

1. Russell H.Conwell - Acres of Diamonds/Russell H.


2. In 1975 Tommy was adapted as a film, directed by maverick British auteur Ken Russell.


3. Bertrand Russell, one of the greatest philosophers of this century, advocated a theory of ethics called emotivism.


4. Acting at the Age of 6, Russell Crowe was born April 7th, 1964 in Wellington, New Zealand.


5. Russell,Bertand,“On the Notion of Cause”,in Proceedings of The Aristotelian Society,1912,vol.13,pp.1-26.


6. Michael Russell has a Bachelors Degree in Physics and a Masters Degree in Computer Science.

Michael Russell拥有物理学学士和计算机科学硕士学位。

7. PTC is included in the S&P Midcap 400 and Russell 2000 indices.

PTC被标准普尔中型资本产业 400及罗素 2000选取为股市参考指数。

8. Russell Butek is one of the developers of the IBM WebSphere Web services engine.

Russell Butek IBM WebSphere Web服务引擎的开发人员之一。

9. Where have you guys been?@ asked Russell.


10. That's enough,@ called Mr. Bates, glaring at Russell.


11. "It is undesirable to believe a proposition when there is no ground whatever for supposing it true" (Bertrand Russell).

“如果一个陈述没有任何理由说明它是真实的话,让人很难心甘情愿地相信它” (伯特兰德·罗素)。

12. Citation: Sinha, Pawan, Balas, Benjamin, Ostrovsky, Yuri, and Russell, Richard.


13. Can we make a bivouac, Mr. Bates?@asked Russell.


14. "There is no good in arguing with the inevitable" (James Russell Lowell).

“拿不可避免的事物争论是没有什么用的” (詹姆士·拉塞尔·洛威尔)。

15. "A wise skepticism is the first attribute of a good critic" (James Russell Lowell).

“明智的怀疑主义是造就一个优秀批评家的第一要素” (詹姆斯·罗素·劳维尔)。

16. Yes we do-Basher Peterson,@ laughed Russell.


17. "There is nothing so desperately monotonous as the sea" (James Russell Lowell).

“没有东西更象大海一样单调到让人绝望了” (詹姆士·罗素·洛威尔)。

18. "See, I told you they wouldn't call the Rescue Helicopter,"said Russell.


19. That might not be a bad idea, Russell,@said Mr. Bates.


20. Ed Asner voices Carl, and newcomer Jordan Nagai voices Russell.


21. Hollywood actress once met the British philosopher, Bertrand Russell.


22. One day, a disorderly lawbreaker, Russell Bean, refused to appear before the court.


23. A sign near Russell Springs, Ky., beckons to shoppers.


24. Two championships are nice Wilt, but they're amateur hour compared to the 6 and 11 of Kareem and Russell.


25. RUSSELL:Person digital assistant, right? What does it do?


26. Green Party co-leader Russel Norman said the move was positive.


27. Anderson Russell Calabrese Steven A.

主演:Amber Phillips Michael J.

28. Barbour and his legacy /edited by Robert John Russell.

书名 :Fifty years in science and religion :Ian G.

