

1. "Make yourself comfortable, I'll see if I can rustle up a few sandwiches."


2. she thought and sank beside the bed with a rustle of skirts.


3. " If I ask them nicely, I'll bet the kitchen can rustle up a dish of rice pudding for her, too," She smiled at Helen.


4. If I ask them nicely, I'll bet the kitchen can rustle up a dish of rice pudding for her, too, She smiled at Helen


5. " Ben?" There was a rustle of sound.


6. "With each rustle of her lotus garments, her jade pendants tinkle."


7. 1 The cemetery was quiet, I could hear the rustle when touching the inscription on the stone.

1 陵园很静,我听得出自己抚摸碑文的沙沙声。

8. There little thoughts are the rustle of leaves; they have their whisper of joy in my mid.


9. rustle up

v. 凑集到, 草草弄好

10. "No, it's no good, l know,"he answered as he flipped through the pages, making them rustle.

“不,它太糟了。 我知道。” 他回答说。 他翻着那些稿纸,翻得哗啦哗啦响。

11. " Make yourself comfortable, I'll see if I can rustle up a few sandwiches."


12. "Yes, mis'ess," said Matthew, as the rustle of wind among dead leaves.


13. rafter was not well received. At first it was just a rustle


14. A day of morning, heavy snow waves fall, grandchildren plays snowball greatly on the ground again, ai Zi shucks his dress, let his genuflect be on snow ground, aspic with a rustle must quiver.


15. and what with that ringing, and with the rustle of silk and brocade and fine linen, there was a flutter in the air that fanned Saint Antoine and his devouring hunger far away.


16. He started at the mere rustle of leaves in the wind.


17. start at the mere rustle of leaves in the wind


18. Don't fly into a panic at the mere rustle of leaves in the wind.


19. The world left its footprints in the universe, the rustle of leaves are your kind whispers.


20. Maybe I'll rustle up a bit of sea bass wrapped in foil with mushrooms, courgettes, peppers and seasoning.


21. There was a rustle of paper as people turned the pages.


22. Wind felt on face; leaves rustle; ordinary vanes moved by wind.


23. The Merpeople's songs and the patter of rain come to me through the dark, like the rustle of dreams from my past youth.


24. I sit at my window this morning where the world like a passer-by stops for a moment, nods to me and goes.There little thoughts are the rustle of leaves;


25. He startled at the mere rustle of leaves in the wind.


26. More than once he could distinguish their footsteps, as they brushed the sassafras, causing the faded leaves to rustle, and the branches to snap


27. They began to rustle harder.


28. There was a rustle behind them, proceeding from a hedge wherein last year's leaves still clung thick, and a stripy head, with high shoulders behind it, peered forth on them.


29. He listened to the rustle of her skirts.


30. He heard a rustle of leaves in the breeze.


31. He sits down and settles in to listen to the rustle of paper and the scratch of pens and their breathing, and they don't talk during the long hours of the night.


32. He was about to put his idea into action, when he was startled by a rustle in the clump of cypresses behind them. He started nervously, arid his boldness suddenly evaporated.


33. Suddenly he heard a rustle in the peony pavilion and someone sighing deeply.


34. He wants "to show what is in between, which is not seen and which resembles the music of the words and the rustle of the street".


35. He felt as if he must shout and sing, he seemed to hear about him the rustle of unceasing and inmumberable wings.


36. He feels to there is the power of terrific obviously in abdomen, also do not solve a long time unluckily however give pass water, aspic with a rustle must quiver, be forced retractile by the nest.


37. Seizing the manuscript, he flipped through its pages furiously, making them rustle.


38. He sat at the head of the table, a gray old man with absent, faded eyes fastened on the door and head cocked slightly to hear the rustle of Ellen's petticoats, to smell the lemon verbena sachet.


39. His ears were still hissing with the rustle of the leaves.


40. The garden then had been full of the rustle of brocade and silk, of lords and ladies laughing, with hawks on their fists and a merry song on their lips.


