English place names in Gaeltacht areas.


15. According to the related stipulation, the company share revokes the priviledges from March 13, 2009, after treating the announcement verification result, duplicate sign.


16. A writing that specifically revokes the existing Will signed by the Testator and properly witnessed as in the case of a Will.


17. Applies after the company, the company share revokes the priviledges from March 11, 2009.


18. 7.US revokes visas of 4 Honduran officials.


19. Normally, obligor can restitute only from the assignor if the creditor's right assigned doesn't exist or obligor revokes the contract.


20. A party to an action shall inform the people's court in writing if he changes or revokes the powers of an agent ad litem, and the court shall notify the other party of the change or revocation.


21. Calling CloseMainWindow sends a request to close to the main window, which, in a well-formed application, closes child windows and revokes all running message loops for the application.


22. (3)The provincial public finance department revokes or withdraws the approval of the establishment of the branch;


23. Recently,acute coronary syndrome(ACS) revokes people more and more attention.A lot of studies confirm that some plasma marker can predict the risk degree of ACS.


24. Revokes the priviledges is the very complex design, governs the city to be simpler is better, the best sword seals the throat!

金融界股票金融界股票 声明:金融界股票转载 上述内容 ,不表明证实其描述,仅供投资者参考, 并不构成投资建议 。投资者据此操作,风险自担。

25. The waiters' clothing even revokes the reminiscent of old Shanghai restaurants.


26. the applicant revokes the application;


27. either the principal revokes the delegation or the agent quits;


28. (2) the offeror revokes the offer in accordance with the law;


29. An enterprise revokes the designation of the hedging relationship.