29. A case in point is the Concept Frame of Population Health by Russell.


30. Born in 1970, in Brampton Ontario, Russell Peters is one Canada’s favorite Stadnd-up comedians.

于1970 年出生于安大略盛布拉普顿市。罗塞尔是加拿大最受人欢迎的单口喜剧演员。

31. Born in 1970, in Brampton Ontario, Russell Peters is one Canada's favorite Stadnd-up comedians.


32. In 1915, he lectured jointly with bertrand Russell, denouncing the war and proclaiming the need for revolution.


33. Bertrand Russell Life is nothing but a competition to be the criminal rather than the victim.


34. Mr Zhang Songnian once translated an essay by Bertrand Russell.


35. He pushed from his mind the hope of losing Russell.


36. They live at 95 Russell Square.


37. As one example, Michael Olson and Russell Fazio presented studies in the journal Psychological Science in 2001.


38. He lives at No 95 Russell Square/Sq.


39. He believed in the philosophy of Russell.


40. He is an amusing contrast to Russell.


41. He spent most of his career in Cambridge, where he was a friend and colleague of Russell, Ramsey and Wittgenstein.


42. The group led by B. Russell, the famous scientist and philosopher, insisted on "conflict theory".


43. Elizabeth had turned from him, Lady Russell overlooked him.


44. Bertrand Russell ( 1872 - 1970) was an internationally famous British philosopher.

伯特兰 - 罗素(1872-1970)是一位世界知名的英国哲学家。

45. Electricity, Bertrand Russell says, "is not a thing, like St. Paul's Cathedral; it is a way in which things behave.

伯特兰 - 罗素说:“电不是像圣 - 保罗大教堂那样的东西,而是事物属性的一种表现形式。

46. Bertrand Russell (1872--1970), British philosopher, mathematician, Nobel prizewinner, and political activist.


47. Bertrand Russell suffered a lot of emotional problems .

伯特兰.罗素遭受了许多 感情问题的折磨

48. Bertrand Russell, one of the great thinkers of our age.


49. Scoles and Russell J.Weintraub.

作者声明: by Eugene F.

50. Russell Fogler, Sundaram Ganapathy.

作者声明: H.

51. Schoeffler, Russell W.Clauss.

作者声明: James D.

52. The authors are Charles Darwin and Alfred Russel Wallace.


53. Six: Sometimes you need to be a Golden Retriever, but sometimes you need to be a Jack Russell Terrier.


54. Bertrand Russell, Power: A New Social Analysis, London: George Allen and Unwin, 1938, p.52.


55. There are viewpoints of Western scholars like Frege, Bertrand Russell, Strawson, Stephen C.

其中包括西方学者如Frege, Bertrand Russell, Strawson, Stephen C.

56. Among them those with great influence include Locke , Leibniz , Russell, Wittgenstein, Kripke, etc.


57. But with a bit of luck and timing, the Jack Russell terrier was home Wednesday, none the worse for wear. Ditto his owner.


58. LOW Russell ceased to be a partner of Stephenson Harwood &Lo as from 13 September 2002.


59. Russell on Arbitration, 21st edition, by David St. John Sutton, John Kendall and Judith Gill, Sweet %26amp; Maxwell, 1997, p.72.


60. D. from Harvard.By 19 he was studying metamathematics with Bertrand Russell.


61. It will both alert pedestrians and enhance the “driver experience”, says Russell Datz of Fisker, based in California.


62. Alfred Russel Wallace was young and brash.


63. Levitt and M.C.Waters.New York: Russell Sage Foundation.


64. Russell holds a BA from Hu Nan University with major of computer science and application.


65. RUSSELL:Hey, I see you've bought yourself a new fancy gadget here.


66. The promotion of Russell instead of Sarah really made the sparks fly.


67. Over the period 1980-2009, AQR's momentum index returned 13.7% a year against 11.2% for the Russell 1000 index.


68. Religious training in a nonsectarian atmosphere,nonsectarian colleges,a wide and unsectarian interest in religion- Bertrand Russell.


69. "Oxbridge asks for three As and many good universities from the Russell group ask for 3 Bs from Eton.


70. Pearcy G E,Russel H F.World political geography. New York: Crowell.1948.


71. She lived at56 Russell Ssquare.


72. All right, let's talk about the people now. Best actor, you still -- you're picking Russell Crowe like everyone else here?


73. It is undesirable to believe a proposition when there is no ground whatever for supposing it true (Bertrand Russell).

如果一个陈述没有任何理由说明它是真实的话,让人很难心甘情愿地相信它(伯特兰德 罗素)。

74. Russell "a snort-out-Ioud-funny masterclass of controlled chaos.


75. Also reiterating his deep opposition to any troop increases was Senator Russell D.Feingold, Democrat of Wisconsin.


76. It represents Russell's first revolt against the Hegelism philosophy, of which he was an adherent in his early days at Cambridge.


77. That is what the rumors say. But this hunk is the strong and handsome Russell Crowe.


78. Gaston Bachelard, The Poetics of reverie, tr. Daniel Russell, beacon Press, Boston, "Reverie and Cosmos", pp.171-212.


79. This is not " an undergraduate frolic that got out of hand, it is a violation of the law, " said Municipal Judge Russell Annich.


80. Brian:Hey, Russell, I'm leaving for my summer vacation in Florida tomorrow.