41. Anyone who has watched the start of the John Bear grease Sled Dog Marathon has witnessed the drive of a husky, a four-legged Ferrari that snaps into warp speed at the rustle of a harness.


42. There was a rustle of sound.


43. No place to hear the unfurling of leaves in spring or the rustle of the insect's wings.The clatter only seems to insult the ears.


44. Your smile was the flowers of your own fields, your talk was the rustle of your own mountain pines, so full speed ahead, Victory remains with yours.


45. Your smile was the flowers of your own fields, your talk was the rustle of your own mountain pines,your heart was the woman that we all know.


46. Your smile was the flowers of your own fields, your talk was the rustle of your own mountain pines, but your heart was the woman that we all know.


47. Your smile was the flowers of your own fields,your talk was the rustle of your own mountain pines,so full speed ahead,Victory remains with yours.


48. Your smile was the flowers of your own fields,your talk was the rustle of your own mountain pines,but your heart was the woman tha we all know.


49. Your talk was the rustle of your own mountain pines.


50. Can you rustle up some men to help us ?


51. Roland Barthes,” The Reality Effect”, The Rustle of Language, Richard Howard trans. United Kingdom: Basil Blackwell. pp147-8.


52. steal; to rustle; to burgle; 2.robbery; rifling


53. I'll see if I can rustle up a few sandwiches.My list of girls, from whom I might have rustled up one for such an occasion, seemed to have dispersed.

再如 rustle up除了与 meal, snack, food等词连用外,还可与friend guest等词搭配使用,意义相同,表示"为应付临时或特殊需要而准备或凑合",如:Make yourself comfortable.

54. Classrooms in the winter less fans of the rustle of the extremely quiet.


55. Make yourself comfortable,I'll see if I can rustle up a few sandwiches.


56. As the wind blows we can hear the leaves rustle in the trees.


57. A rustle of leaves and branches was heard overhead, and a skinny little figure leaped agilely and landed in front of Ma Lida.


58. The exquisitely furnished room was silent except for the rustle of the parrot in its cage as it preened its feathers


59. Wilson had changed her costume some time before, and was now attired in an elaborate afternoon dress of cream-colored chiffon, which gave out a continual rustle as she swept about the room.


60. At length, save for an occasional rustle, the shelter was silent.


61. No place to hear the unfurling of leaves in spring, or the rustle of an insect's wings.


62. Listen to the rustle of the nearby stream or river.


63. Where they rustle up hoarse and sibilant,


64. When the wind blows, the sound of this simple bamboo windbell is like the rustle of bamboo.


65. In the store they found the shine and rustle of new things.


66. I hear some rustle of things behind my sadness of heart.------I cannot see them.


67. I hear some rustle of things behind my sadness of heart. I cannot see them.


68. I wish people wouldn't rustle their programmes during the solos.


69. In rated voltage the circumstance of 85% falls, block the slowest not only should start smoothly, and should not have " buzz " sound or " rustle " sound;


70. The day was stoking up.Some of the public were fanning themselves with newspapers, and there was a constant rustle of crumpled paper.


71. The morning hour is late, the bird sings in weary notes, neem leaves rustle overhead and I sit and think and think.


72. With the disappearance of the sun, a bitter chill had fallen on the twilight world and a cold wind blew through the dark woods, making the bare boughs crack and the dead leaves rustle.


73. SHE got used to the rustle and hustle before long.


74. Then she heard his voice, that voice which she had really never heard, barely rising above the rustle of the leaves, and murmuring:--


75. She heard a rustle in the bushes.


76. She smiled at Helen. " If I ask them nicely, I'll bet the kitchen can rustle up a dish of rice pudding for her, too."


77. She smiled at Helen. " If I ask them nicely,I'll bet the kitchen can rustle up a dish of rice pudding for her,too."


78. She was a netle in which the rustle of the cassock was visible


79. The rustle of her pretty skirt was like music to him.


80. Rustle Her silk dress rustled as she moved.

