
rinserinseD.J.:[rins]K.K.:[rɪns]vt.1.漂洗, 冲洗Don't just rinse the bottles.Wash them out carefully.别只涮涮瓶子, 要仔细地洗洗里面。2.用清水漂洗掉(肥皂泡等)She rinsed out the sea water from her swimming-costume.她把游泳衣里的海水冲洗掉。n.1.漂洗, 冲洗Give the cup a rinse.冲洗一下杯子。2.染发剂

rinse1[rins]vt.1.(用清水)冲洗;轻洗(头发等):She rinsed her hands quickly before eating.她吃东西以前很快洗了一下手。2.(用清水)漂洗:Having washed the towels, she began to rinse them.洗完毛巾后,她开始把它们漂洗干净。3.漂洗掉(皂沫等)(常与off, out, away连用):He rinsed out the sea water from his bathing suit.他把游泳衣上的海水漂洗掉。4.涮;漱口:You have to rinse the tea leaves out of the pot.你必须把壶里的茶叶用清水涮去。She rinses her mouth with water and soda every morning.她每天早晨用苏打水漱口。5.(用水或其他液体)送下;吞下(常与down连用):He rinsed the medicine down with a glass of water.他用一杯水把药送下。6.把…浸入染色液中vi.1.被漂洗干净;被冲洗掉(常与off,out连用):This soap rinses easily.这种肥皂很容易漂净。变形vt.rinsedrinsing rinse2[rins]n.1.【书画刻印艺术】清洗

rinserinse[rins]n.1.嗽洗; 冲洗, 漂清
词性变化rinse[rins]vt.1.嗽(口); (用清水)刷; 冲洗掉, 涮掉(out; away); 用开水冲服(down)rinse the soap out of your hair把你头发上的肥皂用清水冲干净rinse[rins]vi.1.漂净This soap rinses easily.这肥皂容易漂清。

