

1. Tommy Cheung Yu-yan (catering) and Selina Chow Liang Shuk-yee (wholesale and retail) both held a sceptic view.

(明报) 另周梁淑怡认为五年宽限期恰当,因为香港很多食品都是入口货,业界需要时间处理。

2. When I started with Go programming, I was sceptical about the idea that you needed to be an expert player in order to make a strong Go program.


3. We have tried several SEO companies in the past.Therefore we were a first sceptic when we received an offer from you.

But the professionalism of your offer convinced us to check you out,多功能小吃车, and I am glad we did.

4. "But both of us would have to do the course, and I was very sceptical and did not want to do it.


5. "I went into the study as a sceptic," he added."But I was quite surprised with the significance of the findings.


6. "The number of sceptical views I've read about the future of Hong Kong, particularly from those who live outside Hong Kong, astounds me," he says.


7. Glen Cowan of Democracy International, an election-monitoring NGO, is sceptical of such statistical guesswork, but still believes Dr Abdullah has reason to be confident.


8. Some analysts remain sceptical of a “World Cup effect”, arguing that it merely brings forward spending.


9. Some German policymakers, previously sceptical of EMU, fretted that any repeat of the crisis would be a threat to the single market.


10. A sceptical Eurocrat notes that finance ministries, say, are not loved: competence is enough.


11. One Asia-based industry expert says: "You are having a whole lot of Morgan Stanley people who will be sceptical about what Blair [Pickerell] will do.


12. A strand of sceptical thought, behavioural economics, has been booming.


13. Whether or not it's just plain resistance to change that many people are sceptical about the NC, we think that thin clients won't make PCs obsolete any more than PCs made mainframes obsolete.


14. But while internal management has improved dramatically, many analysts are sceptical that the initiatives can outweigh GM's mountainous pension obligations.


15. George Bush is sceptical too, although he signed an RES while governor of Texas: he wants the issue left to the states.


16. Flying in an executive jet used to be the preserve of millionaires with their own aircraft, tycoons who ran their own businesses or company bosses prepared to justify the use of corporate aircraft to sceptical shareholders.


17. Perhaps that is why some people remain sceptical about the presence of any divine providence ruling over us.


18. Deftly weaving meditation with hard-edged analysis, Mr Taleb succeeds in bringing sceptical empiricism to the masses.


19. I am rather sceptical about their professed sympathy for the poor.

他们声称同情穷人, 我对此相当怀疑。

20. I'm rather sceptical about their professed sympathy for the poor.


21. He listened to me with a sceptical expression.


22. He was sceptical of the reality of sympatric speciation believing that geographical isolation was a prerequisite for building up intrinsic (reproductive) isolating mechanisms.


23. Dr Myron Genel, professor emeritus of paediatrics at Yale, is sceptical about the prospect for improved funding in the near future.


24. Boyle was sceptical of the existence of those substances called element.


25. He felt himself too cultured and sceptical.


26. He says he will consider the general's request for troops with a “sceptical” mindset even though it should have come as no surprise.


27. "I went into the study as a sceptic," he added.


28. He was like a sceptical voyager strolling on the beach while he waited for the tide.


29. His month-long campaign involved going door to door, explaining his vision of the town's future in the kitchens of his initially sceptical neighbours.


30. Oil traders have been largely sceptical about the cartel carrying out the three output cuts totalling 4.2m barrels a day it announced since September.


31. But many others are sceptical.


32. The accuracy of Daniel's prophecies has been a source of amazement to the genuine seeker of truth, and a great difficulty to the sceptic and atheist.


33. But to the extent they do see market concerns about government deficits, they appear sceptical that there is a monetary solution to this.


34. They believed that Robert Boyle formulated the modern definition of element in The Sceptical Chemist thus Boyle established chemistry as science.


35. But during the game, sceptical disbelief in the "hand of God" goal soon turned to awe as Maradona went on to score again.


36. But sceptical officials rebelled, so the central government quietly shelved the scheme.


37. But Dr Mahathir's complaint about it does not centre on its cataloguing of his authoritarian streak.Rather he resents the sceptical take on his economic legacy.


