

1. The sight of the bloody jaws of the beast was enough to send the screaming girl scuttling, leaving her veil behind


2. And she lay, with her eyes just moving, following in her mind that little scuttling sound, and waiting for sleep to release her from it.


3. Spending a quarter of a century building something and then scuttling it looks bad, even if the useful science that has been done on board could be written up on the back of a postage stamp.


4. He has repeatedly insisted that he has no intention of scuttling any more of GM's eight surviving car brands.


5. He shows that our atmosphere is a fluid, just as surely as the ocean is - in effect we are like lobsters scuttling about at the bottom of an ocean of air.


6. Often he would feel some small, leggy thing scuttling away across his fingers as he broke through its netting, and would have to stop for a moment, head down, until the shivers of disgust subsided.


7. 's nervousness, for all they seemed to be doing was scuttling and leaping all over the pace and chattering hysterically.


8. Scuttling across the floors of silent seas.


9. small animals scuttling about


10. Where you would not dare to follow. scuttling over each other.


11. What will not help is scuttling from Iraq before exhausting every possible effort to put the country back together.


12. First of all, scuttling Yu Lung (this yuncheng Hejin), flood discharge.


13. since he is only seen scuttling between his room and the library.


14. like the autumn wind scuttling fallen leaves


15. How to determine what counts as a legitimate national-security concern that justifies scuttling a business deal is a difficult question in any country, and China doesn't have a clear track record.


16. " It probably fed on insects, scuttling up tree trunks and foraging on the way, before gliding onto neighboring trees.


17. When we find insect hole, you use a chisel-like mouth to bark scuttling, and then stretched out a worm-like tongues.


18. 1.German radar was scuttling RAF missions until a team of Britain’s paratroops were sent to a key installation to seize specific apparatus and destroy the station.


19. It was curious how that beetle-like type proliferated in the Ministries: little dumpy men, growing stout very early in life, with short legs, swift scuttling movements, and fat inscrutable faces with very small eyes.

怪得很,各部里满是些甲虫一样的小人儿。 他们短粗矮小,早早变得胖墩墩,拖着两条小短腿儿,快手快脚,跑东跑西,肉嘟嘟的肥脸木然一团,还有双小而又小的眼睛。

20. I could hear an animal scuttling about in the undergrowth.


21. I'm sure that was a mouse I saw scuttling across the mat.


22. In my mind’s eye I could see my mother taking a final look around, maybe even giving my rock a suspicious look, before scuttling off to join my dad, wherever he was going.


23. Two or three boats passed on the river, scuttling, as it were, for shelter before the storm.


24. Two congressmen sponsored legislation in last December aimed at preventing the deal from being implemented for at least a year, potentially scuttling the plans yet again.


25. The indigenous Bubi people, however, who had arrived from mainland Africa, refused to cooperate with the white-skinned arrivistes, scuttling every attempt at European settlement until 1827.


26. the man shouted, before scuttling down the hall."You guys should get up off your Powerbooks and cover that.


27. Creeping, scuttling, Simon made his slow way around the rim of the smelting-cave until he reached the nearest ramp leading out of the chamber.


28. "Whereas everybody else has been scuttling around trying to work out these provisions for bad debt, HSBC has done that but despite it, managed to do very well.


29. Some like Britain's Tony Blair cannot bear to miss the action even if it means scuttling official agendas.


30. The melody of the song was the gray-green waters and the little scuttling animals and the clouds of fish that flitted by and were gone.


31. Rather like Emily Bront**, with whom she identified, Dickinson shrank from contact with the world, scuttling off in her signature white dress as soon as a visitor appeared at the door.


32. Builders responded to these surging costs by scuttling or postponing projects.


33. ocean moan. scuttling dry leaves. gypsy lullabies.

音乐之声 wind sighing through trees.

34. "Eyes perched high on stalks allow ghost crabs to watch for predators even while scuttling through sea foam.

