

1. Sassies treat their girlfriends, boyfriends, mums and, when they don't qualify for that initial S any more, their husbands and children


2. Sassies aren't fussy about where they buy, either: be it on the street or online, it's all just lovely shopping.

Sassy族 对 在 哪 儿 购 物 并 不 挑 剔 : 不 论 在 街 头 还 是 在 网 上 , 都 会 令 她 们 欢 喜 。

3. Sassies aren't fussy about where they buy, either: be it on the street or online, it's all just lovely shopping


4. Sassies aren't fussy about where they buy,either: be it on the street or online,it's all just lovely shopping.


5. Icons for the Sassies are women such as Katherine Garrett Cox, 33, recently named the chief investment officer at Aberdeen Asset Management at & 1 million plus a year.

像 新 近 被 阿 伯 丁 资 产 管 理 公 司 以 年 薪 超 过 100万 英 镑 聘 为 首 席 投 资 官 的 凯 瑟 琳 · 加 勒 特 - 考 克 斯 (33岁 )这 样 的 女 性 就 是 Sassy族 的 偶 像 。

6. Sassi: Yeah, Kame no Yu no longer exists, since it was broken down for the city redevelopment.


7. Sassi: Has big boobs, with glasses, that Munemune?


8. Sassi: What? Then you are the real Abeno Seimei-san?


9. The outstanding Sergeant Sassi, who fought like a fierce god, received an exceptional 5 class promotion to lieutenant.


10. Chi onora uno stolto fa come chi getta una gemma in un mucchio di sassi.


11. Sassi: It's that Kanji that looks similar to "green", right?


12. Oh, its Private 2nd Class Sassi, of 1st squad, under 2nd division, under 3rd regiment, of 4th battalion, under the entire 5th headquarters, of 6th district squad, of 7th squad.


13. The survey also found that nearly half the Sassies would expect their husbands to sign a prenuptial agreement, confirming the fact that retailers have recently noted with joy girls now have the money to buy all the fun they want.


14. Facing this shocking truth, how would an adolescent like Sassi react?


15. Arumi, who has wanted to return to the original world no matter what, and Sassi, who knew about Masa-Jiis death, and did not want to go back.


16. Hey, hey, Kohei-san, have you seen Sassi?

