

1. "Reputation utmost sincerity, cooperation with the result that far" has already seep through the fame blaze of blood, norm wear the fame blaze of behavior.


2. The competition has been one of the most seeping,influential and authoritative brand beauty pageants in the world.


3. "The plumes were emitted during the warmer seasons, spring and summer, perhaps because ice blocking cracks and fissures vaporized, allowing methane to seep into the Martian air.


4. Enthusiasts still clamor for the film cam, whose poor construction yields mysterious optical aberrations and sometimes doesn't even bother to keep images from seeping across the film's sprocket holes.


5. Some even continued celebrating, in defiance of the smoke seeping into the rooms.


6. Fifteen minutes later, I felt a warm, wet and initially pleasant sensation seeping through my shoe and sock.


7. A nail gun accident sent one into this 17year old turns out the nail acted like a plug leaving no room for blood to seep out.


8. Once text is digital, books seep out of their bindings and weave themselves together.


9. Once the sleep-mask-like device recognizes the wearer is experiencing REM sleep characteristic of dreaming, it emits a flashing red light that is designed to seep into the person's dream.


10. Rainy of time, this kind of walnut 醌 is hurtled down by the rain water, seep into soil.


11. Special designed of control switch and strip type gun with increase seal device, it could guarantee not seep or leak adhesive, strict control result in waster on account of leak adhesive.


12. In north east of china ,railway was mainly controlled by Japan and Russia. They made their force of politics,economy,military gradually seep into northeast through railway.

中国东北铁路主要控制在日俄的手中 ,它们借助铁路将其政治、经济、军事势力逐渐渗入到东北。

13. Maybe you dont. anyway, you kinda you kinda like it being like this, fighting the cold and feeling the water seep through your shirt and getting through to your skin.


14. There is also evidence that water may still seep to the surface from underground, although it quickly disappears in the cold, thin atmosphere of the red planet.


15. A nail gun accident sent one into this 17-year-old turns out the nail acted like a plug leaving no room for blood to seep out.


16. This product has simple structure, beautiful outline, can be opened portably and swiftly.No water seep in when testing [ressure is 0.2MPa.

产品规格: 本产品结构简单,外形美观,开启轻便,开启速度快,试验压力达0.2MPA,无渗水现象。

17. Introduce the principle of applying negative pressure sealing &injecting pump unit, as well as the structure to prevent filter from seeping.


18. This paper deals with the experiment on the seeping boron of a low-priced adding boron (LBI).


19. They used waterproof cement to prevent water from seeping through the roof of the runnel.


20. They used waterproof cement to prevent water from seeping through the roof of the tunnel.


21. They talk of the “acids of modernity” seeping “into American intellectual life throughout much of the late 19th century,” diminishing the role of religion on college campuses.


22. His legs were too weak to hold him, and his head was filled with fog;he had to battle constantly the temptation to abandon himself to the cottony indifference that was seeping into his soul.


23. His power is seeping away.


24. Before we are shower in the home, to here, landlord to avoid the wall seep, therefore requests me only in the bathtub the soaking-bath, this lets me not be familiar with very much.


25. While the media were all abuzz over the partnership, Wang appeared a little annoyed when queried, apparently not expecting the news to seep out so soon.


26. The iconic reef is being damaged by pesticides and sediment from farms that seep into waterways.


27. I recommend that you read it every night for a month until the ideas seep into your soul.


28. Swiftly comes the deprecating simile: "like foam seeping from a fire extinguisher".


29. You dump, I irrigate; when the farmer opens the irrigation channel, the water that flows from homes and factories will seep right into the crop fields.


30. And your new way of thinking will start to seep into your mind and replace the old one.


31. Would you mind speaking slowly? It is impossible for your ideas to seep through.


32. The water from the catastrophic floods, for example, may have lasted only a few days or weeks on the surface before freezing, seeping back into the ground or evaporating.


33. Informationization time today, is following the rhythm of life change and the information vision development, the numerical code design is seeping life each quoin.


34. Dui fails in seeping is because of the besiegement of dampness and heat. Grease makes spleen heat and sweet causes abdominal fullness, so the Qi of obese people overflows.


35. One will be dismantled and rebuilt in the new town; the other, victim of an interminable property dispute, awaited its slowly seeping doom.


36. After walking a little further there were rays of wavering light seeping through the crevices.


37. The most common minerals in seep carbonates are microcrystalline calcite, microcrystalline aragonite and dolomite, and pyrite as well.


38. The century is togs a p For centuries Turks have passed the time seeping that sipping their tea in and coffee with a cigarette.


39. Admittedly, serving wine from a carton lacks the aesthetic appeal of a bottle, and cartons have also been criticised for allowing flavour-destroying oxygen to seep in during storage.