38. But what about the country's biggest global warming sceptic?


39. But Mr Kolakowski's distaste for communism did not make him an evangelist for free-market liberalism: he was too inquisitive, sceptical and irreverent to support any particular doctrine strongly.


40. Much less if the complaint so forth passes to there the boss, will let him be sceptical zealously to your work, will thus bring to your future disadvantageous result.


41. The author is careful to portray Mr.Finch as being gullible and unworldly, stressing that a "more sceptical" person would not be taken in by this document.


42. Crowdy Si “goes crazy” to Hamlet is sceptical, ordered many times the royal courtier pries the actual situation.


43. The public remain sceptical of this claims .


44. The public remain sceptical of these claims.


45. Title: What Does Sceptical Chymists Doubt?


46. Those others-Hawthorne, Melville, Henry James-are sceptical of their compatriots' confidence in moral progress.


47. Those in the administration who want Hizbullah smashed for good are sceptical about an international force.


48. Local guides who were born in the mountain's shadow are sceptical of assurances that Nicolosi, with a population of 6,000, is safe.


49. Local guides who were born in the mountain's shadow are sceptical of assurances that Nicolosi,with a population of 6,000,is safe.


50. And many military types, from General John Abizaid down, are sceptical about whether more troops would really solve the problem.


51. Doctors and patients alike have grown increasingly sceptical.


52. Even fully paid-up members of the Enlightenment, people who would not for a moment deny humanity's simian ancestry, are often sceptical.


53. Even the sceptical Czechs seem less doubtful about the merits of membership of the currency club.


54. Girish Chandra Ghosh was a born rebel against God, a sceptic, a Bohemian, a drunkard.


55. This bolsters the donors' own balance sheets and also strengthens their case whenever they must convince sceptical finance ministries and taxpayers that their largesse does yield results.


56. Yamada is similarly sceptical about the Japanese education system, as demonstrated in the "School" series.


57. Similarly, the stock market is quickly sceptical of companies planning acquisitive growth strategies, and the value of the acquirer's shares normally drops precipitously.


58. Philosophy has often been sceptical towards mere conversation while exalting the virtues of serious debate.


59. For the latter are opposed to the growth of the progressive forces, while the middle section is sceptical.


60. The SRB claimed earlier this month that it had 1.3m tonnes of copper. But copper traders remain sceptical it holds that amount.


61. But her visit to the troubled region, where America most needs to revamp its image, will likely be more subdued. Her audience may be less exuberant, and more sceptical.


62. In most primaries the party quickly coalesces around a winner.This year white working-class voters seemed to grow more sceptical of the junior senator for Illinois as the race progressed.


63. In her new book, Committed: A Sceptic Makes Peace with Marriage, she writes: "We marry most often because we are in love and we think it will make us happy.


64. MARK COLVIN: What do you think is the reality of the Chinese growth figures? Because they put out GDP figures and a lot of economists are sceptical about them.


65. Among the large economies, the UK was most sceptical as the proposals won the approval of only 62% of tax professionals here with 32% being against them.


66. Among all these glowing hearts and thoroughly convinced minds, there was one sceptic.


67. On this point, the OECD is sceptical.


68. WHEN Massachusetts forged ahead with a plan for universal health coverage for all its citizens, many were sceptical.


69. The determined sceptic can never be silenced.


70. Outsiders are awed by the Balts' determination, though sceptical that the sacrifice will pay off.


71. Mr Obama faces three sceptical constituencies: Republicans, fiscal conservatives in his own party, and the markets.


72. Miss Ophelia is gay, easy, unpunctual, unpractical, sceptical.


73. She looked highly sceptical.


74. Still a little sceptical, she shook her head.


75. She is a sceptic and deeper thinker and likes to judge by intuition.


76. She speaks with an almost childlike directness that wins over the most sceptical audience.


77. Where he cannot disprove something, his instincts are sceptical.


78. If Miss Marple's mind is hygienic, it is also shrewd, logical and sceptical.


79. A small smile came over Winifred's face, subtle and sceptical .


80. Confucius did not accept the religious ideas of his times, and was sceptical of the supernatural.

