
roundroundD.J.:[raund]K.K.:[raʊnd]adj.1.圆形的, 球形的The child had a round face.那孩子脸蛋圆润。The area was perfectly round.那区域完全是圆形的。2.滚圆的, 丰满的He was a short and round man.他是个矮胖的男人。3.用整数表示的, 取整数的, 整整的Give me a round dozen and I'll pay in cash.给我一整打, 我将付现金。What he said is a round lie.他所说的是十足的谎话。adv.1.绕圈子; 围绕地The horse is running round the field.马在场上兜着圈子跑。2.在周围; 在附近A crowd soon gathered round.一群人很快围了上来。He visited all the people round.他访问了附近所有的人。3.到各处Let me show you round.让我领你到处转转。4.去某地点He invited us round for drinks.他请我们到家里喝几杯。5.到处, 各处, 逐一地, 挨个地I haven't got enough candies to go round.我没有足够的糖果可让每人都分到。6.朝反方向Turn the picture round to face the wall.把画转过去面对墙。7.大约, 大概It was the face of a man round fifty.那是一个五十岁光景的男人。prep.1.(表示位置)在…四周, 围绕于…; 向[在]…各处, 遍及; 在…附近They swarmed close round her to hear.他们挤在她的周围听着。He lives in a village round the town.他住在这个小镇附近的一个村庄里。2.(表示时间)从…的开始到结束; 在…整个期间The shops are always crowded with people all round the year.商店一年到头总是挤满了人。3.(表示方向)环绕, 围绕; 往[在]…的另一边, 绕过It was a mile by water, four miles round the shore.由水路去只有一英里, 沿岸绕行要四英里。4.(表示状态)团结在…周围, 跟随着The reformer soon gathered a band of followers round him.改革者很快就获得一群追随者支持他。5.(表示论及)关于…的解决办法[途径]There are several solutions round this.关于这一点有几个解决办法。n.1.圆(片)形食物; 圆; 圆形物Cut the pastry into small rounds, one for each pie.把油酥面团切成小圆片, 每个馅饼用一片。These are 6 whole rounds of bread.这些是六整份的面包。2.一回合, 一局, 一场Each round of the boxing match lasts three minutes.拳击比赛每回合时间是三分钟。3.一连串, 一系列, 一套, 一组; 一阵A round of parties ushered in the New Year.一系列的晚会迎来了新年。His speech won round after round of enthusiastic applause.他的演讲博得了一阵又一阵的热烈掌声。4.巡视(路线); 巡回(路线)The night watchman makes the rounds of the building every hour.巡夜人员每小时都巡视这建筑物。vt. & vi.1.(使)成圆形The children's eyes rounded with excitement.小孩子们兴奋得瞪圆了眼睛。2.绕行The bear rounded and faced the hunters.熊转过身, 面对着猎人。He rounded a corner and walked into a narrow street.他拐过弯走进一条狭窄的街道。

round1[raund]adj.1.圆的,圆形的;球形的;环形的2.轮状的;圆盘状的;圆柱形的3.半圆的;弧形的4.圆胖的,丰满的5.绕圈的,环行的6.整整的,满满的;完整的,十足的7.(用十、百、千等)整数表示的;约略的8.巨大的;大量的;可观的9.(音调等)圆润的;洪亮的10.轻捷的;迅速而有力的11.坦率的;率直的;直言的12.(文体等)完美的;生动的13.【语言学】圆唇的14.粗暴的,严厉的n.1.圆形物;球状体;弧形物;圆柱状体2.旋转;绕圈;环形路线3.循环;周期4.全范围5.[常用复数]巡视;巡诊;巡逻;巡回路线6.(梯子的)梯级,横档;(椅子的)横档7.牛股肉8.(酒的)一巡9.【游戏、体育】一轮;一场;一局;一盘;(尤指)牌戏的一圈;拳击的一个回合;高尔夫球的一局10.【射箭】轮次(按规则在一定距离以外向靶心射出一定数量的箭)11.一发子弹(或炮弹)12.(枪炮等的)一次齐发[参较salvo1];(枪炮等)一次齐发所需的弹药13.(欢呼的)一阵14.(行动、事件等的)一系列;一连串15.圆圈舞;轮舞16.【音乐】轮唱;组钟的轮敲vt.1.使成圆形;弄圆;削圆(常与off或out连用):He rounded the clay into a sphere.他把粘土揉成球形。2.使丰满;使成圆胖(常与out连用):The wind rounded out the sails as the little boat rushed along.小船驶得飞快,风将船帆吹得鼓鼓的。3.使圆满结束;使完美(常与out或off连用):They rounded off their performance with a mixed chorus.他们以一曲混声合唱圆满结束了他们的演出。She rounded out her education by practising in a large factory for a year.她在一个大工厂里实习了一年,使她所受的教育更趋完善。4.绕行;绕过,拐过:Our ship rounded Cape of Good Hope last night.我们的船昨夜绕过了好望角。The man-made satellite rounds the earth every day.人造卫星每天环绕地球飞行。5.【数学】把…四舍五入,使凑整(常与off连用):The figures in the table are rounded to the nearest ton.表中的数字四舍五入到最接近的整吨数。6.包围,使集拢:As night has fallen the cattle should be rounded up.夜幕已降临,应当把牲口赶在一起。7.使转向;使转身:With a skillful movement he rounded the small fishing-boat.他以灵巧的动作使小渔船调过头来。8.【语音学】用圆唇发(音):We round our lips to say “Oh”.我们说“round2[raund]vt.1.低声地对…说,耳语:She rounded her husband in the ear for a long while.她悄悄地对丈夫耳语了很长时间。2.悄悄地说…:He rounded the accident in my ear.他悄悄地对我讲了这个事故的情况。vi.1.低声说话,耳语:to round in someone's ear对某人耳语