40. The strength should seep into skin gradually in proper order of vital Point, no contrary.


41. Effect: Having the stronger anti- oxidizes and anti- decrepitude function, quick seep into the deep skin layer, add the nourishment composition.


42. Efficacy: it is aimed at the dry skin, it can seep into deep layer of skin. supplies it abundant moisture. Avoiding the skin become ageing.


43. South the pine lumber unique molecular structure, can cause the antiseptic to seep evenly to the lumber in, prevented effectively the fungus, the termite and the microorganism swallows the lumber.


44. Instead, it conjures up a deadly poison that seems to seep out of the flowers.


45. With the influence of waste leachate seeping, the concentration of organic substances in landfill soil was higher than that in unpolluted soil.


46. As a song, movie, novel or poem is searched, the potential connections it radiates seep into society in a much deeper way than the simple publication of a duplicated copy ever could.


47. It may be that some of the Republican critiques of the Obama stimulus and budget plans are seeping through.


48. The fit anti-virus mechanism can only seep into the fibrous inside,and make its have anti-virus functi...


49. In the German town of Kaiserslautern, police broke into a darkened flat expecting to find a corpse after neighbors complained of a nasty smell seeping out into the hallway.


50. The motion of underground water in hydrocarbon bearing strata of Turpan Hami Basin could be divided into sedimentary seeping water stage and seeping water stage.


51. Flurotelomers seep from the paper bag into the popcorn. Recent studies indicate that flurotelomers are "likely to cause cancer in humans.


52. Ah, my love,"she said, affection seeping into her voice."A fire god should fear no device.


53. During the cooling process, the marinade will seep through the eggshells, adding more flavour to the eggs.


54. Therefore, the middle school thesis teaching must seep the brand-new teaching idea, acknowledge and respect students individual difference, promotes each student"s individuality perfect development.


55. Therefore, not only should the sand fixing cementing agent reach due strength, but also it has to be highly effective in enabling water to seep and be absorbed.


56. Enough air-found mixture can seep around the throttle value and through the idle system to maintain the dieseling.


57. It lines your carryout box so grease won’t seep onto your car’s upholstery.


58. The seeping methane results in a special geological chemical micro-environment in marine gas hydrate geologic system.


59. Like Stepin Fetchit comedy and Gangsta Rap music, the message will seep into the culture, fueling the belief that disadvantaged blacks, by and large, are only fulfilling their destiny.


60. Fundamentals seep into price series.


61. But in the end there is a limit to how much the PBC can curb bank lending or prevent some of the reserves from seeping into the domestic economy.


62. No sooner had she set foot in the house than she felt her mother's influence seeping into her.


63. "Oil and gases are constantly seeping out of the seafloor and bubbling through the water column, releasing methane into the atmosphere," she explained.


64. If we were to stop global warming with a sunshade, CO2 would continue to seep into the ocean, slowly acidifying it, and in time the ecological consequences would likely be dire.


65. If it is present, it could seep into the crust and escape through the ocean floor.


66. If secrets start seeping out, countries that have been sharing information may be disinclined to do so.


67. If meteoric water does not evaporate or run overland, it may seep directly into the ground.


68. And so in this new situation you will still not find what you hoped for since your mind is still seeping with that negative stuff.


69. The sub-discipline has continued to flourish in the decade since, seeping so far into the mainstream that its disciples no longer constitute a self-contained school.


70. The family installed the windfall loss seriously regarding many people, has had the roof seep, soaked the bad furniture, floor's experience.


71. The extensive irrigation canals could be greatly improved;many are simply cuts through sand, and they allow enormous quantities of water to seep away.


72. The activation of terres rares in aluminum impregnation changing with temperature,and the effect on seeping depth are discussed.


73. A nail gun accident sent one into this seventeen-year-old turns out the nail acted like a plug, leaving no room for bloods to seep out.


74. Butter an 8-9-inch bowl and place slices of biscuit roll from around the sides, fitting them tightly together so that there are no spaces for the filling to seep through.


75. As world economy goes global,some Western countries seek to control the developing countries by seeping new liberalism.


76. Even though they're the same as word-smiths, the way they use them is different, and you can somehow feel their experiences seeping in between the lines.


77. While food has substitutes in the form of natural medicines or artificial foods, there are no substitutes for seep and rest.


78. The roof needs mending again, the rain has been seeping in recently.


79. Development of the shantytown is releasing thousands of gallons a day of liquids, including sewage, into the streets, where it can seep into the burials below, damaging mummies that have been well-preserved for nearly 500 years.


80. Intense flashes of light would seep out through the serrated indentations of the blade as it cut through undeath without mercy.

