

1. In 2002, while rummaging around my bookcase I came across my old copy of the songbook.


2. "I have good news for you," the doctor answered, rummaging through a drawer full of sample medications.


3. "Let me look," said Archie,rummaging among the shoes scattered on the floor.


4. But she was a dutiful student. Rummaging on the top shelf of her closet, she found a bag full of Lego blocks of all shapes and sizes.


5. Rummaging through the pickup's cab, they took inventory of their supplies.


6. He came to her remain, labored to maneuver his hand under her body, searching.He called out following some rummaging, “There's someone, a child, still alive.


7. He was rummaging about among the documents.


8. He scanned the female Jondrette for a moment. She had pulled an old sheet-iron stove from a corner, and she was rummaging among the old heap of iron.


9. He had been rummaging all the shops in Florence .


10. He called out following some rummaging, 'There's someone, a child, still


11. He quickly raised the quilt and let it fall back, then whirled round and made for a wardrobe. He flung open the door and began rummaging around inside.


12. He was busy rummaging in his cloak, looking for something.


13. Frustratingly, it seems that the most powerful workings of the mind are hidden away from view, even when we go rummaging around.


14. The baronet thrust the frame back at the sergeant and darted into the closet and began rummaging on the floor


15. Caroline, who, mounted on a chair, had been rummaging the bookcase, returned with a book.


16. The seamen at their l anding observed my canoe, and rummaging it all over, easily conjectured that the owner could not be far off.


17. You would be horrified (and infuriated) that someone would be rummaging through your messages, even if his or her eyes were supposed to be looking only at time-stamp.


18. After a year and a half of dating, he showed up at the library and started rummaging through my desk.


19. The first day he got the program running, Dawkins spent an exhilarating hour rummaging through the nearest shelves of his Borgian Library.


20. After rummaging in a drawer, he pulls out a troy-ounce bar, a sliver of a thing worth more than $900 at current prices.


21. rummaging through (the contents of) a drawer for a pair of socks


22. She had pulled an old sheet-iron stove from a corner, and she was rummaging among the old heap of iron.


23. She thought everyone in the office was out so she was rummaging through my bag.


24. She was rummaging around in her bag for her keys.


25. She spends her days rummaging through the items and books in her house, trying to develop the magic of room-cleaning which would solve the problem of her rooms of chaos.


26. She tossed her jacket on top of the bag, then started rummaging through the few things she'd acquired since her adoption: a hairbrush, some hairbands, a tiny bottle of cheap perfume, and a teddy bear.

她投掷了在袋子的顶端上的她夹克,然后开始翻遍过她自从有后获得她的采用少数事物: 一个发刷,一些 hairbands ,一支便宜香水的极小瓶子 , 和一个儿童的玩具熊。

27. You may feel like you're wasting valuable time with every moment that you spend rummaging through notes and e-mails to find what you need.


28. While Kim was telling me all this, I could hear Biff rummaging around in the kitchen.


29. Zhikuan takes charge like an adult. Rummaging through the pile of flatten cardboard and pieces of paper he teaches his sister, who is one-year younger the concept of recycling.


30. Rummaging around the giant studio, Lelouch can't find the DVD he's after.


31. I like rummaging around in old shops.


32. By rummaging about among the pile of old clothes, I found the old coat in which I had left the key.


33. And so I still try to collect Chinese coins. Presumably you must spend your spare time, which is not much, rummaging through antique markets.


34. I have fond memories of a time in my childhood of rummaging through my grandma's jewelry box, and being transfixed by seemingly enormous clusters of bright, shiny gems in a variety of shapes.


35. My father was rummaging around in the kitchen looking for something to eat.


36. With regular gas in New York City at a near-record $4.40 a gallon, station managers are rummaging through their storage closets in search of extra 4s to display on their pumps.


37. Near the laundry was a big cupboard and Iris began rummaging through the shelves.


38. I caught the cleaner in the act. She thought everyone in the office was out so she was rummaging through my bag.


39. Still, I wasn't prepared when, rummaging in a closet, I found a case that looked to me like a tiny guitar's.


40. But, whether you are browsing around an expensive shop, gasping at the price of a Louis XV bed, or rummaging through a bric-a-brac stall, the thrill of antique hunting is the same.


41. Dad was rummaging through bag and mom is looking at me.


42. Looks like someone’s been rummaging around in my desk.


43. The third is the old-fashioned method of rummaging through a partner's pockets, (39 percent), the survey searched the technique were particularly popular with women.


44. Rummaging Ships


45. The third is the old-fashioned method of rummaging through a partner's pockets, (39 percent), the survey found this technique was particularly popular with women.But men weren't in the clear.


46. Who's been rummaging through my papers?


47. Who's been rummaging about among my papers?


48. "As if on cue, the town derelict went past our table, stopping by the large rubbish can and rummaging around in it. "


49. , the town derelict went past our table, stopping by the large rubbish can and rummaging around in it.


50. The strange voice was so insistent that Art actually found himself rummaging through his collection of origami papers at home until he found one flat, shiny piece of gold foil.