roundround[raund]adj.1.球形的; 圆形的; 圆筒形的2.滚圆的; 半满的; 匀称的3.兜圈子的, 圈状的; 来回的4.完全[整]的5.巨额的; 可观的6.用十(或百, 千等)一类整数表示的; 大概的7.(声音)圆润的, 洪亮的8.(步伐)轻快有力的9.(文体, 风格等)完美流畅的; 刻划得完美生动的10.【声】圆唇的, 撮口音的11.率直的, 毫不含糊的12.严厉的; 断然的a round plate圆碟a round arch半圆拱round cheeks丰满的面颊a round dance圆舞, 华尔兹舞a round trip来回的旅行a round ton [dozen]整整一吨[打]a round lie十足的谎话a round sum可观的一笔款buy at a good round price以巨价购进a round guess大致不错的猜测a round style of writing流畅的写作风格a round vowel圆唇元音a round unvarnished tale真情实话good round whipping一顿狠打round dealing光明正大的做法
词性变化roundn.1.圆形物; 球; 环; 面包片; 牛腿肉; (梯子, 椅子脚等的)横档2.圆雕; 立体雕刻; 【建】圆形嵌线3.兜圈; 巡回; 巡视路线[区域];【军】巡逻队4.环形路5.循环; 周转; 周期6.周围; 范围7.(游戏, 比赛等的)一次, 一回合, 一场, 一局, 一圈; (喝酒的)一巡; (谈判的)一轮; (欢呼的)一阵, (弹药的)一发, 一颗; (枪炮等的)一次齐发, 排射; (事情、行动等的)一连串, 一系列8.一伙人9.【音】轮唱; 圆舞(曲)dance in a round围成圈跳舞a round of beef一块牛腿肉the daily round日常工作, 日常事务the round of the hours时间的循环the rounds of a ladder梯级, 梯子的横档another roundof diplomatic talks另一轮的外交谈判the semi-final round半决赛the whole round of knowledge整个的知识范围round after round of cheers一次接一次的欢呼roundadv.1.旋转; 回转; 周而复始; 兜着圈子2.在周围[附近]; 到处3.走整整一圈; 从头至尾; 传遍, 挨次4.朝反方向; 转过来5.绕弯儿地, 迂回地6.到某(指定)地点two inches round周围二英寸the other way round正好相反; 用正好相反的方法Glasses went round.每人都给了一杯酒。Come round and see us this evening.今晚请过来看我们。roundprep.1.围(绕)着2.在...周围; 在...附近3.绕过4.在...各处; 向...四周5.(在时间方面)横贯put the scarf round one's neck围上围巾the farmland round the school学校附近的农田 (just)round the corner(就)在拐弯处look round the room朝房间里四下看看He worked round the day.他工作了一整天。roundvt.1.弄圆; 使成圆形(out)2.完成, 使圆满3.环绕; (船)绕过(某处), 迂回(某处); 拐(弯)4.使集拢; 赶拢(畜群等); 包围(up)5.【语】发圆唇音6.使成整数(up); 【数】把...四舍五入7.[罕]使转到相反的方向round the hair把头发剪短剪齐round the cape绕过海岬round the corner of the street在街角拐弯roundvi.1.变圆; 发胖, 丰满起来 (out)2.兜圈, 环行; 拐弯3.进展, 成长(into)4.[罕]转到相反方向Her figure is beginning to round out.她身材开始丰满起来了。The century has rounded into its ninth decade.本世纪已进入了90年代。

继承用法round-arm[ˈraʊndˌɑ:m]adj., adv.1.手臂齐肩的[地] (投球)round-backed[ˈraʊndbækt]adj.1.驼背的round-billetn.1.小圆材round-edgedadj.1.棱边倒圆的round-eyedadj.1.睁圆眼睛的round-handn.1.正楷字体; 工整的手笔2.=round-arm Round head

词性变化roundn.1.[英]【史】圆头党人(1642-1652 英国内战时反对贵族的清教徒议会党人)round-housen.1.【海】后甲板舱室2.[美](中央有调车转台的)圆形机车库3.【史】拘留所4.[美俚]把胳膊弯成弧形打出去的一拳; [美棒球俚]大弯球round-meshedadj.1.有圆孔的round-nosedadj.1.圆头的round-shotn.1.炮弹round-shoulderedadj.1.曲背的; 削肩的round-tableadj.1.圆桌的, 协商的round-the -clockadj.,adv.1.昼夜不停的[地]round-trip[ˈraʊndˈtrɪp]adj.1.[美]来回的roundup[ˈraʊndʌp]n.1.赶拢; 围捕2.被赶拢的一群人[牲畜]; 赶拢牲畜的人3.综述; 摘要round-wormn.1.蛔虫; 任何圆体不分节的虫